
Cover image for Hello World!
Pachi 🥑
Pachi 🥑

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Hello World!

That probably should have been the title of my first post right?
Oh uau, é a vida...

I am here, coding my first paid website, just finished the Mobile (Yes, mobile-first always) and tomorrow I shall finish the desktop.
It is soo motivating to get things done and see my code out there.
I am not making a lot of money (I basically begged my friend to let me maker her a webpage lol) and I am not creating anything fancy... Just some nice clean HTML & CSS in a nice fluid and simple page that showcases my client services (Does anyone needs Newborn Care help in NYC?) and yet, here I am, proud of this small but accomplishing milestone.

So I guess that is what coding is about hm? I have been learning to code for almost a year now, and just recently I started really programming JavaScript. And sometimes I feel like I have nothing to show for a year of code. But yesterday when I was trying to write down all the online courses I did and I am doing I was shocked lol I did A LOT os studying.
Then I opened my github ( and again, there are a bunch of little projects. Too little or too much? I don't know! But sure it is the display and proof of all my work.

To my codenewbie friends: Keep going! We sure will go places as long as we keep going!


Top comments (6)

fcrozetta profile image
Fernando Crozetta

That is really cool!
Personally I like to think that we are all newbies in some way.
We are always learning something new, different, or updating what we know.
So your message in the end apply to all of us. Thanks!

PS: Achei genial a frase "Developer in development".

pachicodes profile image
Pachi 🥑

Obrigada -
I think we are right, we are all newbies should go viral lol

johanneslichtenberger profile image
Johannes Lichtenberger

Would love to learn some frontend-stuff myself :-) especially for creating a web front-end for my Open Source system and to port interactive visualizations to compare revisions :)

pachicodes profile image
Pachi 🥑

Front-end is super cool :)
Hey, I am not a pro, but if you need any help creating the interface of your system, let me know ;)

johanneslichtenberger profile image
Johannes Lichtenberger

Hmm wow, thanks so much :-)... the coolest thing would be to port visualizations I once made with Processing to the Web, maybe using processing.js

Okay, maybe that's crazy ;-)

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Good luck on your coding journey!