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Orkhan Jafarov
Orkhan Jafarov

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🦸‍♂️ 11 JavaScript Tips and Tricks to Code Like A Superhero (Vol.2)

Hi JS-heroes! Finally done with this new article! Let's go ahead ✨

1. Generate a list with random numbers

We need A LOT of fake data, for different reasons. So here's a way to do that gently.

Array.from({ length: 1000 }, Math.random)
// [ 0.6163093133259432, 0.8877401276499153, 0.4094354756035987, ...] - 1000 items
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2. Generate a list with numbers

Yep, just one more trick to generate a list with numbers.

Array.from({ length: 1000 }, (v, i) => i)
// [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6....999]
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1-2 edited. Thanks to Andrew Courtice

3. Convert RGB → HEX

Convert your RGB to HEX without any libs!

const rgb2hex = ([r, g, b]) =>
  '#' + ((1 << 24) + (r << 16) + (g << 8) + b).toString(16).substr(1);

rgb2hex([76, 11, 181]);
// #4c0bb5
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4. Convert HEX → RGB

What's about convert it back?! Here's a nice way to implement that.

const hex2rgb = hex =>
  [1, 3, 5].map((h) => parseInt(hex.substring(h, h + 2), 16));

// [76, 11, 181]
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5. Odd or Even

Another yet odd/even checking.

const value = 232;  

if (value & 1) console.log("odd");
else console.log("even");
// even
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6. Check valid URL

I guess most of you use this way to validate URL, but anyway. Let's share it

const isValidURL = (url) => {
  try {
    new URL(url);
    return true;
  } catch (error) {
    return false;

// true

// false
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7. N something ago

Sometimes you need something to print a date to 6 minute(s) ago, but don't want to import monster-size libs. Here's a small snippet that does it, easily modify it as you wish and go ahead.

const fromAgo = (date) => {
  const ms = - date.getTime();
  const seconds = Math.round(ms / 1000);
  const minutes = Math.round(ms / 60000);
  const hours = Math.round(ms / 3600000);
  const days = Math.round(ms / 86400000);
  const months = Math.round(ms / 2592000000);
  const years = Math.round(ms / 31104000000);

  switch (true) {
    case seconds < 60:
      return `${seconds} second(s) ago"`;
    case minutes < 60:
      return `${minutes} minute(s) ago"`;
    case hours < 24:
      return `${hours} hour(s) ago"`;
    case days < 30:
      return `${days} day(s) ago`;
    case months < 12:
      return `${months} month(s) ago`;
      return `${years} year(s) ago`;

const createdAt = new Date(2021, 0, 5);
fromAgo(createdAt); // 14 day(s) ago;
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8. Generate path with params

We work a lot with routes/paths and we always need to manipulate them. When we need to generate a path w/ params to push browser there, generatePath helps us!

const generatePath = (path, obj) =>
    path.replace(/(\:[a-z]+)/g, (v) => obj[v.substr(1)]);

const route = "/app/:page/:id";
generatePath(route, {
  page: "products",
  id: 85,
// /app/products/123
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9. Get params from path

Yes! Now we need to get our params back. Also, you can pass serializer to parse your data gently.

const getPathParams = (path, pathMap, serializer) => {
  path = path.split("/");
  pathMap = pathMap.split("/");
  return pathMap.reduce((acc, crr, i) => {
    if (crr[0] === ":") {
      const param = crr.substr(1);
      acc[param] = serializer && serializer[param]
        ? serializer[param](path[i])
        : path[i];
    return acc;
  }, {});

getPathParams("/app/products/123", "/app/:page/:id");
// { page: 'products', id: '123' }

getPathParams("/items/2/id/8583212", "/items/:category/id/:id", {
  category: v => ['Car', 'Mobile', 'Home'][v],
  id: v => +v
// { category: 'Home', id: 8583212 }
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10. Generate path with query string

Of course, we work with paths and we need to generate path with query too.

const generatePathQuery = (path, obj) =>
  path +
    .reduce((total, [k, v]) => (total += `${k}=${encodeURIComponent(v)}&`), "?")
    .slice(0, -1);

generatePathQuery("/user", { name: "Orkhan", age: 30 }); 
// "/user?name=Orkhan&age=30"
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11. Get params from query string

Now it's a time to get params from query string.

const getQueryParams = url =>
  url.match(/([^?=&]+)(=([^&]*))/g).reduce((total, crr) => {
    const [key, value] = crr.split("=");
    total[key] = value;
    return total;
  }, {});

// { name: 'Orkhan', age: '30' }
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Try to understand how everything works and keep your code nice/clean.

Take your JS-hero's skills and save the world! ✨🦸‍♂️ ✨

Save and contribute tips/tricks on github code-like

Top comments (21)

crimsonmed profile image
Médéric Burlet

One that I love is this:

const someVar = null
const myValue = someVar || "default text"
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The or operator works the same as an elvis operator.

This is useful if you want to display a default value when you can't get data from an api or if some data is null for a key.

This can be chained with objects

const someVar = {foo: {bar: null}}
const myValue = someVar?.foo?.bar || "default text"
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lesleyvdp profile image
Lesley van der Pol • Edited

Love this one too, it's also useful to prevent errors when destructuring something that could be undefined:

const { foo, bar } = couldBeUndefined || {};
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This can prevent errors such as "Cannot read foo of undefined".

lampe profile image

With ES2021 we have ||= :)
Which makes the syntax even cooler

I made a video about new features here:

crimsonmed profile image
Médéric Burlet

True but not fully supported yet

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lampe profile image

With the right babelJS version it is ;)

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crimsonmed profile image
Médéric Burlet

And then you're bringing big pieces of extra code for not much 😉 good way to slow websites.

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grzesiekgs profile image
Grzesiek Dunin-Ślęczek

I would say that developer convenience is more than a lot. Also, few bytes of code for polyfill, definitely will not slow down the website.

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crimsonmed profile image
Médéric Burlet

I tend to think of client first. UX is more important than writing one word less. for a developer. between users having slow internet speeds, limited networks and not the greatest machines bringing one poly-fill here and there vs zero can make a huge difference. If you are making something just for you or limited public then why not but the difference in code between the statement I used vs using ||= is not that big that it would justify using a poly-fill on my end. If we were talking about a promise polyfill for example that would be a different matter.

But in the end everyone codes differently. So whatever suits your coding style then use it.

andrewcourtice profile image
Andrew Courtice

Great article!

It's worth noting that the first 2 examples can be written ever so slightly shorter using Array.from as the Array.from method supports a mapping function as it's second argument.

Here's the first example using Array.from:

Array.from({ length: 1000 }, Math.random)
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And the second example:

Array.from({ length: 1000 }, (v, i) => i)
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orkhanjafarovr profile image
Orkhan Jafarov

You're right! This way is slightly shorter! I'll replace mine with them
Thank you mate!

ogheneovo12 profile image

Here is what I use

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crimsonmed profile image
Médéric Burlet
renzos profile image

In the case of no. 5: I would always chose readability over bitwise trickery, when not absolutely necessary. So instead of bitwise AND, just use modulo;

const value = 232;  

if (value % 2) console.log("odd");
else console.log("even");
// even
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chadgauth profile image
Chad Gauthier

Hey just a small improvement to N something ago example to show/hide plural.

const fromAgo = (date) => {
  const ms = - date.getTime();
  const seconds = Math.round(ms / 1000);
  const minutes = Math.round(ms / 60000);
  const hours = Math.round(ms / 3600000);
  const days = Math.round(ms / 86400000);
  const months = Math.round(ms / 2592000000);
  const years = Math.round(ms / 31104000000);
  let ago;

  if(seconds < 60)
    ago = `${seconds} second"`;
  else if (minutes < 60)
    ago = `${minutes} minute`;
  else if (hours < 24)
    ago = `${hours} hour`;
  else if (days < 30)
    ago = `${days} day`;
  else if (months < 12)
    ago = `${months} month`;
    ago = `${years} year`;

  const isSingular = ago.indexOf("1 ") === 0;

  ago += isSingular ? " ago" : "s ago";
  return ago;

const createdAt = new Date(2021, 0, 5);
fromAgo(createdAt); // 14 days ago
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fvlasenko profile image
Fedor Vlasenko
const generatePathQuery = (path, obj) =>`${path}?${new URLSearchParams(obj).toString()}`;
const link = generatePathQuery("/user", { name: "Orkhan", age: 30 });
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reflexgravity profile image
Joel D Souza
case days < 30:
      return `${days} day(s) ago`;

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This will not work for months with 31 days.

orkhanjafarovr profile image
Orkhan Jafarov • Edited

It's a just simple version for that formatter. That's why it shows average time.
But it's okay with 31 days. If it's more than 30 days then 1 month;


new Date(2021, 0, 31); // now - 2021-01-30T20:00:00.000Z
const createdAt = new Date(2021, 0, 1); // 2020-12-31T20:00:00.000Z
fromAgo(createdAt); // 1 month(s) ago
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You can also replace with your own date to check with date.getTime()

aligulmaliyev profile image
Ali Gulmaliyev

Thanks for your work.

larsolt profile image

Array.from() is amazing! I always used new Array(10). Thanks :)

mantiq profile image

Great article :D

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