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Piyush Jajoo
Piyush Jajoo

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Use Crossplane and ArgoCD to deliver Cloud Infrastructure the GitOps Way

In this blog we delve into the exciting world of modern infrastructure management using Crossplane and ArgoCD. GitOps, a methodology that brings the principles of version control and collaboration to infrastructure as code (IaC). In this blog, we'll guide you through the steps of leveraging Crossplane and ArgoCD to deliver infrastructure the GitOps way.

Please be aware that this blog marks the beginning of the Crossplane + ArgoCD series. In this installment, we'll delve into the fundamental configuration required to deploy infrastructure using the GitOps approach. Subsequent blog posts will provide more comprehensive insights into various concepts.


  • Docker
  • kind, there are many ways to install kind, please refer the link to install as you see fit.
  • kubectl, we will use this to interact with the cluster.
  • Github account
  • Helm to install crossplane charts
  • AWS Account as in this blog we will create an SQS resource in AWS

What are we going to create/observe?

At a high level we will do the following -

  • Private Github Repository setup with ArgoCD
  • Kubernetes cluster with Crossplane and ArgoCD
  • Create a AWS SQS queue the gitops way
  • Import an existing AWS SQS queue the gitops way
  • Delete the resource from kubernetes cluster and observe that ArgoCD brings it back
  • Delete the resource from AWS Console and observe that Crossplane brings it back

Create a private github repository

Assuming you already have the github account. The following steps will create the github repository and generate a personal access token. ArgoCD will watch this repository to sync the resources in the kubernetes cluster.

Create a new private github repository as shown in the screenshot below, we will name it as xargocd-gitops, if it's not available you can use any name -

Image description

After successful creation of the repository it will look as below -

Image description

Create Personal access tokens (classic) with repo scope as below and click on Generate Token button, make a note of the token, we will need this while configuring ArgoCD to watch our private git repo -

Image description

Create kubernetes cluster using KIND

We have explained in detail in our earlier blog on how to setup a functional kubernetes cluster using KIND, hence we will not go in detail again. Please read the blog for details on KIND.

Create a KIND cluster as below -

kind create cluster --config - <<EOF
kind: Cluster
name: "platformwale"
# configure cluster with containerd registry config dir enabled
- |-
    config_path = "/etc/containerd/certs.d"
- role: control-plane
  image: "kindest/node:v1.27.3"
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Make sure the kubectl context is pointing to the kind cluster created above -

# set the context as below
kubectl config use-context kind-platformwale

# validate as below
kubectl config current-context
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Install and Configure ArgoCD

Let's install the stable release of the ArgoCD in the KIND cluster we created above. At the time of writing this blog, the ArgoCD stable release was on version v2.8.0.

kubectl create namespace argocd
kubectl apply -n argocd -f
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Make sure all the argocd pods are running as below -

$ kubectl get po -n argocd
NAME                                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
argocd-application-controller-0                     1/1     Running   0          49s
argocd-applicationset-controller-74bd4b8497-5bfcd   1/1     Running   0          49s
argocd-dex-server-6c6dfb6597-twwnw                  1/1     Running   0          49s
argocd-notifications-controller-6786586cb-87nxc     1/1     Running   0          49s
argocd-redis-b5d6bf5f5-xbqc5                        1/1     Running   0          49s
argocd-repo-server-6658f8b96d-6jmwt                 1/1     Running   0          49s
argocd-server-5fff657769-nnqwm                      1/1     Running   0          49s
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Install ArgoCD CLI as suggested in the link, in my case I was working on Mac and I installed CLI as below -

brew install argocd
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Port forward argocd service so that you can access the argocd UI at http://localhost:8080 as below -

kubectl port-forward svc/argocd-server -n argocd 8080:443
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Modify the initial secret for argocd UI by running following commands in another terminal -

# open another terminal

# make sure your kubecontext is pointing to the cluster you created above
kubectl config use-context kind-platformwale

# this will stdout the initial password, copy that, you will need it for the command below
argocd admin initial-password -n argocd

# login using the password from above command, the Username will be `admin` and Password will be the one you copied above
argocd login localhost:8080

# update password; it will ask for current password, which is the one from command above and provide a new password
argocd account update-password

# delete the secret holding initial argocd password
kubectl delete secret -n argocd argocd-initial-admin-secret
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Make sure you are able to use the new password and login to argocd UI http://localhost:8080 using Username: admin. On successful login you will see something as below -

Image description

Configure ArgoCD to watch the private Github repository

Now we will configure ArgoCD to watch the Private Github Repository we created in the section above. Assuming you have copied the private access token, you will need to substitute below and apply the manifest -

YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME=<e.g. piyushjajoo>

kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
# setup argocd secret for private gitops repository
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: xargocd-gitops-credentials
  namespace: argocd
  labels: repository
type: Opaque
  name: xargocd-gitops
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Make sure the secret is created successfully -

$ kubectl get secrets -n argocd xargocd-gitops-credentials
NAME                         TYPE     DATA   AGE
xargocd-gitops-credentials   Opaque   4      4m1s
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Configure ArgoCD AppProject CRs

The following AppProject CR allows to deploy ArgoCD Application CRs to only argocd namespace within the KIND cluster -


kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
# The 'applications-project' AppProject allows a non-admin user to deploy 
# only Application resources in the 'argocd' namespace.
kind: AppProject
  name: applications-project
  namespace: argocd
  description: Project for argocd applicatons

  # Allow this project to deploy only to 'argocd' namespace
  - namespace: argocd
    server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
  # Deny all namespace-scoped resources from being created, except for Application
  - group: ''
    kind: Application
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The following AppProject CR allows to deploy any SQS AWS resources from API to any namespace within the KIND cluster -


kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
# 'sqs-project' is used for actual SQS crossplane resources
kind: AppProject
  name: sqs-project
  namespace: argocd
  description: Project for deploying crossplane resources to the cluster

  # can deploy to any namespace but within the kind cluster only
  - namespace: '*'
    server: https://kubernetes.default.svc   

  # can deploy any SQS resources
  - group: ''
    kind: '*'
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Make sure the AppProject CRs are installed successfully as below -

$ kubectl get -A
NAMESPACE   NAME                   AGE
argocd      applications-project   24s
argocd      default                60m
argocd      sqs-project            12s
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Setup ArgoCD Application

Let's configure an argocd Application CR to install any SQS resources under sqs-queues directory under xargocd-gitops private repository, we will create the directory after the Crossplane is installed.


kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
kind: Application
  name: sqs-queues
  namespace: argocd
  project: sqs-project
    repoURL: ${REPO_URL}
    targetRevision: HEAD
    path: ./sqs-queues
    server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
    namespace: crossplane-system
      prune: true
      selfHeal: true
    - SyncWaveOrder=true
      limit: 1
        duration: 5s 
        factor: 2 
        maxDuration: 1m
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Make sure the argocd application is created successfully as below -

$ kubectl get applications -A
argocd      sqs-queues   Unknown       Healthy

$ argocd app list
NAME               CLUSTER                         NAMESPACE          PROJECT      STATUS   HEALTH   SYNCPOLICY  CONDITIONS       REPO                                           PATH          TARGET
argocd/sqs-queues  https://kubernetes.default.svc  crossplane-system  sqs-project  Unknown  Healthy  Auto-Prune  ComparisonError  ./sqs-queues  HEAD
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Let's fix the ComparisonError for now, this is because sqs-queues directory is not present in the repository just yet, the error will disappear once we setup the directory in next section.

Create a directory named sqs-queues and add any dummy text file for e.g. dummy to the directory and commit to git repo. This will fix the argocd app.

$ argocd app list
NAME               CLUSTER                         NAMESPACE          PROJECT      STATUS  HEALTH   SYNCPOLICY  CONDITIONS  REPO                                           PATH          TARGET
argocd/sqs-queues  https://kubernetes.default.svc  crossplane-system  sqs-project  Synced  Healthy  Auto-Prune  <none>  ./sqs-queues  HEAD
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Install Crossplane and Configure Provider AWS

In this section, we will install the Crossplane core and Crossplane AWS Provider controller for SQS resources.

Install Crossplane Core, at the time of writing this blog, we Crossplane version v1.13.2 -

# add crossplane helm repo
helm repo add \

# update the added helm repo
helm repo update

# to check the current version of the crossplane core
helm search repo crossplane-stable

# install crossplane core helm chart
helm install crossplane \
crossplane-stable/crossplane \
--namespace crossplane-system \
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Make sure all the crossplane pods are installed successfully -

$ kubectl get po -n crossplane-system
NAME                                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
crossplane-8697f8cff4-mw5j6                1/1     Running   0          35s
crossplane-rbac-manager-6f8dbd9ffd-tkcb9   1/1     Running   0          35s
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Install Crossplane AWS Provider as below, at time of writing this blog, provider-aws-sqs was at version v0.38.0 -

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: Provider
  name: provider-aws-sqs
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Make sure the AWS Provider is installed successfully as below -

$ kubectl get providers
NAME                          INSTALLED   HEALTHY   PACKAGE                                               AGE
provider-aws-sqs              True        True      29s
upbound-provider-family-aws   True        True   25s
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Also make sure the api-resources for SQS are available -

$ kubectl api-resources | grep
queuepolicies                                           false        QueuePolicy
queueredriveallowpolicies                               false        QueueRedriveAllowPolicy
queueredrivepolicies                                    false        QueueRedrivePolicy
queues                                                  false        Queue
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Create IAM User with SQS permissions

Crossplane will need AWS IAM Permissions to be able to create SQS queues, in our use case we will simply create an IAM Role with SQSFullAccess permissions as below from AWS Console.

  • Go to IAM > Users console in AWS UI
  • Create an IAM User, you can choose any name you want, on next screen select Attach policies directly and search for AmazonSQSFullAccess and create the IAM User.
  • Once the user is created, click on View User and go to Security Credentials tab and scroll down to section Access Keys.
  • Click on Create access key and make sure to copy the values before you hit Done or at least download the .csv file, as we will need these credentials to setup the ProviderConfig for Provider AWS as shown below.

NOTE: there are different ways you can configure credentials for AWS Provider, but for this blog we will use IAM User credentials, in upcoming blogs we will go over other ways, for e.g. InjectedIdentity. The various ways of authentication for Provider AWS are mentioned in this document.

Setup ProviderConfig

In this section we will setup a ProviderConfig for Provider AWS, this is a way to make provider AWS controller create resources in your desired AWS Account.

Create the aws-credentials.txt file with the IAM User credentials you copied in the section above, make sure to substitute the values -

aws_access_key_id = REPLACE_ME_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
aws_secret_access_key = REPLACE_ME_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
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Create the kubernetes secret as below -

kubectl create secret \
generic aws-secret \
-n crossplane-system \
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Create ProviderConfig as below -

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: ProviderConfig
  name: default
    source: Secret
      namespace: crossplane-system
      name: aws-secret
      key: creds
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This is a way to configure default ProviderConfig for provider-aws, i.e. if providerConfigRef is not mentioned in the crossplane resource being created, it will by default pick the default ProviderConfig.

Validate the crossplane and provider aws setup

That's it, we are now ready to make a commit to git and see the resource getting created. Or maybe one last validation before we deliver infrastructure through GitOps.

Submit the following Queue resource using kubectl and validate if the queue is created in your desired AWS Account in the desired region, notice in the example below we are explicitly specifying providerConfigRef -> default, but this will work even if we don't mention the default ProviderConfig -

kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
kind: Queue
  name: demo-queue
    name: demo-queue
    region: us-west-2
    name: default
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Give it a few seconds the sqs-queue resource will be created, you can also validate in the AWS Console -

$ kubectl get
NAME         READY   SYNCED   EXTERNAL-NAME                                                 AGE
demo-queue   True    True   37s
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Delete the queue as follows and make sure that the queue is deleted -

$ kubectl delete demo-queue "demo-queue" deleted

$ kubectl get
No resources found
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See the GitOps + Crossplane + ArgoCD magic

We are ready to see Crossplane and ArgoCD in action. Here is the architecture -

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Create a new SQS Queue

Create a commit with following YAML manifest in sqs-queues directory in the github repository you created earlier, this is the directory you had configured earlier with ArgoCD. In this scenario we are creating a new resource via GitOps.

kind: Queue
  name: platformwale-queue
    name: platformwale-queue
    region: us-west-2
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Your github repo will look as below -

Image description

Go to argocd UI to your sqs-queues application and hit Refresh button if argocd has not yet auto synced the repo, wait for a few seconds and you will see that repo is synced as below, also validate that the platformwale-queue is created in the specified AWS Region in configured AWS Account.

Image description

$ kubectl get
NAME                 READY   SYNCED   EXTERNAL-NAME                                                         AGE
platformwale-queue   True    True   6m48s
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Import an existing SQS Queue

Let's do the other way around, let's create a Queue from AWS Console, let's call it platformwale-queue2 in us-west-2 region and let's try to import it.

Create the queue platformwale-queue2 in us-west-2 with all the default values and copy the value of field URL. For example -

Submit the manifest below to git repo under sqs-queues directory as earlier, this time you will notice that, it will successfully import the existing resource and will not try to recreate the resource.

kind: Queue
  name: platformwale-queue2
    name: platformwale-queue2
    region: us-west-2
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The magic happens through annotation we specified in our manifest. This is the annotation modified by crossplane after the resource is created and crossplane validates if the resource exists with the value specified in the annotation, if yes, it simply tries to import the resource.

$ kubectl get
NAME                  READY   SYNCED   EXTERNAL-NAME                                                          AGE
platformwale-queue    True    True    16m
platformwale-queue2   True    True   15s
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We will cover importing resource in detail in our upcoming blogs. That's it!! There you have a functional GitOps way of delivering infrastructure using Crossplane + ArgoCD.

Automatic Drift Detection

Let's be ambitious and delete the resource from the cluster, you will see that in sometime argocd will resync and the resource will be back -

# delete the queue
$ kubectl delete queues platformwale-queue "platformwale-queue" deleted

# queue is gone and you see it being recreated, you can also valdiate in AWS Console
$ kubectl get queues
platformwale-queue   False   True                     2s
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Let's be super ambitious and delete the resource from AWS UI Console, you will see that in sometime (for me it was ~10 mins, I am sure this is configurable) the resource will be back -

$ kubectl describe queues platformwale-queue
    Normal   CreatedExternalResource          16s (x3 over 22m)  managed/, kind=queue  Successfully requested creation of external resource
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This is extremely important, you don't want to see unexpected costs in your AWS bill. GitOps makes it even smooth to cleanup. Simply delete the YAML files created under sqs-queues directory and then run argocd app sync sqs-qeueues --prune, this will delete the resources whose manifests you just deleted.

$ kubectl get queues
No resources found
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Make sure to delete the IAM User you created earlier from AWS Console.

Also if you no longer need private github repository, you can delete the repository. Also make sure to delete the personal access token you generated if you don't want to continue using it. Please leverage GitHub UI to clean them up.

Finally, if you are done using kind cluster, delete it as below, please don't delete the cluster before deleting the cloud resources, otherwise you will need to clean the cloud resources manually -

kind delete cluster --name platformwale

## validation
$ kind delete cluster --name platformwale
Deleting cluster "platformwale" ...
Deleted nodes: ["platformwale-control-plane"]
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Therefore, we've observed how Crossplane and ArgoCD can be harnessed to implement the GitOps methodology for delivering infrastructure. This capability holds immense potential for both internal developer teams and platform teams. The built-in abilities for detecting drift and conducting reconciliations offer remarkable advantages that any platform engineer would be enthusiastic about offering to their internal developer groups.


Author Notes

Feel free to reach out with any concerns or questions you have. I will make every effort to address your inquiries and provide resolutions. Stay tuned for the upcoming blog in this series dedicated to Platformwale (Engineers who work on Infrastructure Platform teams).

Originally published at on Aug 19, 2023.

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