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Python or JavaScript

I have met many newbies trying to choose between which programing language to learn and which is better. Choosing the right programming language for your work is a huge priority before starting to write your first lines of code. "hello world"
There are plenty of languages for you to choose from, and it's easy to learn with plenty of online available resources.

Python and JavaScript most times intrigue and confuses newbies a lot, after watching some youtube videos or reading articles online, they are exposed to different opinions of the content creators they digested. In some ways, these two languages are comparable, but usually, their use cases, syntax, and approaches to programming differ significantly.

Bear in mind that I might disappoint you if yours is to know which is better(lol) but I will try all I can to give you an insight into the uniques features, limitations, and their area of strengths as languages. The best of these two is based on the programmer’s opinion and what you intend to achieve. well, Before we go ahead and start listing the various differences between JavaScript and Python, let’s first go through a general overview of the two programming languages.

Python Overview
Python is a high-level general-purpose programming language developed to emphasize code readability and allow them to work quickly and efficiently.
It is meant to be easy to read and easy to implement. Often cited as one of the easiest programming languages to learn(arguably).
Python (just as you will read of JavaScript later) can also serve as a scripting language but to some languages like Perl and Ruby for creating web applications.
Python Unique and appealing feature is that it allows programmers to use a range of programming styles for developing both Simple and Complex programs.
Being a general-purpose language (i.e could serve as front-end or back-end. Meaning; it is applicable both on the server-side and the client-side) because of its simplicity, flexibility, versatility, and other useful features, Python is growing and becoming one of the most popular programming languages around. Its simplicity and readability are what I have loved most about it.

print("Hello world")

Javascript Overview
JavaScript is a scripting language that can easily run in a browser, it does not require an individual compilation step in website development. Most browsers (if not all) have built-in engines that understand and execute JavaScript commands. all you need to do is write command within your HTML Documents and it will execute.
start...< script >

< /script >..... end

JavaScript is a client-side scripting language for making static websites interactive.

I will like to be as open and beginer-friendly as possible in addressing a few points below.

Easy to learn:
Without being biased and speaking as someone who is familiar with both languages; python because of its readability and simplicity feature, I will agree that it is easier to learn than JavaScript.
Though this depends on who is learning as both depend on the mindset of the newbies. JS basics can be learned in months as well as python but the readability makes it easier to learn python.
Python has fewer lines, fewer structural rules, many frameworks that contain pre-written codes that speeds-up coding time.

Python was invented in 1991, while Javascript was invented in 1995 and both have been relevant in the website development and programming world as a whole.

Front-End and Back-End:
Initially, JavaScript was mainly concerned with making website User-friendly and dynamic while python was considered the back end. (old belief)
The introduction of Node.js Environment provides an option for JavaScript to serve as a backend as it can now run codes outside browsers (of course not as python will).
Python though comes with different modules, but it is simply a general-purpose language that is applicable both on the server-side and the client-side(Front/Back-End). Though I will agree that python is more noticeable in backend development.
Because of the need to transpile Python to JavaScript as browsers do not execute python directly (as of when this article is published), it will be logical not to replace python with any traditional Front-End language. This is advised to save time in the execution process of the code.

Web Development:
Because of the introduction of Node.js extension to JavaScript, scalability (which refers to the ability of languages to handle huge numbers of users and manage large amounts of data by using minimum server utilization) is an edge over python.
Node.js, because of its scalability and support asynchronous programming is suitable for the development of programs that depend on the speed of execution. Of course, every client wants a fast and responsive website.
Python been a server-side lord, has a very stable environment with frameworks like cherryPY, Django, flask. This stability allows the frameworks to become more efficient in web development.

Python arguably is the fastest-growing programming language, with its developers making approximately $116,000 (median salary) while JavaScript programmers make approximately $110,000 per year.

In Conclusion:
It would have been great writing and comparing topics like their; Numeric type, Object access, Inheritance, Mutability, procedure programming, REPL, and generally, their features but I assume this article is for beginners, those planning to learn programming and finding it difficult to choose which language is easier to learn or related to what to do.
Though both are object-oriented programming languages even though their scopes are different, choosing between python and JavaScript should be based on what you plan to do with your programming skill, For instance, if web development is your drive, the better choice is to consider the inseparable trio of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, while People interested in data science and machine learning should consider learning Python. At Best, Be a professional in one but also, be familiar with the other.

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