DEV Community

Peter Bohland
Peter Bohland

Posted on

Beginner with a VS2022 Question

Hello all,

my name is Peter, i am 62 years old, come from germany and my english is not the best ;-)
A few months ago i was beginning with C#, i use the IDE VS2022, install with the german language pac. In the IDE are the menus all in german (you can see it on the screenshot green highlighted), but when the IDE show me helptext for a method (yellow highlighted in the picture), then this text is in english.

Image description

Can i change this text to german or is this text only available in english?

Friendly regards

Top comments (4)

vaso profile image
Vaclav Elias • Edited

Hi Peter,

I assume that you have got the correct language here? (Tools -> Options -> Environment -> International Settings)

Also I found this article

With a link here

But maybe I would recommend to stick with English as those help texts would be mainly similar and it might help you to navigate easier through English development resources, tutorials,...

pebo66450 profile image
Peter Bohland

Hi Vaclav,

many thanks for your answer and the informations.
And sorry for my late reply. I thought i get a message from if someone reply my question, but i get no message.

You wrote "But maybe I would recommend to stick with English ..." and you are right. I will stay with english, i learn C# and a better english too in one way ;-)

Friendly regards

vaso profile image
Vaclav Elias

You are welcome.

vaso profile image
Vaclav Elias

Also nice tutorials here