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My reflections on Andela's EPIC values

Andela is a network of software developers that is empowering and developing talented African software developers.

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Usually, the word epic describes something too long like a heroic long poem, a long movie or a long book, but at Andela is a little different. The word EPIC stands for values that an Andelan must-have. They are the values that can help anyone to progress in developing his/her carrier.

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.E in EPIC stands for Excellence
Excellence is the quality of being outstanding and brighter. In epic for me being excellent is doing anything to its maximum. An excellent person helps others so that they can be excellent as well, and he/she is a good learn who is always seeking to improve and know something new.

.P in EPIC stands for Passion
Passion is a strong filling/liking for a subject or an activity. For me nothing does is good as doing something of your passion, that thing you like the most, the thing that you believe can change your life as well as the society. Hard work is a key to someone's own development, so without passion, things will become like a burden and this will be a failure.

.I in EPIC stands for Integrity
Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. Being honest is an important moral value that helps in the development of every person. Being honest will help me to know at what level I really am, and it will help me to construct a good and helping collaboration with my peers.

.C in EPIC stands for Collaboration
Collaboration is the act of working together with one or more people to achieve a common goal. Collaborating helps me to get knowledge from my peers and share what I know with others. This helps me also to understand better the concept of what I don't know well. Also, collaboration helps in creating a good relationship among peers.

By having EPIC values nothing seems impossible.

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