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Your Refactoring Alarm 🔔

Code Limit

Your Refactoring Alarm 🔔

main codecov Checked with mypy Code style: black Linting: Ruff Checked with Code Limit


Code Limit is a tool for developers with one goal: it tells the developer when it’s time to refactor.

Check out the documentation and start using Code Limit today to keep your code maintainable.


Depending on your development workflow, Code Limit can run in many different ways (e.g.: pre-commit hook, GitHub Action, standalone, etc.). See the Quickstart documentation for examples.

Standalone usage

Code Limit can run as a standalone program to check and inspect a codebase, see the Standalone Usage documentation to get started.


Code Limit aims to be zero-configuration. However, sometimes the exception proves the rule. Check out the Configuration documentation for all configuration options.


See the Development documentation if you want to extend or contribute to Code Limit.

Feedback, suggestions and bug reports

If you have suggestions for how Code Limit could be improved, or want to…

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✂️ Find unused files, dependencies and exports in your JavaScript and TypeScript projects. Knip it before you ship it!

✂️ Knip

Knip finds unused files, dependencies and exports in your JavaScript and TypeScript projects. Less code and dependencies lead to improved performance, less maintenance and easier refactorings.

export const myVar = true;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

This is where ESLint stops: it handles files in isolation, so it does not know whether myVar is used somewhere else This is where Knip starts: it lints the project as a whole and finds unused exports, files and dependencies.

It's only human to forget to remove things that you no longer use. But how do you find out? Where do you start finding things that can be removed?

The dots don't connect themselves. This is where Knip comes in:

  • Finds unused files, dependencies and exports
  • Finds used dependencies not listed in package.json
  • Built-in support for workspaces (monorepos)
  • Growing list of built-in plugins
  • Use compilers to include other file types (e.g. .mdx, .vue, .svelte

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