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Chris Lojniewski for Pagepro

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React Native Pros and Cons

Pros and Cons of React Native in Mobile App Development

Mobile app development is a popular business venture. Only this year alone mobile apps are expected to generate more than $935 billion.

Revenue of mobile apps worldwide 2019-2027, by segment

Developing a mobile app used to be a lengthy and expensive process, but technologies like React Native have made it faster and more cost-effective. While React Native app development offers many advantages, such as cross-platform development and reduced costs, it also has some limitations and may not be the right fit for every project.

In this article, we’ll explore React Native pros and cons to help you decide whether it’s the best option for your tech stack.

What is React Native?

React Native is an open-source framework created in JavaScript by Facebook (now Meta). It enables the development of mobile apps for both Android and iOS operating systems at the same time and with only one codebase. It’s a great way to save development costs, without sacrificing a native-like performance.

Pros and Cons of React Native

Pros of React Native Development

The advantages of React Native framework can be divided into two groups: for business, and for development.

Advantages of React Native for Business

Cost Efficiency and Resource Optimization

Budget is a major consideration in project planning. React Native’s ability to create cross-platform applications using a single codebase significantly reduces development costs by eliminating the need to hire separate teams for iOS and Android app development, streamlining resource allocation. 

Shorter Time-to-Market

React Native’s speed allows you to quickly build and deploy Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for early market testing and feedback. One of our clients Veygo, a car insurance company, requested an MVP to be developed to test their idea for a new app. We delivered it in 6 weeks, letting the client make the best decision for their business.


Great User Experience

Developing a cross-platform app with a unified codebase eliminates the need for separate development teams or extensive platform-specific customization, allowing for consistent, almost native experiences across all devices

Strategic Flexibility and Prototyping

React Native’s flexibility makes it an excellent choice for corporate ventures exploring new ideas or prototyping applications. It supports rapid prototyping and testing, helping gather feedback and validate concepts before committing to full native development.

Easy Access to Experts 

The React Native developer community is one of the reasons for the framework’s popularity. It encourages knowledge sharing, provides extensive resources, and contributes to the development of new libraries and tools. It also is a great pool to pick talents from if you are considering increasing the size of your team.

Integration with Existing Infrastructure

CTOs working often need to integrate new solutions with existing infrastructure and systems. React Native’s ability to work alongside native code and its compatibility with various third-party libraries and plugins facilitates a smooth integration.

Benefits of React Native for Development

Easy to Work With 

The development process with React Native is user-friendly, with extensive tools and community support that make it easier to resolve common issues and roadblocks.

Works Everywhere 

Developers can write code once and deploy it across multiple platforms, since React Native is built on the React framework, and uses a declarative syntax to describe user interfaces.

Quick Iteration Cycles 

Quick build and testing of applications on different platforms with React Native is easy and allows for faster feedback cycles compared to native programming.

Code Reusability 

React Native enables 90% code reuse across platforms, saving time and reducing the cost of building separate apps.

Pre-Developed Components 

The availability of pre-developed components developed by React Native community, including a vast collection of open-source libraries, provides ready-to-use and easy-to-integrate solutions.

Compatible with Third-Party Plugins 

React Native is highly compatible and doesn’t need high memory to process. No specific web view functions are required and native modules are linked with the plugin through the framework.

Smoother and Faster UI

React Native apps use native APIs to deliver UI elements and interactions that closely resemble native apps, resulting in a familiar user experience.


Adding Expo in a project built with React Native allows quickly building apps for many platforms using multiple ready-to-go libraries in the SDK.

Demo Mode 

Creating demos for stakeholders can be extremely useful.  When using Expo in React Native, you can build a demo without pushing the app to the Testflight or Google Store. The only thing you need is an Expo App on a mobile device.

Over The Air (OTA) Updates 

Publishing quick fixes directly to the users without waiting for the App Store or Google Play to accept changes can be a boon during your mobile app maintenance. We’ve created an article about OTA updates in React Native – have a look.

Disadvantages of React Native

Lower Performance than Native Apps

While React Native delivers great performance for most applications, it doesn’t perform as well as fully native apps when handling intensive tasks like gaming, real-time data processing, or machine learning. This is because it lacks access to native features like direct access to device-specific optimizations, especially when using JavaScript bridge. Still, tools like Hermes engine can boost React Native app’s performance.

Not Efficient for Complex Interfaces or Animations 

The framework can have problems processing complex interfaces or intricate animations, especially in apps that rely on pixel-perfect UI components. In this case, sticking to native may be a good alternative to React Native, as they offer more precise control over rendering through systems. Libraries like React Native Reanimated and Lottie can help with rendering animations.

Complex Updating 

Updating React Native can be challenging, particularly for larger apps with many dependencies.

When it comes to updating issues in React Native, Expo can be a real game changer. It provides a simplified update process and offers over-the-air updates that eliminate the need for users to manually update the app through app stores. Deploying bug fixes and feature updating is much quicker.

  • Kornel Kwiatkowski, React Native Developer at Pagepro

Debugging and Troubleshooting 

Debugging React Native apps can be more difficult than working with fully native code due to the layers of interaction between JavaScript and the native platform. Native crashes don’t always appear in JavaScript logs, making them harder to trace without expertise in tools like Xcode or Android Studio. Programs like Flipper and Sentry aid in debugging in React Native.

Who Uses React Native?

React Native is well-suited for a wide range of use cases, particularly those that require innovation and the development of feature-rich, cross-platform mobile applications. 

Social Media and Networking Apps

These types of apps often require real-time interactions, dynamic content updates, and integration with various APIs and third-party services. React Native’s flexibility and performance enable developers to create engaging, responsive, and interactive social experiences across multiple platforms.

Examples: Facebook, Instagram, and Discord.

Facebook, Instagram, and Discord

On-Demand Services and Marketplaces

Whether it’s ride-hailing, food delivery, or freelance platforms, React Native’s cross-platform capabilities enable businesses to develop and deploy visually consistent apps. Cross-platform development of apps for iOS and Android lets companies reach wider audiences and enter multiple markets at once. 

Examples: Uber Eats and

Uber Eats and

E-commerce and Retail Apps

React Native’s ability to deliver high-performance, visually appealing interfaces, and smooth navigation makes it an ideal choice for building e-commerce and retail apps. Shop owners can incorporate features like product catalogues, user reviews, secure payment gateways, and personalized recommendations to improve their stores.

Examples: Walmart, Flipkart 

Walmart, Flipkart

Travel and Hospitality Apps

Businesses aiming to provide a good mobile experience to their customers using various devices will appreciate React Native’s functions. Integration with location-based services, push notifications, and interactive maps, allow React Native to improve the overall user experience and boost engagement.

Example: Airbnb


IoT and Smart Home Applications

As the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to shape the future, React Native is a valuable tool for developing mobile apps that control and monitor IoT devices and smart homes. Its compatibility with various IoT protocols, and ability to communicate with embedded systems, allows for integration between the mobile app and smart devices. 

Example: Yeti Smart Home

Yeti Smart Home

Why Choose React Native for Cross-Platform App Development

React Native offers a variety of benefits that make it an attractive choice for businesses, especially those focused on innovation. Its code reusability and pre-built components speed up development, cutting time and costs. By enabling cross-platform development with a single codebase, it helps streamline processes and optimize resources. React Native’s quick time-to-market also supports rapid testing, feedback, and iterative improvements, all backed by a strong developer community.

While it’s important to be aware of potential limitations, like reduced native functionality and performance concerns, React Native’s strengths can help businesses build efficient, high-quality mobile applications. Before adopting React Native for your project, evaluate its complexity and performance needs to ensure it’s the right fit.

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How to Publish Expo React Native App to IOS and Android

React Native For Startups: Is It Really a Good Idea?

NativeScript vs React Native: Comparison

React Native vs Xamarin: Pros and Cons

Examples of Great React Native Apps

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How To Publish Expo React Native App to iOS and Android – Updated Version


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