DEV Community

Olumuyiwa Afolabi
Olumuyiwa Afolabi

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Top 20 NuGet Packages You Must Add to Your .NET Application

NuGet is the official package manager for .NET. It provides developers with a vast array of libraries, tools, and extensions that enhance productivity, optimize code, and solve real-world problems. As a .NET developer, integrating the right NuGet packages can make your application more efficient, secure, and scalable.

In this article, we'll explore the top 20 NuGet packages that you should consider adding to your .NET application. We’ll provide examples and step-by-step solutions to demonstrate how these packages can improve your development process.

  1. Newtonsoft.Json
  2. Serilog
  3. Entity Framework Core
  4. AutoMapper
  5. Polly
  6. FluentValidation
  7. Swashbuckle.AspNetCore
  8. MediatR
  9. NLog
  10. Dapper
  11. Hangfire
  12. xUnit
  13. IdentityServer4
  14. Refit
  15. MiniProfiler
  16. NSwag
  17. Elasticsearch.Net
  18. MassTransit
  19. Quartz.NET
  20. MailKit

Source: []

Top comments (1)

lambertj profile image

Something is wrong here : you announce "We’ll provide examples and step-by-step solutions" and only copy/paste a list of packages, OK => Want to create traffic on your blogpost/website for details.

Then on your website, the examples are "full text mode" (your content interpreter seems off). Two weeks the article is online and you didn't check the format ?

Finally, some of the packages are not supported anymore (IdentityServer4 since November 2022, sad for and identity provider...) or in stale (Swashbuckle.AspNetCore will be removed from native framework because of no new features).