One of my plans for 2020 was to keep writing articles here on at least twice a month, but many things happened that force me to forget about that and focus on some of my other goals for 2020.
Paula Santamaría@pauxdsantamaria
My goals for 2020:
🎓 Graduate University
✍️ Write 2 blog posts per month on #DEVCommunity
🐙 Release many new versions of @cephhi
✏️ Draw more
💪 Keep working out
☀️ Befriend the sunlight and stop looking like a 👻22:10 PM - 31 Dec 2019
On the bright side, I did manage to achieve some of my goals:
✅🎓Graduate University
✅✏️Draw more
✅💪Keep working out
✅☀️Befriend the sunlight
I'm actually really happy with what I managed to achieve, and I don't regret leaving my blog behind because I really wanted to graduate and studying ended up taking more time than I thought. However, the thing that I missed the most during the whole year was writing.
I started this blog on 2019, writing weekly articles about the things that interested me the most about my work and it was an extremely satisfying experience. It made me realize how much I love to write and I also learned a lot in the process.
That's why in 2021 I will be focusing mainly in creating valuable content. I already started working and polishing my process. I'm really happy to be back 😊.
The idea for this year is to work on my side projects and document everything I learn in this blog. I'll be working with my fiance, @maurogarcia_19. He's usually in charge of the frontend.
So the first project we'll be working on is a Chrome extension. I won't get into any details about the project yet, but I'll say that I've never built a Chrome extension before, so I took a week to read the docs and do a small sample project just to learn how everything works. After doing a lot of reading and experimenting, I wrote an article explaining how to create a simple chrome extension from scratch:

Creating a simple Chrome extension
Paula Santamaría ・ Jan 12 '21 ・ 4 min read
What are your plans for 2021?
If you're planning to write more this year too, comment below so I can follow you. Lets help keep each other accountable and motivated!
Top comments (8)
Congrats on graduating and achieving some of your goals! One of mine for 2021 is to write more as well – here on DEV, on my own personal blog, for work, and journaling in the mornings for at least 10 min!
That's great 💪! Have you heard of the Bullet Journal technique? I've been using it for a few years and love it!
I've always wondered what kept you away from writing, turns out it is School, well, congratulations on your graduation and welcome back.
🙏Thank you, Habdul! Indeed. I had to finish 10 subjects in one year to graduate and somehow I thought I could do both that and keep my blog active 😂 I was too optimistic clearly.
10 subjects and keeping your blog active? That's like mission impossible 😂.
All the same, it's good to have you back.
Congrats senior
Congrats 🌺😉
Thank you, Madza!