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Mastaka Koike
Mastaka Koike

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Convert OpenEXR to JPEG using OpenImageIO(OIIO) in Python

Self Introduction

I am Masataka @plinecom, a VFX pipeline engineer at digitalbigmo Inc.

What is this?

I'm an OpenEXR pusher, but I often need help to preview OpenEXR easily, so I wanted to convert it per JPEG. But I already have tens of millions of JPEGs, which will increase in the future, so I want to process them in Python. I discovered that OpenImageIO is a convenient way to do this, so I used OpenCV. And since it handles image data in NumPy arrays, it will be helpful later. It needed to support DPX as well.

Code (low-level API version)

import OpenImageIO as oiio
import glob

if __name__ == '__main__':

    for path in glob.glob('/foo/bar/*.exr'):
        jpg_path = path.replace('.exr', '.jpg')

        #Read File
        spec = inp.spec()
        pixels = inp.read_image("float")

        #Write File
        ImageOutput.create(jpg_path), spec)
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Code (high-level API version).

import OpenImageIO as oiio
import glob

if __name__ == '__main__':

    for path in glob.glob('/foo/bar/*.exr'):
        jpg_path = path.replace('.exr', '.jpg')

        #Read File
        buf = oiio.ImageBuf(path)

        #Write File
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Required Python external modules.

  • OpenImageIO
  • NumPy

I also prepared a Dockerfile.

FROM rockylinux:8
RUN dnf install -y which python3 epel-release
RUN dnf config-manager --set-enabled powertools
RUN dnf install -y python3-openimageio python3-numpy
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docker pull plinecom/py_oiio
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Description of the low-level API version of the code

It is faster to use the low-level API if you are trying to get a NumPy array. (There is also a way to take a NumPy array from the high-level API.)

Instructions on how to read EXR files.

        #Read File
        inp =
        spec = inp.spec()
        pixels = inp.read_image("float")
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The object pixels you can retrieve from the read_image() function is a NumPy array. Since this is OpeEXR, we instruct it to output the image data as a float type.

Instructions for exporting and converting image data

        #Write File
        out = oiio.ImageOutput.create(jpg_path), spec)
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Specify the destination and file name to write to. The image format is automatically processed based on the file extension, so if you change the extension, OpenImageIO will output to a supported format.

Description of the high-level API version of the code

Nothing special. There is only one line for each read/write, and you should be able to figure it out if you see it.


digitalbigmo Inc. sells skin beauty plug-ins and does video VFX production work. If you are interested, please visit our web page. Let's work together.


OpenImageIO main house (English)
OpenImageIO Reference (English)

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