DEV Community

Pietro Lungarini
Pietro Lungarini

Posted on

CodeWiz Has Launched on Product Hunt! My Heart? Racing. My Palms? Sweaty.

Hello tribe! ๐ŸŒŸ

Today's the day! After nights of coding, debugging, more coding, and (let's admit it) a few breakdowns, CodeWiz has officially launched on Product Hunt!

Honestly? I'm terrified. The emotions are high, the nerves are jittery, but the hope? Skyrocketing. As a solo-maker, there's a raw vulnerability in putting something so close to your heart out into the wild. CodeWiz isn't just lines of code; it's my story, our collective developer dreams, and a vision for better coding days.

If you ever wished for a coding partner that just "gets it," perhaps CodeWiz might just be that pal. Check it out, play around, and share your thoughts. Your feedback is the magic potion that will keep this wizardry alive and spellbinding.

Join me in this roller-coaster of emotions and celebrate this tiny-big milestone. Your support, as always, is the wind beneath CodeWiz's wings (or should I say, broomstick? ๐Ÿงน).

Thank you for being a part of this journey. Here's to making coding a tad more magical! ๐Ÿพ

With all the jitters and joy,

Pietro Lungarini
Your Friendly Neighborhood Code Wizard. ๐Ÿง™โ€โ™‚๏ธ

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