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prakash chokalingam
prakash chokalingam

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Codebytes: Caching mongoose models in Redis (MongoDB).

Ever considered caching your mongoose models in a super caching tool like Redis to avoid frequent MongoDB hit and refrained from doing that because you may lose the mongoose object privileges like calling model._id as or model.toObject() or the superior one model.populate() and others.

Here comes the saviour,

Hydrate method in mongoose API converts your raw JSON data into the mongoose model object(s).

Example: Simple model

// set cache

let todo = Todo.findById(id);
redis.set(key, todo); // stores as raw json

// read cache

let todoCache = redis.get(key); // returns raw json
let todo = Todo.hydrate(todoCache); // converts in to mongoose model

let createdBy = todo.populate('createdBy'); 
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Example: Array of models

// set cache

let todos = Todo.findAll();
redis.set('todos', todos); // stores as array of son

// read cache

let cachedTodos = redis.get('todos'); // returns array of json
let todos = => Todo.hydrate(todo)); // converts in to mongoose model

let incompleteTodos = todos.filter(todo => !todo.isDone);
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