
Pacharapol Withayasakpunt
Pacharapol Withayasakpunt

Posted on

How to wean from CSS and component frameworks

What tutorials do I need? What functionalities will miss?


  • Normalizing CSS / CSS reset, which is overdone by Bootstrap, Bulma and Material; so much that it hates each other.
    • Bulma is overdone to the next level, that you need class="content" to resume the near-default. Also, embedding YouTube.
  • Some responsive components, like this one --
  • I didn't even use Tailwind yet. I just use SCSS / scoped CSS (generated via scoped Vue Component)
  • But my design isn't yet even beautiful. How do I create a beautiful ripple effect, like in Material Vue?

In short, any tutorial recommendations?

Top comments (2)

jwp profile image
John Peters

Today, the Html5 grid does away with all frameworks in my opinion. That's all I use now.

andypotts profile image
Andy Potts

I've always used frameworks like bootstrap because they're quicker than writing vanilla CSS/Sass but recently I tried out tailwind; I rebuilt my portfolio with it and it's great. Highly recommend it!