Hi everyone! Welcome to the PagerDuty Community Weekly Update! Here you’ll find what’s going on in PagerDuty land. Busy week here!
Cool Stuff
PagerDuty alum Matty Stratton asked on Twitter:
For you personally, what was the most impactful event in the history of DevOps? Some interesting replies! What do you think? Let us know in the comments.For you personally, what was the most impactful event in the history of devops18:55 PM - 15 Sep 2022
Find us in person!
We have live in-person sessions coming up!
Mandi is at DevOpsDays DC to co-present Reducing Trauma in Production with SLOs and Chaos Engineering with Julie Gunderson.
DevOpsDays DC@devopsdaysdc
Maybe you've heard about SLIs, SLOs, error budgets, and chaos engineering, but how can they can all help you help your users. Come see @lnxchk and @julie_Gund will show you how you can apply these concepts to your projects and delight your users
devopsdays.org/events/2022-wa…18:47 PM - 09 Sep 2022
Kat will be at Dreamforce (nice!),September 19-22 in San Francisco, to present Automate Incident Response Between Operations & Customers, and at ElevateCX September 29 & 30 in Denver, to give her talk Happy Agents = Happy Customers.
Scott is taking his talk Built-in Testing in Go is More Than Just Passable to GoLab.io October 2-4 in Florence, Italy and at Indy.Code() October 19!
We hope to see you! Say hi, we might have PagerDuty stickers. :D
Our automation folks are looking to start some in-person meetings with members of the Rundeck Open Source community. If that’s you, let us know!
We’re also virtual!
Mandi was part of the Community of Practice Roundtable session at ChefConf on Tuesday. Now available on demand!
Kat was at the DeveloperWeek Cloud virtual followup this week to give her talk Happy Agents = Happy Customers.
Tara will be presenting Stories Make Meaning. Meaning Makes Change at Drupal Diversity & Inclusion Camp. Join Tara for a deep dive into storytelling & how it can help you at work. Yes, even if you're an engineer.
PagerDuty Staff SRE Rich Lafferty was part of Sumo Logic Illuminate September 13-14! Register to watch his session Service Level Objectives: The secret sauce behind service reliability and high performing teams. Hear more from Rich in his episode of our podcast.
Mandi’s also going to be at Conf42 Incident Management on September 29th. Check out the event details on the Conf42 site.
On the Podcast
Last week, PagerDuty’s own Jake Cohen joined Mandi to talk about Runbook Automation. Don’t miss it! Subscribe to Page it to the Limit on your favorite podcast app, or listen online!
We publish new episodes about twice a month, so make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss any. Next up is Service Mesh!
On Twitch
We’re on Twitch three times a week, covering all things PagerDuty. Our regular shows are:
PagerDuty Garage, the show about the PagerDuty API: Mondays at 10am Eastern / 7am Pacific
Terraform Time: Mondays at 4pm Eastern / 1pm Pacific
HowTo Happy Hour: Fridays at 4pm Eastern / 1pm Pacific.
Follow our channel for alerts when we go live! You can also view our most recent episodes on Twitch. You can see some of our earlier streams on the YouTube playlist.
The Process Automation folks were back with us on September 13th to talk about the 4.6.0 release! It will be up on YouTube soon.
Coming up later in September, our data science folks will be joining the HowTo Happy Hour to talk about some of the features of Intelligent Alert Grouping. Sign up for a reminder!
On the Blog
Salesforce and Datadog are important integrations for many PagerDuty users. Learn more about how these integrations work and what they can do for your teams! You can also find us at Dreamforce and Datadog DASH!
Get in Touch
If you have a question about PagerDuty, check out our Community Forums for advice from friendly folks. If you’d like to be on our podcast or Twitch, or just say hi, email us at community-team@pagerduty.com. We’d love to hear what you’re doing with PagerDuty!
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