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Bootcamp challenges and how I have adapted in the last few weeks

There is a saying that says "The brain needs to be regularly challenged in order to attain its uttermost performance" and it was Michelle Obama who said, " Believe in yourself, take on your challenges, dig deep within yourself to conquer fears". I believe that we should never see challenges as disadvantages rather, they should be an advantage to grow and get experience in facing and overcoming difficulties.
It has been almost two weeks into the Bootcamp and we had many challenges to overcome, so as to reach here. It is my first time at Bootcamp and this only was challenging, as I did not know what we had to do at the Bootcamp and what was required to be well feet for the Bootcamp. Then I had to adapt to the new environment of hard workers who can't let even a second pass for nothing.
The biggest challenge was that I started learning javascript when I applied to Andela. After receiving an email invitation to the Bootcamp, I had really to work harder as I was new to most of the tools, we had to use in the ADC(Andela Developer Challenge) and this was my first web application. Even though it was a little scaring but it also encouraged me to work harder so that I will be able to go with others and to finish everything I had to do.

Another challenge I met at the Bootcamp was stress management. As almost everything is new to me, I first have to find time to get some basic knowledge on it and after I integrate that thing into the ADC. This requires to take more time so as to accomplish everything. It was via the help of the LFAs(Learning Facilitator) and my team members who helped to boost my skills and manage this hard challenge.
The challenges I met through the Bootcamp booted my skills being technical and none technical skills, I learned a lot from them and what is amazing is that I have so far been able to adapt myself through those challenges even though it is not easy.

The biggest lesson from the challenges is that no matter what kind of difficult situations I pass through, I have to find the inner strength to get through everything. Now I am thankful to what I have been able to learn and accomplish with my ADC and I am looking forward to learn and get more.

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