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Jeremy Morgan for Pluralsight

Posted on • Updated on • Originally published at

Create Your Own Blog for 5 Dollars a Month

Blogging about tech is fun. Having your own blog allows you to help others, polish your skills, and maybe get you a job.

Blogging on other sites such as Medium, Dev.To, etc can be really fun. Obviously I do it, you're reading it on Dev.TO. But having your OWN site to manage your content is important as well. This gives you the freedom to do things exactly as you want, and build your personal brand.

If you follow this tutorial, you can have your own statically hosted blog for $5 a month. All you need is a domain name.

Creating a New Machine

We'll start by creating a virtual machine (droplet) at Digital Ocean.

Click "Create" and select "droplet".

How to create a static blog

I'm choosing FreeBSD for this, and if you decide to choose Linux, the instructions are pretty similar.

Choose the $5 per month option:

How to create a static blog

If this is a new blog, it will be plenty of power. Select the datacenter region that's closest to you.

For authentication, I use ssh. This just means you'll need to generate keys on your machine and upload the keys to Digital Ocean. But it's a far more secure option for communicating with your machine.

How to create a static blog

Note: Here's a good tutorial on How to generate ssh keys in Windows, Linux, or Mac.

Add in your SSH keys, and you're ready to go.

How to create a static blog

Creating DNS Entries

You'll need to create some DNS entries. I use Route53 for DNS, but you can use Digital Ocean for DNS into your droplet as well.

How to create a static blog

Just make sure your domain is mapped to the IP address of your droplet/server.

Logging Into Your System

Now let's log into the droplet. Since I'm using FreeBSD, I'm going to update it.

freebsd-update fetch install
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Next we'll install Git and Nginx.

pkg install git
pkg install nginx
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Then we'll run rehash, so the commands are available.

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Adding Firewall Rules

You'll want to set up a few rules for your firewall.

Use the following commands to make changes to your sysrc:

sysrc nginx_enable="YES"
sysrc firewall_enable="YES"
sysrc firewall_type="workstation"
sysrc firewall_myservices="22/tcp 80/tcp 443/tcp"
sysrc firewall_allowservices="any"
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Then start up the firewall.

sudo nohup service ipfw start >&/tmp/ipfw.log
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Start up Nginx:

sudo service nginx start
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Should see this:

How to create a static blog

Now Nginx is up and running on your machine through an HTTP connection.

Setting up Your Development Machine

We will use Hugo for static site generation. Depending on your development machine environment, the installation is a little different, so rather than repeat the install instructions for each platform (Windows/Mac/Linux/BSD) just follow the instructions here:

You'll need to install Golang on your system.

Then Install Hugo

Make sure Git is installed on this machine as well.

Creating a New Hugo Website

Now, let's create a new website. Mine is called "sillyblog" so I run the following command:

hugo new site sillyblog
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Hugo does not give you a default theme with your blog, so you will need to find a theme that you like.

Then you just git clone your theme into the /themes folder within the folder you just created.

I'm using the "Hugo Dusk" theme so it looks like this:

cd sillyblog/themes
git clone
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Now, I need to add the theme to my config.toml file. This will depend on the name of the theme you install. Most of the time, it's the same name as the .git file.

echo 'theme = "hugo-dusk"' >> config.toml
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Now let's create our first post:

hugo new posts/
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Note the file name makes the URL. So my URL will be

This is important to keep in mind for SEO purposes.

Open up the file content/

It will look like this:

title: "Helloworld"
date: 2020-02-29T00:24:30-08:00
draft: true
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Here you can edit your first post.

You want to change draft: true to draft: false when you're ready to publish.

hugo serve
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Cool, now we have a blog running on our local machine.

How to create a static blog

You can cancel out of the service, and to generate a new site, just type in

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Your website will be generated and sitting in the "public" folder.

Setting up Deployment

create github repository

go back to the /public directory of your blog (for me it's "sillyblog")

Initialize the repository.

git init
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Then, do your first commit.

git commit -m "first commit"
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You will need to add the remote origin of your blog on github. For me, I named it "simpleblog" but your name will be different.

git remote add origin
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Then push the files up to Github. (Note you can remove the Github step if you want and push it directly to the server).

git push -u origin master
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Now you should see your files pushed up to your Github repo.

Setting up Our Server

Now we need to set up our server. Make a folder for the new site, and replace "" with the name of your website.

mkdir -p /usr/local/www/
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Make sure and change the ownership of the directory to www for Nginx.

sudo chown -R www:www /usr/local/www/
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Now you can clone your site directly into that folder. (This is what you'll do every time you publish.)

git clone /usr/local/www/
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Finally, You'll need to edit your nginx.conf so that your domain name will be directed to that folder.

vi /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
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And add in the following: (replace my domain name with yours)

server {
    access_log /var/log/nginx/;
    error_log /var/log/nginx/;
    listen  80;

    location / {
        root /usr/local/www/;
        index index.html index.htm;
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This will likely be somewhere towards the bottom of the file:

How to create a static blog

Now save the file and reload Nginx:

service nginx reload
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And Viola! Our site is up!!

But it's HTTP on port 80. Can't have that.

Installing Let's Encrypt for SSL

We'll install a certificate with Let's Encrypt. One of the cool things about Let's Encrypt is the cert is free (though you should donate), and certbot will pretty much do all the configuration for you.

You need to install certbot:

pkg install py37-certbot-dns-digitalocean
pkg install py37-certbot-nginx
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Then, run it with the --nginx flag:

certbot certonly --nginx
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It will ask you some questions:

How to create a static blog

Then it will automatically make modifications to your Nginx conf:

How to create a static blog

And finally, the site is up, with https!!

How to create a static blog


In this tutorial, we:

  • Set up a Digital Ocean VM
  • Installed Nginx
  • Installed Hugo on our local machine
  • Created a new site with Hugo
  • Used Git to push it to our new server.

This workflow can vary, but this is enough to get started. In this workflow, we build artifacts on a local machine and use Git to store the artifacts and move them to the server. Another (better) alternative for you might be to store the entire Hugo folder in a git repo, and then commit that to the server and build your artifacts after that.

I didn't want to load up this tutorial too much, but in future tutorials, we'll set something like that up, and set up some CI/CD tweaks to it.

If you set this up, let me know! I'm always looking for feedback on my tutorials.

Top comments (8)

tobiassn profile image
Tobias SN

You could also use Netlify, which is free.

codypearce profile image
Cody Pearce • Edited

Yeah, it's also much easier to setup. This article is a good in-depth guide on setting up a Hugo blog on Digital Ocean, but if you're building a static site then you'll save a bunch of time and money using Netlify or Zeit.

chachan profile image

I've seen a lot of people talking about Netlify but I don't totally get what the offer. I've seen Zeit but have no idea static content could be hosted there

jeremycmorgan profile image
Jeremy Morgan

I will likely create some tutorials around Netlify as well. I haven't used them much but it looks like a decent service.

tobiassn profile image
Tobias SN

Sounds cool. I would love for you to go into depth about the more advanced features like Functions and Identity. I think most people see Netlify as just a static website host, even though it has a lot more features.

lormayna profile image

Or S3 that is free-ish

adnanbabakan profile image
Adnan Babakan (he/him)

A very good guide and really practical indeed.
I can host my WordPress for $5 a month as well with no coding or computer skills. LOL
(This was a joke xD)
Thanks again

yokotobe profile image
yokotobe • Edited

Last month, I terminated contract with Digital Ocean and host my won website at Home using Raspberry pi. Save $60/year to buy new sneakers.