I finally got some time and finished the second workshop of the Epic React by Kent C. Dodds course. It's been a while since I wrote my last article about the first workshop, but here I am and trying to summarize my experience and learnings from the second workshop React Hooks.
Some people are already finishing the whole Epic React course and it took someone over 3 weeks by spending 4 hours each day. That's 84 hours or 3 1/2 days spent on the whole course. I think I need to increase my speed on completing more workshops π . This just shows how much content you get with this course.
Now to my thoughts on the React Hooks workshop!
What will I learn?
After completing the React Hooks workshop, you will be familiar with the most used hooks in React and how they work. useState
, useRef
, and useEffect
will be explained and how you use them by programming a Tic-Tac-Toe game.
Additionally, you will learn in which order hooks will run. Which useEffect
will run first? What about my lazy initializer in my useState
? When does my component get rendered? All these questions will get answered in this workshop.
If you are still creating React components using classes and find hooks confusing, you will also get some exercises on how you can convert class components to function components with hooks.
You will learn the concept of lifting state, so you will know when you need to move a certain state up to the parent.
Finally, you will learn how you can fetch data from an external API with React hooks and learn about ErrorBoundary
What did I learn?
I am already quite familiar with React hooks, but there are still somethings I learned in this workshop.
I was not aware of the lazy initializer function that you can pass to the useState
Instead of doing this:
const [data, setDate] = useState(getSomeComplexDefaultState());
You can write it like this:
const [data, setDate] = useState(() => getSomeComplexDefaultState());
This is very useful for complex initial state. Using lazy initializers can in certain situations increase your web performance.
The next thing I never looked up before, was the hook flow. Now I am more aware in which order my hooks in nested components run!
Finally, in the last module about data fetching, I learned a lot about the React ErrorBoundary
component and using the react-error-boundary
package. Kent C. Dodds has a blog post on his website, if you want to learn about it.
So after my second workshop, I have to say that I already know a lot about React, but at the same time, I don't. I am very glad that I bought this course and how much I gain from it. Knowing those little details is very valuable and can help you a lot when you encounter strange bugs in your code.
The next workshop is Advanced React Hooks. After finishing it you will hear from me again π
Top comments (1)
Thanks for the article.
Three weeks is too fast IMO. At least for most people. From what I can see, too many people are breezing through this course, probably to their own detriment.
There is a reason why the suggested learning club schedule is 14 weeks long.