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Cover image for ChatGPT 4 + Dalle-E 3 = the true RPG
Peter Vivo
Peter Vivo

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ChatGPT 4 + Dalle-E 3 = the true RPG


ChatGPT 4 have ability to create illustration with Dall-E 3, this is combined with AI skill, give one easy way to play RPG with them. Why I call this way is True because this interaction technic is seems like a real roll play game which we are played many years ago around a table with dice and character sheets front of us. This technic also good for create content any story or novell.

Here is the full source code
(you can try it with any genere and character and so on):

Act like a role-playing game storyteller, 
but in a slightly sarcastic style. 
I will be the player: a fat and powerless merchant
Each interaction should be short, maximum 3 sentences.
Create an illustration with dalle3 in dark fantasy style, 
only one picture at a time.

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The whole chat is started with this request, original hungarian language conversation

The Merchant Curse :

You can skipp the whole story, I just showed this - quite long - example of twisted story where player: user is active change the whole story outcome with his answers.


I understand, let's get started!

You're a fat and helpless merchant trying to sell your goods in a small dark and dirty shop. No one in town takes you seriously, because everyone knows that the "valuable" goods in your store are mostly just worthless junk. One day, a strange stranger enters your store with a mocking smile on his face.

Narrator: "Well, it looks like someone honored your little shop today with a visit. Although... Maybe he just wanted to get lost?"

The stranger slowly looks around, then looks back at you.

Stranger: "I'm just looking. Although I heard that you can find special objects here... but apparently I was wrong."

I'm now creating a dark fantasy style illustration for this scene.

Narrator: The stranger examines the shop with a curious gaze while the merchant tries to maintain his dignity. The stranger has doubts about the store's offerings. How do you proceed?


  • I would like to draw your attention to this precious skull, it belonged to the late Count Aroston, who, before going mad, hid a considerable fortune in the marsh estate of Fondor


Stranger: "Count Aroston? I've heard about it... He was the one who made a contract with the everlasting night, wasn't he? But what is his skull doing with you?"

Now I'm creating a dark fantasy illustration of a precious skull that the dealer offers to the stranger.

Narrator: In the dark corner of the store, on a dusty counter, stands a special skull that the merchant shows to the stranger. The stranger's eyes light up as he examines the skull. Will he have an intention to buy or is he just looking for another prank? What's next?


I traded it with her late daughter for a vase, she could at least appreciate the Myong period masterpieces, although I think the skull might have been more valuable, but the Lady was relieved


Stranger: "Interesting story... Maybe the Count's daughter knew something about this skull that you didn't? Or some hidden power or secret?" The stranger examines the skull with a suspicious look, as if trying to discover something about it.

I add a dark fantasy illustration of the merchant telling the story of the skull to the alien.

Narrator: The merchant tells the stranger the origin of the skull and the story of the exchange. You can see the interest in the stranger's eyes as he listens to the merchant's words. What plan did the stranger come with? What's next?

The story goes to really dark

caused image rendering inperfection.


I look undead in the picture, has anything happened to me since the skull is here in my shop?

While I'm thinking about it, I take the time and say to the stranger:

  • The only secret I know is that the goldsmith's son of the neighbor is dating the belly-dancing half-orc Bora.


Stranger: "Haha, it seems that not only interesting treasures in your store, but also city gossip reach here! But I'm still curious about this skull. How long have you had it? Did you notice anything special about it?"

I'll add a dark fantasy style illustration where the merchant actually looks undead near the skull. The stranger listens attentively and examines the situation.

Narrator: The merchant does seem strange, as if the presence of the skull had changed him. The stranger becomes increasingly suspicious and tries to find out what happened to the merchant and the skull. What mysteries does this store carry? What's next?


If you care so much about the skull, pay the price or give something that is important to you and it is already yours


Stranger: "Money doesn't mean anything to me, but maybe there's something that might interest you." The stranger pulls out an old, patinated key. "This key leads to an old crypt where the Count's treasures are supposedly hidden. In exchange for the skull? What do you think?"

I add a dark fantasy style illustration where the stranger presents the old key to the dealer.

(this image isin't fit exactly the current situation)

Narrator: The stranger retrieves an ancient key whose origin and purpose are mysterious. The merchant thinks about the possibilities, while in the dark corner of the store the skull watches the events. The choice is now in your hands. Do you accept the offer?


The deal stands, I say, and after we have exchanged, I tell him not to forget to break the ancient curse or he will walk like me.


Stranger: "Curse? Oh, you think that's why you look like that?" The stranger thinks for a moment, then smiles. "I will find a way to break the curse. But now I have to go. Take care of yourself, merchant."

Now I make a dark fantasy style illustration where the dealer and stranger exchange, the merchant says goodbye with words of warning.

Narrator: The merchant and the stranger exchange items. As the stranger leaves the store with the skull, the merchant gives him a grave warning about the curse associated with the skull. Fate is now in the hands of the stranger. What awaits him in the future?


I'm more curious about what is going on with me, I'm going to the local priest to see if he can help.


Narrator: The merchant, after the stranger has left, decides to go to the temple of the city to ask for help in breaking the curse. Within the walls of the church, he meets the local priest, who has already heard about the changed appearance of the merchant from the news.

Priest: "I've seen a lot of strange things in my life, but you really seem special. How can I help?"

Now I'm doing a dark fantasy style illustration where the merchant talks to the local priest at church.

Narrator: The merchant, with a worried face, finds the local priest in the church. The priest listens earnestly to the story of the merchant, while candles slowly burn around them. What will be the priest's response? And will he be able to help the trader?


Do you have any plans, father? I got the key to the crypt, maybe it can help;


Priest: "The key to the crypt? According to legends, the Count's crypt hides not only treasures, but also descriptions of ancient rites and magical devices. If we really have the key, maybe we can help each other. We need to find the ritual that can break the curse on you."

Now I'm creating a dark fantasy style illustration where the merchant presents the key to the crypt to the priest, hoping to find a solution together.

Narrator: In the hands of the merchant is the ancient key that leads to the legendary crypt and gives hope to the priest. Together, the two figures hope that the key will lead them to a solution. What do you decide to do? Will you explore the crypt with the help of the priest?


Let's start exploring the crypt!


Narrator: The merchant and priest decide to go to the crypt together. Armed with torches and sacred tools, they dive underground. The crypt is dark and oppressive, but the key points them in the direction. As they go deeper, they discover strange signs and ancient symbols on the walls.

Now I'm creating a dark fantasy style illustration where the merchant and priest discover the secrets of the crypt together.

Narrator: The merchant and priest are deep in the crypt where time seems to have stood still. Under the lighting of torches, ancient signs and mysterious symbols unfold before them. What secrets does this place hide? And will they find what they're looking for? Their journey is just beginning.


Tell me, "Father Wilkun, don't you know who the stranger I traded the skull for the key was?"


Father Wilkun: "There are many rumors about the stranger you met in the city. Some say that he is a wanderer with dark magic, while others claim that he is a member of an ancient clan that has been searching for this skull for centuries. But one thing is certain: if he gave you this key, then for some reason he considers the crypt important."

Now I'm making a dark fantasy style illustration where Father Wilkun and the merchant talk about the stranger in the crypt. <br>

Narrator: In the depths of the crypt, in the twilight, Father Wilkun and the merchant talk about the stranger. The priest shares his knowledge anxiously, while the merchant, clutching the key, listens attentively. During their conversation, more and more questions arise, and the secrets of the crypt also seem more mysterious. What's next?


the second option can be ruled out, because the Lord died only 13 years ago.


Father Wilkun: "That's true. But ancient clans and wanderers with dark magic often have hidden information that ordinary people do not know. Maybe the stranger had some connection to the Lord, or maybe he just wanted to gain the dark power of the skull. In any case, we have to be careful."

Based on the conversation, you will have to make a decision: will you continue your journey in the crypt or return to the city for more information?


Wouldn't it be wiser to speak someone else?


Father Wilkun: "You're right. Perhaps it would be better to return to the city and gather more information about the stranger before venturing deeper. The curse and crypt secrets can be dangerous, and the more we know, the better chance we have of avoiding traps."

The merchant and priest decide to return to the city. The secrets of the crypt await them for the time being.

Now I'm creating a dark fantasy style illustration where the merchant and Father Wilkun leave the crypt, holding torches in their hands.

Narrator: The merchant and Father Wilkun leave the crypt cautiously, darkness and unknown dangers behind them. The lighting of the torches illuminates the road ahead of them as they make their way to the city. The answers and solutions may be waiting for them in the city. What's next?


Let's visit his late daughter, Lady Gwyndox


Narrator: The merchant and Father Wilkun decide to visit Lady Gwyndox, the late daughter of Count Aroston. See if he knows more about the origin of the skull and the curse. They find Lady in one of the largest houses in the city, where she is surrounded by her servants.

Standing at the gate, the merchant knocks on it.

Servant: "What flight did they arrive at?"

Merchant: "I'm looking for Lady Gwyndox, we have important information for her about the skull."

Now I'm doing a dark fantasy style illustration where the merchant and Father Wilkun stand outside Lady Gwyndox's house, talking to the servant.

Narrator: The merchant and Father Wilkun stand in front of Lady Gwyndox's huge house, where they are greeted by a servant. The house's tall towers and sophisticated architecture reveal the Lady's wealth and power. How will he react when he learns that the skull was in the hands of the merchant? What's next?


I suppose I had the skull with me, because I traded it with him, my question is what happened to me


Servant: "Lady Gwyndox is waiting for you." The servant leads them into a large room where Lady Gwyndox sits in a throne-like chair. He rests his gaze on the merchant.

Lady Gwyndox: "I know you had my father's skull. But why do you look like that? What happened to you?"

Merchant: "That's what I was hoping you could answer, Mylady. Since you have had the skull, I feel that something has changed inside me."

Lady Gwyndox looks deep into the merchant's eyes, as if looking for some answer in him.

Lady Gwyndox: "The curse you feel is probably related to the skull. But I don't know how to break it."

The merchant and Father Wilkun watch the Lady intently, hoping to learn more about the origin of the skull and curse. What's next?


Tell me about your father's death


Lady Gwyndox: "My father, Earl Aroston, was once a powerful and powerful ruler in this region. But as the years passed, it began to change. He spent more and more time in the library of the castle, studying special and dangerous books. One day, he found a strange book about an ancient rite. He thought he could become even more powerful with this ritual, but something went wrong. He died that night and only his skull remained."

Sighing, Father Wilkun nods, "Dark magic always comes at a price."

Merchant: "And how did the skull come into your possession?"

Lady Gwyndox: "I found it in a secluded part of the castle, in a secret room. I have kept it ever since because I felt that there was some special power within it. But I never thought there was a curse attached to it."

There is a grave silence in the room as the merchant and priest process what they have heard. What's next?


I ask the lady to guide me to the library;


Lady Gwyndox: "All right, follow me." The Lady stands up and walks towards the door of the room. The merchant and Father Wilkun follow him through the dark corridors of the castle until they reach a large double-door library.

As soon as they enter, the merchant and priest look around in fascination. The library is huge, and there are plenty of books lined up on the shelves. The fire burns in the fireplace, and in the center of the room stands a large desk where old maps and parchments lie.

Lady Gwyndox: "This is my father's library. He spent many nights here and collected a lot of rare and dangerous books. Maybe that's where you can find the answers."

Father Wilkun steps to one of the shelves and begins to look through the books, while the merchant examines the maps and parchments. What's next?


Take look in the library - remember the picture


Narrator: The merchant and Father Wilkun thoroughly search the library. The priest stands at a shelf, flipping through an old, worn book. The merchant stands at the large desk, browsing through maps and parchments, while Lady Gwyndox watches them attentively. The silence in the library is broken only by the crackling of the fireplace.

Now I'm doing a dark fantasy style illustration where the merchant, Father Wilkun, and Lady Gwyndox are researching the library.

Narrator: The trio is deeply immersed in the search for treasures in the library. As time goes by, more and more information is discovered that could bring them closer to solving the mystery of the skull. The atmosphere is dense and tense, as if the library itself is hiding something. In which direction do you continue your research?


I'm looking for books for which the lord may have written notes


Narrator: In a corner of the library, the merchant discovers an old desk with drawers full of papers and parchments. Next to some books you will find small sticky notes with notes in the Lord's handwriting. Among them, he discovers a large leather-bound book entitled "The Ancient Rites and Their Effects." Next to the book is a note:

"With the help of this rite, I may gain even greater power. But beware, it can be dangerous if I don't execute it right."

Between the pages of the book you will find descriptions of rituals, spells and curses.

Father Wilkun: "That's it! Maybe that's where we can find the answer to how to break the curse."

What's next?


We continue our investigation on this thread


Narrator: The merchant and Father Wilkun begin to study the book thoroughly. Among the rituals they find one that is particularly noteworthy. The title is "Breaking the Curse of Darkness." According to the description, the ritual requires special ingredients and a precisely defined place where the spell should be performed.

Father Wilkun: "This ritual is perhaps the answer to what we are looking for. But first we have to get the ingredients."

Lady Gwyndox: "I'll help too. The castle might have some of the ingredients we need."

The trio begin to collect the ingredients as they leave the library and head to other parts of the castle. The success of the ritual now depends only on finding all the ingredients and performing the spell correctly.

Now I'm creating a dark fantasy style illustration where the merchant, Father Wilkun, and Lady Gwyndox are in the castle looking for ingredients.

Narrator: The trio hastily and purposefully searches for ingredients in the castle's vast halls and dark corridors. The merchant finds a rare herb, Father Wilkun brings out an ancient amulet, and Lady Gwyndox brings out a special crystal. As the ingredients are in their hands, they get closer and closer to breaking the curse.

What's next?


Where to perform the ritual?


Father Wilkun: "According to the book, the ritual should be performed in a special place where energy flows are strongest. According to the description, this place is an ancient shrine located under the castle."

Lady Gwyndox: "Yes, I know about this sanctuary. My father mentioned it often, and supposedly only those who have the key to the crypt can enter there."

Merchant: "I have the key. Then let's go!"

The trio make their way to the shrine deep inside the castle to perform the ritual and break the curse.

Now I'm creating a dark fantasy style illustration where the merchant, Father Wilkun, and Lady Gwyndox arrive at the entrance to the secret shrine deep inside the castle.

Narrator: The merchant, Father Wilkun and Lady Gwyndox stand at the entrance to the secret shrine deep inside the castle. The entrance is decorated with carvings and symbols made in stunning detail. The trader holds the key, ready to open the entrance and reveal the secret behind it. Their fate is now in their own hands. What would you like to do?


We go inside and start the ritual.


Narrator: The merchant opens the entrance to the sanctuary with the key, and the trio enters the dark, mysterious room. In the center of the sanctuary stands an altar, and around it you can see ancient symbols and signs on the walls and floor.

Father Wilkun takes out the book and begins to read the text of the ritual. Lady Gwyndox and the merchant stand around the altar where the ingredients are placed.

As the ritual progresses, the energy in the sanctuary becomes stronger. Symbols and signs begin to light up, and an electric charge is felt in the air.

At the end of the ritual, the shrine calms down, and the merchant feels that the curse has left him.

Father Wilkun: "We succeeded! The curse has been broken!"

Lady Gwyndox: "Thank you for helping. I hope everyone can now live in peace."

Now I'm creating a dark fantasy style illustration where the merchant, Father Wilkun, and Lady Gwyndox stand in the sanctuary after a successfully performed ritual.

(Ritual already failed)

Narrator: The ritual was successfully carried out, and instead of the darkness in the sanctuary, there is now a peaceful, bright atmosphere. The merchant feels that the curse on his body and soul has disappeared. Both Father Wilkun and Lady Gwyndox breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that the danger has been averted.

Merchant: "Thank you for helping. Now I feel like I've got my life back."

What's next?


But since in the picture the merchant is still an undead skeleton, something is wrong here


Narrator: You're right, the merchant's appearance hasn't changed, he still looks like the undead. Although the ritual was successfully performed, it seems that breaking the curse did not bring it back to its original form.

Father Wilkun: "Something is still missing. Maybe the ritual only broke part of the curse, but it didn't help your appearance."

Lady Gwyndox: "Maybe we need to dig deeper. Maybe another ritual or spell can help restore the merchant to its original shape."

Trader: "Then we have to keep researching. I can't give up, even if it's the price I have to pay because of the curse."

What's your next step?


I invite the group to discuss what happened in the local pub.


Narrator: The merchant, Father Wilkun and Lady Gwyndox leave the castle for the city centre. They soon arrive at a tavern called the "Green Dragon", one of the city's best-known meeting places.

Once inside, they are greeted by the warm, friendly atmosphere and the fire of the fireplace. The tavern keeper immediately recognizes the merchant and escorts them to a table in the corner where they can discreetly discuss what happened.

Father Wilkun: "Maybe a drink can help you calm down and see things more clearly."

Lady Gwyndox: "Indeed, sometimes a good wine can help you find a solution."

The trio sits down and orders a drink, then dives deep into the conversation, trying to figure out what to do next to completely break the curse.

I'm sorry, but your request doesn't meet our content policy, so I couldn't generate an image. Please enter a new description or request and I will be happy to help.


Try to portray your present in a slightly different way.


Naturally! Try to portray the scene as the merchant, Father Wilkun, and Lady Gwyndox sitting in a medieval inn, talking at the table while various drinks are on their table. The environment is warm and welcoming, torches are burning on the walls, and the other guests of the inn are also minding their own business.

Now I'm going to make an illustration of this scene.

Now I'm doing a dark fantasy style illustration where the merchant, Father Wilkun, and Lady Gwyndox are sitting in the pub with drinks on the table, immersed in deep conversation.

Narrator: At the inn, the merchant, Father Wilkun, and Lady Gwyndox engage in deep conversation. In the warmly lit room, the other guests are also minding their own business, but some cast curious glances towards the triad. The merchant managed to find a discreet place to discuss further actions and the mystery of the skull.

How would you like to proceed?


Who do you know in town who could help me?


Father Wilkun: "I know an old magician, Master Alden. He is one of the most respected scientists in the city and studied ancient spells and rituals for a long time. Maybe he could help."

Lady Gwyndox: "And I know a witch named Liora. He lives in a forest on the outskirts of town, and many people turn to him for advice and herbs."

Trader: "Maybe it would be worth a visit to them. They may be able to help or provide additional information about the skull and the curse."

Which one would you like to start with? Master Alden or Liora the witch?


I throw a party at my house and invite Master Alden and Liora


Narrator: The merchant acts quickly and orders the necessary preparations for an evening party at his home. He sends invitations to both Master Alden and Liora, as well as some other important guests from the city. Your house will soon be filled with cozy lighting, delicious food and drinks, ready to receive guests.

As the guests arrive later in the evening, the merchant watches Master Alden and Liora intently, hoping to talk to them later in the evening and learn more about the curse.

Now I'm creating a dark fantasy style illustration of the party where the merchant, Master Alden, Liora and the other guests are chatting and enjoying the evening.

Narrator: As the evening progresses, more guests gather at the party and the atmosphere gets better. The merchant successfully creates an opportunity to talk to Master Alden and Liora separately, bombarding them both with curious questions about the curse and the skull. The other guests don't even realize how serious and important the conversation between the three is.

What's your next step?


I listen to Alden and Liora arguing about my case


Narrator: As the dealer listens carefully to Master Alden and Liora, he notices that although they both have great knowledge, they have different opinions about the trader's condition.

Master Alden: "The skull contains a powerful curse that uses a form of ancient magic. This curse can only be addressed by a rare spell whose ingredients are extremely difficult to obtain."

Liora: "I don't agree with you, Alden. I believe that the curse can be broken by the power of nature and a special form of witchcraft. You don't always have to turn to rare and dangerous spells."

As the two scientists argue, the merchant increasingly realizes that perhaps both of them are right, and both methods can be used to try to break the curse.

What's next?


I ask a servant to look around, it was not e who came to the party, i.e. a stranger to whom I sold the skull;


Narrator: One of the merchant's faithful servants, Borin, is summoned to the side and whispered the order to him. Bori quickly and discreetly begins to look through the guests, while the merchant continues the conversation with Master Alden and Liora.

After a few minutes, Bori returns and quietly reports to the merchant: "Sir, the stranger is not among the guests. But I noticed an unknown masked figure who had recently left the house."

The merchant frowns and ponders for a moment. Did the stranger come secretly, or was it just another guest in the mask?

What's next?


Then I send Borin to find out the masked figure


Narrator: The merchant taps Bori's shoulder and whispers, "Follow that masked figure and find out who he is. But be careful and don't put yourself in danger."

Bori nods and quickly heads for the door to track down the mysterious masked figure. The merchant returns to his guests, but because of the events he is a little restless and listens attentively to the rest of the evening.

After a while, Bori returns and quietly reports to the merchant: "Sir, I followed the masked figure to a dark alley in the city. However, when I tried to get closer to him, he disappeared into the darkness. I couldn't determine his identity."

The merchant sighs deeply and thanks Bori for his efforts. The mystery becomes even deeper.

What's next?


Master Aden doesn't think that the power of nature is more harmless than a risky spell, but it is Father Wikun's blessing that could break the curse and return to my old body? Or is it not a curse, but some kind of blessing, because not only do I look like that, but I am already immortal?


Master Alden: "The force of nature is not necessarily less dangerous, just different. I know the risks associated with ancient magic, but the power of nature can also be mysterious and unpredictable. As for Father Wilkun's blessing, I don't know if he is strong enough to break this kind of curse."

Father Wilkun: "Although my blessing has helped many, I am not sure of success with such a strong curse. But I'm willing to give it a try if you feel it's the right way to go."

Lady Gwyndox: "Just because you look undead doesn't necessarily mean you're immortal. But if it is, it may indeed be a blessing. However, it can also be dangerous for you and others in the long run."

Trader: "There are many questions and few answers. Perhaps it would be best to try all three methods: ancient magic, the blessing of Father Wilkun, and the power of nature. Maybe one of them will help."

What is your decision? Which method would you like to try first?


I should try to see if I am immortal, I jump off the balcony.


Narrator: The merchant decides to test whether he is truly immortal. Surprising everyone, he suddenly rushes to the balcony and jumps off there. Those present cry out in shock and rush to the balcony railing to see what happened.

The merchant lies on the ground, but miraculously he doesn't seem to have been injured. He slowly gets up and rubs his head as he looks around.

Father Wilkun: "This is truly a miracle! You weren't injured, even though that height would almost certainly have been deadly for the average person."

Lady Gwyndox: "This might reinforce the suspicion that you are really immortal, or at least extremely resilient."

Master Alden: "Still, we have to be careful. Just because you aren't injured now doesn't mean you're resistant to other dangers."

Merchant: "This experiment showed us at least something. But I'm still looking for answers."

What's your next step?


I wonder what this scene looks like;


Narrator: In the picture, the creepy figure of the merchant slowly rises from the ground while the guests around him watch in amazement. In the background, on the balcony, stand Father Wilkun, Lady Gwyndox and Master Alden, their faces full of signs of surprise and concern.

After the events, the evening continues to be full of excitement and questions.

What's your next step?


I'm tired and fall asleep after the party to see if I can get closer to a solution in my sleep.


Narrator: The merchant hurries to his bedroom tired after the party. The events of the day and the stress arising from them quickly put you to sleep. Lying in bed, images of events play out in his head, and soon he falls into a deep sleep.

His dream is dark and foggy. He finds himself in an unknown, barren landscape where a distant figure with blue light approaches him. As he approaches, the merchant recognizes the bright figure: the skull. But now it's not terrifying, it's more peaceful and comforting. Spinning around the skull, you hear a whispering voice: "The answer is within you. Search deep and you will find your way."

As the sound dies down, the merchant is suddenly awakened by the first rays of the sun filtering into his bedroom. After waking up, he thinks about his dream and the message he received.

What's your next step?


I look in the mirror


Narrator: The merchant slowly gets out of bed and walks to the large, ornate mirror in the corner of his bedroom. The mirror is about human height with a gilded frame decorated with fine carvings. When he looks in the mirror, he suddenly does not see the familiar skeleton figure reflected in it.

Instead, a hazy, blurry image appears in which a young, lively merchant looks back at him—his old, living figure. The picture alternately shows the merchant's living and skeletal forms, as if the mirror is trying to communicate something to him or point out something deeper.

As he continues to look at his reflection, a deep feeling begins to take over him, as if the answers he was looking for were somewhere deep within his being.

What's your next step?


Draw my reflection in the mirror


Narrator: Your reflection in the mirror is deep and fascinating. On one side, the lively and energetic merchant looks back at you, while on the other, your skeleton-like figure appears. The transition between the two images is fluid and constantly changing, as if the mirror is trying to show the boundary between past and present. The whole picture creates a mysterious, almost hypnotic effect. <br>

What's your next step?


I'm looking for an old friend or ex-lover to see if together we can figure out where my life has gone wrong.


Narrator: The merchant decides to visit an old friend, Thorian, who was once close to him and they spent a lot of time together in town. He also thinks of Elara, his former lover, whom he divorced years ago but never completely forgot.

First, he visits Thorian, who now runs a small dealer's shop in the city centre. As he enters the store, Thorian looks at him in surprise, but quickly recognizes his old friend, even in this new, skeletal form.

Thorian: "This is heaven! Is it you? What happened to you?!"

The merchant briefly tells his story and then mentions Elara's name that he would like to visit her as well.

Thorian: "Elara... He now lives in the north of the city in a small house at the foot of the mountains. But carefully, he's changed a lot in recent years."

The merchant thanks Thorian for the information and sets off to visit Elara, hoping that during their time together, they can figure out what happened to her and how she can get back to her old life.

Would you like to see a picture of your meeting with Elara or continue the story?


Let's see the picture and then I'll visit Elara


In the picture, the merchant is standing in front of a small house in the northern part

Narrator: In the picture, the merchant is standing in front of a small house in the northern part, which is located at the foot of the mountains. The windows of the house radiate a warm and intimate light. As the merchant stands outside the door, nostalgia and excitement are palpable, as if preparing for an emotional encounter.

The merchant takes a deep breath and knocks on the door, hoping that Elara is home and willing to talk to her.

What's your next step?


I pull his pike on myself, knock; don't be scared of whatever you see Elara


Narrator: The merchant pulls on his cap to at least partially cover his skeletal shape, then gently knocks on the door of the house. After a few moments of knocking, a woman opens the door. Elara, although traces of years can be seen on her, is still beautiful. He looks at the trader in surprise, but before he can say anything, the trader says:

"Don't be scared, Elara, whatever you see."

Elara winces slightly, but as she hears the merchant's voice, recognition gleams in her eyes. "Is it you?" she whispers softly.

The merchant nods. "Yes, I am. I know I've changed a lot, but I was hoping maybe you could help me find out what happened to me."

Elara looks deep into the merchant's eyes and invites him to his house to talk.

What's next?


I go in and talk to him.


Narrator: As you enter Elara's home, time seems to stand still. The furnishing of the house is simple, but warm and welcoming. Candles burning on the table give off a soft light, and their fragrances have a calming effect on you.

Elara sits down on the couch and gestures for you to sit down next to her. There is silence for a few moments, both of you gathering your thoughts.

Finally, Elara begins: "Since the last time we met, a lot has happened. But I never thought we would meet like this again. Tell me what happened to you?"

The merchant recounts the events: the skull, the cursing and his search for a way.

Elara thinks deeply. "I heard an ancient legend about a similar curse. But I never thought it was real. Maybe there's a way I can help you."

During the conversation, the trader feels a renewed hope. Maybe Elara has the key to the solution.

What's next?


What does Ealra look like?


Narrator: Elara appears in the illustration as a middle-aged woman with long, wavy, maroon hair. She wears simple yet elegant clothes. His face reflects the wisdom and grace of years, and his deep green eyes mix sadness and determination. He sits on a wooden chair in his modest living room, surrounded by books and candles that exude a warm and inviting aura.

What's next?


Tell us what you think might be the solution?


Elara: "I've heard many legends and myths over the years, and based on your story, there's one that comes to mind. It is an ancient ritual capable of restoring those changed by the curse. But it's not an easy process and it comes with dangers."

"First of all, we will need a special ingredient that can only be found in Death Valley. In addition, we must recite a special prayer, which can only be performed by moonlight, in a special place where natural energies are strongest."

"But be aware that this is not a guaranteed solution. The curse you described seems extremely strong, and we can't know for sure if the ritual will work. But if you're ready to take a chance, I'll be happy to help you."

What is your decision?


I agree to get the ingredients


Narrator: Elara nods, then after taking a deep breath, stands up and walks to a drawer. He takes out a map of Death Valley and places it in front of the merchant. On the map you can see a path that leads into the depths of the valley, where in a marked area there is a rare plant.

Elara: "This road will not be easy. Death Valley is dangerous not only in name. There are many creatures and traps ahead of us, but if we manage to get hold of the ingredient, we can get closer to the solution step by step."

The trader nods boldly, knowing that this trip is his only chance to get his life back. Elara sets off with the merchant, and together they enter the Valley of Death, hoping to succeed.

Curious about a picture of their journey to Death Valley?




Narrator: As Elara and the merchant enter Death Valley, they are surrounded by a foggy, terrifying landscape. Between steep cliffs and strange stone formations snakes the path they follow. In the distance, shady creatures and thorny plants peek at them. Armed with lanterns and bags, they move cautiously but resolutely through unknown territory.

As they venture deeper into the valley, the number of challenges increases. But the two partners do not give up, because they know that this is the way to the solution.

What's next?


we look for the flower and meanwhile I take care of Elara because I, as a skeleton, am more resilient... at least I hope so


Narrator: The merchant and Elara continue their journey through Death Valley. The fog becomes denser, and the plants and animals around them seem to take on darker and more dangerous forms. Several times along the way, they encounter menacing creatures and traps, but the merchant, thanks to his new, skeletal form, is able to protect both himself and Elara.

After a few hours, they arrive at a special area where a rare, luminous flower grows among the rocks. This is the plant they are looking for. Elara carefully collects the flowers while the merchant carefully monitors the environment to keep them safe.

Elara: "Got it! This is the plant we need. Thank you for taking care of me. Now that we have the ingredients, we need to go back to town and start the ritual."

What's your next step?


I look around


Narrator: As the merchant looks around, he sees the dark and foggy landscape of Death Valley. In the distance, shadow-like creatures and creatures are spying on them, their eyes glow dimly. The trader feels that they cannot stay in this place for long, as danger lurks there at any moment. Elara quickly wraps the flowers, and the merchant also begins to gather their stuff, ready to quickly return to safer areas.

What's your next step?


We return to the city as quickly as possible


Narrator: The merchant and Elara waste no time. They head back towards the city with quick steps, avoiding all dangers and obstacles they can along the way. The merchant's skeleton form allows him to quickly and efficiently navigate the terrain while Elara follows him, vigilantly watching every movement and sound.

As they approach the city, the fog of Death Valley begins to disperse, and sunlight penetrates the foliage of the trees again. The dangerous area remains behind them, and soon they reach the gates of the city.

They enter the city relieved, knowing that they have taken the first step in saving the merchant. Elara leads the merchant to his house to begin the ritual.

What's next?


Let's wait for the moonlight and start the ritual


Narrator: As evening descends on the city, the light of the moon slowly begins to unfold in the sky, illuminating the dark streets and squares. Elara is getting ready: she marks out a circular area with salt, places candles in a circle, and places a flower from Death Valley in the center. With all preparations, they are ready as soon as the moon reaches its highest point.

The merchant stands in the middle of the circle while Elara begins singing an ancient prayer. His voice is deep and resonant, and as the prayer becomes stronger, the light of the flower becomes stronger, and a silvery mist begins to form around the merchant.

The prayer and ritual become more intense, and the merchant feels the energies permeate his body. His bones vibrate, as if something is trying to return him to his former form.

Long minutes pass, and when Elara finishes praying, the fog slowly dissipates and the merchant stands there, wondering if she has regained her original form.

Let's look at a picture of the moment after the ritual.

After the ritual, the fog dissipates in the center of the merchant and stands there, its form partially visible

Narrator: After the ritual, the fog dissipates in the center of the merchant and stands there, its form partially visible. Elara stands beside him, watching the merchant, exhausted but hopeful. Their surroundings indicate the strength of prayer: the ground has burned, and the flower that once shined has now withered. The figure of the merchant is still mysterious; It is not entirely clear whether it has returned to its completely original state.

What's next?


I feel my face



Narrator: The merchant slowly raises his hand and gently touches his face. Instead of touching the bone, you feel skin and muscles. He runs his fingers across his face, touching his chin, nose, and eyelids. The texture is familiar and yet new, as if it had not touched its own face for years.

Elara watches the trader's reaction and, seeing the signs of surprise and joy on his face, smiles slightly.

Elara: "The ritual seems to have worked, at least partially. You're no longer a skeleton, but it may take more time to completely break the curse."

The merchant is still trying to comprehend what has happened while experiencing new and yet familiar feelings.

What's your next step?


If I can charge you with this, let's have dinner


Elara: "Of course, I gladly accept the invitation. After such a busy day, it feels good to have good food and pleasant company."

Narrator: Elara and the merchant leave town to dine at a nearby inn. As they enter, the innkeeper greets them with great joy and leads them to a quiet corner where they can discuss events without anyone overhearing them.

The conversation between the two partners is deep and meaningful as they share experiences and thoughts. The food is delicious and the atmosphere is warm and welcoming. The merchant senses that the burdens that previously weighed him down are now beginning to ease and looks at Elara with thanks for her help.

Want to see a picture of dinner?


of course


Narrator: The picture depicts pleasant moments spent at the inn. Elara and the merchant engage in deep conversation while enjoying delicious food and drinks. The soft light of the candles illuminates them warmingly, and in the background you can hear the chat and laughter of other guests. The atmosphere is friendly and intimate, and the two companions feel that they can forget about the difficulties of the day for a while.

What's your next step?

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