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Prasenjeet Kumar
Prasenjeet Kumar

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Lerna: Simplifying Multi-Package JavaScript Projects with Monorepo

Lerna is a popular tool used for managing multi-package JavaScript projects. It simplifies the development process, improves code sharing and collaboration, and makes it easier to maintain and manage large codebases. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of using a monorepo and how Lerna can help you manage your multi-package JavaScript projects more effectively.


A monorepo, short for "monolithic repository", is a software development approach where multiple projects are stored in a single repository. This means that instead of having separate repositories for each project, they are all kept together in a single repository, with version control applied at the repository level.

In a monorepo, all the projects share the same codebase, dependencies, and configuration. This allows for better code reuse, easier cross-project refactoring, and simplified dependency management. Monorepos are commonly used by large software companies such as Google, Facebook, and Microsoft, as well as by many open-source projects.

There are several reasons why one might choose a monorepo for their software development:

  1. Code sharing: By keeping all code in a single repository, it becomes easier to share code between different projects. This is especially useful when there are common components or libraries that are used across multiple projects.
  2. Consistency: With a monorepo, all projects share the same codebase and dependencies. This ensures consistency across projects and reduces the risk of incompatibilities.
  3. Simplified development process: With all code in a single repository, developers can work on multiple projects simultaneously without having to switch between different repositories.
  4. Easier maintenance: Since all code is in a single repository, it's easier to maintain and manage. This makes it simpler to update dependencies, apply security patches, and perform other maintenance tasks.
  5. Improved collaboration: By using a monorepo, teams can collaborate more easily since all code is in one place. This can help reduce communication overhead and speed up development.

Overall, a monorepo can simplify the development process and improve code sharing and collaboration, making it a popular choice for many development teams.

Lerna is a popular tool used for managing multi-package JavaScript projects. Some of the most used Lerna commands are:

  1. lerna init: Initializes a new Lerna repository in the current directory.
  2. lerna create: Creates a new package in the Lerna repository.
  3. lerna bootstrap: Installs package dependencies and links local packages together.
  4. lerna add: Adds a package as a dependency to another package in the Lerna repository.
  5. lerna exec: Runs an arbitrary command in each package of the Lerna repository.
  6. lerna changed: Lists all packages that have changed since the last release.
  7. lerna diff: Shows the difference between the current working tree and the last release of a package.
  8. lerna publish: Publishes new package versions to a package registry, such as npm.
  9. lerna run: Runs an npm script in each package of the Lerna repository.
  10. lerna clean: Removes the node_modules directory from all packages in the Lerna repository.

lerna init

lerna init is a command used to initialize a new Lerna repository with a basic directory structure and a default package.json file. It creates a new Git repository and adds an initial commit.

To use lerna init, you need to have Lerna installed globally on your machine. Once installed, you can navigate to the directory where you want to create the Lerna repository and run the following command:

lerna init
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This will create the following directory structure:

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The packages directory is where you will create your individual packages. Each package should have its own directory within the packages directory. The package.json file is the main package.json file for the entire repository. The lerna.json file contains configuration options for Lerna.

After running lerna init, you can add packages to the repository using the lerna create command.

πŸ’‘ To install the lerna globally on your machine use the command npm i -g lerna

Lerna Create

The lerna create command is used to create a new package in a Lerna-managed monorepo. It initializes the package with a basic directory structure and a package.json file.

Here's the basic syntax of the lerna create command:

lerna create <name> [loc]
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  • <name>: The name of the package to be created
  • [loc]: Optional. The location where the package should be created. If not specified, the package will be created in the default packages directory.

For example, to create a new package called my-package in the default packages directory, you can run the following command:

lerna create my-package
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This will create a new directory called packages/my-package, along with a basic package.json
file. You can then add your source code, tests, and other files to this directory as needed. Once you've added your code, you can use lerna addto add the new package as a dependency of other packages in your monorepo.

lerna bootstrap

lerna bootstrap is a command provided by Lerna that enables you to set up a development environment where packages depend on each other within a Lerna monorepo.

When you run lerna bootstrap, Lerna installs all external dependencies of each package, hoisting dependencies to the root level where possible. It also symlinks packages that are dependencies of each other.

Here's an example of how to use lerna bootstrap in a Lerna monorepo:

Let's say you have a Lerna monorepo with two packages:

β”œβ”€β”€ package-1/
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ package.json
β”‚   └── index.js
β”œβ”€β”€ package-2/
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ package.json
β”‚   └── index.js
└── lerna.json
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Inside lerna.json, you can define which packages should be linked and how:

  "packages": [
  "version": "0.0.0"
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Then, you can run lerna bootstrapto install all external dependencies of each package and create symlinks for interdependent packages:

lerna bootstrap
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This command will execute the following steps:

  1. Install all external dependencies for each package
  2. Symlink packages that depend on each other

After running lerna bootstrap, you should have the following directory structure:

β”œβ”€β”€ node_modules/
β”œβ”€β”€ package-1/
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ node_modules/ (symlinked to ../node_modules)
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ package.json
β”‚   └── index.js
β”œβ”€β”€ package-2/
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ node_modules/ (symlinked to ../node_modules)
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ package.json
β”‚   └── index.js
└── lerna.json
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Now you can develop your packages as usual and Lerna will take care of the dependencies.

πŸ’‘ Hoisting is the process of moving common dependencies from packages to the root node_modules folder to reduce duplication and improve performance.

lerna add

lerna add is a command provided by Lerna that allows you to add a dependency to one or more packages in your Lerna-managed monorepo. It automates the process of manually editing the package.json files of each package to add the dependency.

Here's an example of how to use lerna add:

Suppose you have a Lerna-managed monorepo with two packages: package-a and package-b. You want to add the lodash library as a dependency to package-a:

  1. Open your terminal and navigate to the root of your Lerna-managed monorepo.
  2. Run the following command:

    lerna add lodash --scope=package-a

    This command adds the lodash library as a dependency to package-a and updates the package.json file of package-a. It also installs lodash in package-a.

    If you want to add lodash as a dev dependency, you can use the --dev flag:

    lerna add lodash --scope=package-a --dev

    This will add lodash as a dev dependency to package-a.

  3. If you want to add the same dependency to multiple packages at once, you can specify a comma-separated list of scopes:

    lerna add lodash --scope=package-a,package-b

    This will add lodash as a dependency to both package-a and package-b.

    πŸ’‘ A "dev dependency" is a package or library that is only required for development and testing purposes, rather than for the production version of the software.

lerna exec

lerna exec is a command provided by Lerna that allows you to execute a command in each of the packages in your Lerna repository. This can be useful for running tests or other commands that need to be executed across all packages.

The basic syntax for lerna exec is:

lerna exec [command]
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This will execute the specified command in each package directory. For example, if you wanted to run the npm testcommand in each package, you could use:

lerna exec npm test
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You can also use {}as a placeholder for the package directory name in the command. For example, if you wanted to create a new directory in each package directory, you could use:

lerna exec 'mkdir {}/new-directory'
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This would create a new new-directory directory in each package directory.

lerna exec also supports various options for controlling the behavior of the command. Some commonly used options include:

  • -parallel or P: Run the command in all packages in parallel.
  • -stream: Stream output from each package as it completes instead of buffering it.
  • -scope: Only run the command in packages that match the given scope.

For example, if you wanted to run the npm install command in all packages in parallel, you could use:

lerna exec --parallel -- npm install
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We can use the lerna execcommand with the --scopeflag and a wildcard expression:

lerna exec --scope 'package-*' -- npm run test
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This will execute the npm run testcommand on all the packages that have a name starting with "package-". The --scopeflag allows us to specify which packages we want to run the command on.

Overall, lerna execis a powerful command that can help you automate tasks across multiple packages in your Lerna repository.

lerna changed

The lerna changed command is used to identify which packages in a Lerna-managed repository have changed since the last tagged release, in preparation for publishing new versions of those packages. It compares the current state of the repository with the latest tagged release and identifies packages that have been modified or added.

Here is an example of using lerna changed command:

Suppose you have a Lerna-managed repository with two packages named package-1 and package-2. You have made some changes to package-1 since the last tagged release, and you want to see which packages have changed in the repository. You can use the following command:

lerna changed
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This will output a list of packages that have changed since the last tagged release, in this case package-1.

You can also use the --json flag to output the result as a JSON object, which can be used by other tools:

lerna changed --json
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This will output a JSON object with the list of packages that have changed.

πŸ’‘ lerna changedcan be used in a Continuous Integration (CI) or Continuous Deployment (CD) pipeline to trigger builds or deployments only for the packages that have changed, instead of rebuilding or redeploying everything.

lerna diff

lerna diff is a Lerna command that shows the difference between the current repository state and the last release of the package(s).

The lerna diff command outputs a list of the packages that have changed since the last release, along with the type of change that has been made. The types of changes include:

  • changed: the package has changed but it doesn't include changes to its dependencies
  • new: a new package has been added
  • upgraded: the package has upgraded one of its dependencies
  • downgraded: the package has downgraded one of its dependencies

For example, if you run lerna diff, and there have been changes made to two packages since the last release, the output might look something like this:

lerna notice cli v3.22.1
lerna info Looking for changed packages since v1.0.0
lerna info found 2 packages to publish
lerna info diffing packages
lerna info comparing to previous version v1.0.0
my-package-1             CHANGED
my-package-2             UPGRADED (from 1.0.0 to 1.1.0)
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This indicates that there have been changes made to my-package-1, and an upgrade made to

my-package-2since the last release.

πŸ’‘ lerna changedis used to identify which packages have changed, while lerna diff
is used to see the specific changes made to each package.

lerna publish

lerna publish is a command in Lerna that helps you publish new versions of packages to the npm registry. It automates many of the tasks associated with publishing multiple packages, including updating version numbers, creating and pushing git tags, and publishing to the npm registry.

Here are the steps involved in using lerna publish:

  1. First, run lerna changed to see which packages have changed since the last release.
  2. Use lerna version to bump the version number of each changed package, update the changelog, create a git tag, and commit the changes.
  3. Finally, run lerna publish to publish the new versions of the packages to the npm registry.

During the lerna publishprocess, you will be prompted to confirm the versions you want to publish, and you will have the option to choose a custom tag for the release (such as "next" or "beta").

What is conventional-commits ?

Conventional commit messages are a standardized way of structuring commit messages that provide more context and semantic meaning.

The basic structure of a conventional commit message is:

<type>[optional scope]: <description>

[optional body]

[optional footer]
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For example, a commit message for a feature implementation might look like this:

feat(login): add forgot password feature

Add a new "forgot password" link to the login page, allowing users to reset their password if they forget it.
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By using conventional commits, you can generate a changelog automatically based on the commit messages, making it easier to track changes and releases.

In conventional commits, <type> represents the nature of the changes made in the commit. This can be one of the following types:

  • feat: A new feature.
  • fix: A bug fix.
  • docs: Documentation changes.
  • style: Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc).
  • refactor: A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature.
  • perf: A code change that improves performance.
  • test: Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests.
  • build: Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies (example scopes: gulp, broccoli, npm).
  • ci: Changes to our CI configuration files and scripts (example scopes: Travis, Circle, BrowserStack, SauceLabs).
  • chore: Other changes that don't modify src or test files.
  • revert: Reverts a previous commit.

The [optional scope] is used to provide additional context about the changes being made, such as the affected component or module. It is enclosed in square brackets and is optional.

There is a awesome library know as commitizen that will help you generate the conventional commit. Please do check that out !

lerna publish supports many other options as well, such as publishing only to a specific registry, skipping certain packages, and specifying a custom git commit message.

Here are all the options available for lerna publish:

  • -canary: creates a canary release, which means that it will publish a release with a version suffix such as alpha.X. This is useful when you want to test a release before publishing it to the public registry.
  • -conventional-commits: uses the conventional commits specification to determine the new version number based on the commit messages since the last release.
  • -force-publish: publishes all packages, even if they haven't changed since the last release. You can specify which packages to force publish by providing a comma-separated list of package names.
  • -dist-tag: the tag that will be used to identify the package when installing it. The default value is "latest".
  • -exact: forces the package version to be published exactly as it appears in the package.json file, without resolving the version to the latest semver-compatible version.
  • -skip-git: skips the Git commit and tag creation process, meaning that no Git operations will be performed during the release.
  • -skip-npm: skips the actual npm publish step, meaning that no packages will be published to the npm registry.
  • -preid: specifies the pre-release identifier for the version. For example, if you specify -preid alpha, the version will be something like 1.0.0-alpha.0.
  • -registry: the URL of the npm registry to use for publishing the packages. By default, it uses the public npm registry at
  • -message: the message to use when creating the Git tag for the release. By default, it uses the release type and version number.

Here's an example that uses several of these options:

These options can be used in combination with each other to achieve the desired result. For example, you can use --skip-git --skip-npm --skip-changelog to quickly generate a new version number without committing any changes or publishing to npm.

lerna publish --canary --conventional-commits --skip-git --skip-npm --registry --dist-tag next
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This command will create a canary release with a version suffix, using the conventional commits specification to determine the new version number. It will skip the Git commit and tag creation process, as well as the actual npm publish step. It will publish the package to a private registry at, and use the "next" dist-tag to identify the package when installing it.

Package release lifecycle ?

The package release lifecycle refers to the various stages that a software package goes through from its initial development to its final release. The lifecycle can be broken down into several phases, each of which serves a specific purpose. The phases typically include:

  1. Development: This is the phase where the software package is being actively developed. During this phase, developers write code, test it, and make changes as needed.
  2. Alpha testing: Once the initial development is complete, the package may be released to a limited group of testers for alpha testing. This testing is designed to catch any major bugs or issues before the package is released to a wider audience.
  3. Beta testing: After alpha testing is complete, the package may be released to a larger group of beta testers. Beta testing is designed to catch any remaining bugs and to gather feedback from users.
  4. Release candidate: Once beta testing is complete and all major bugs have been fixed, the package may be designated as a release candidate. This version is considered to be stable and is intended to be the final release unless any critical issues are found.
  5. Final release: After the release candidate has been thoroughly tested and any remaining issues have been fixed, the package is released to the public as a final, stable version.

Throughout the release lifecycle, developers may also release patches or minor updates to the software package to address any bugs or issues that are found. These updates typically follow the same lifecycle process as the initial release, with alpha and beta testing before the final release.

Here are the steps to use Lerna to publish in different release scenarios:

  1. Alpha release: If you want to publish an alpha release, you can use the --dist-tag
    flag to specify a alphatag for your package. This will let users install your package with the @your-package-name@alphatag.

    lerna publish --dist-tag alpha
  2. Beta release: Similarly, if you want to publish a beta release, you can use the --dist-tag
    flag to specify a betatag for your package. This will let users install your package with the @your-package-name@betatag.

    lerna publish --dist-tag beta
  3. Release candidate (RC) release: To publish an RC release, you can use the --dist-tagflag to specify a rctag for your package. This will let users install your package with the @your-package-name@rctag.

    lerna publish --dist-tag rc
  4. Production (stable) release: Finally, when you are ready to publish a stable release of your package, you can simply run lerna publishwithout any flags. This will publish the latest version of your package to the default latesttag. This will let users install your package with the @your-package-name@latesttag or @your-package-name.

    lerna publish
    πŸ’‘ If you also want to suffix your version number with release tag then use the flag **`-preid`**

lerna run

lerna run is a command provided by Lerna that allows running npm scripts across packages in the monorepo. It enables running scripts in a specific package, running scripts for all packages, or running scripts in a subset of packages that match a specific glob pattern.

The basic syntax of lerna run command is:

lerna run <script> [--flags] [packageGlob...]
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where <script> is the name of the npm script to run, --flags are any flags passed to the npm command, and packageGlob... is an optional list of glob patterns that filter the packages where the script should be executed.

Here's an example of using lerna run to run the build script in all packages:

lerna run build
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This command will run the buildscript in all packages in the monorepo. You can also pass additional flags to the npm command, for example:

lerna run build -- --prod
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This command will pass the --prod flag to the npm command, which could be used by the build script to create a production build.

You can also use glob patterns to run the script only in certain packages, for example:

lerna run build --scope my-package -- --prod
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This will run the buildscript for only the my-packagepackage and pass the --prodflag to the script.

In addition to the --scope flag, lerna run supports other options such as --parallel to run scripts in parallel, --stream to stream output from multiple processes, and --no-bail to continue running scripts even if one fails.

Here's an example of running the test script in all packages in parallel:

lerna run test --parallel
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This command will run the testscript in all packages at the same time, which can speed up the build process if the packages are independent of each other.

lerna clean

lerna clean is a command provided by Lerna that removes the node_modules directory from all packages in the Lerna monorepo. It is useful when you want to clean up the dependencies and start fresh.

The lerna clean command has the following options:

  • -yes: skips the confirmation prompt and cleans the packages without confirmation.
  • -ignore: a comma-separated list of package names that should be ignored during the cleaning process.
  • -nohoist: prevents Lerna from hoisting the dependencies while cleaning.

Here's an example:

Suppose you have a Lerna monorepo with two packages named package-a and package-b, and you want to clean them up.

To clean up all the packages in the monorepo, run the following command:

lerna clean
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If you want to clean up only package-aand ignore package-b, run the following command:

lerna clean --ignore package-b
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If you want to skip the confirmation prompt and clean up all packages in the monorepo, run the following command:

lerna clean --yes
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If you want to prevent Lerna from hoisting the dependencies while cleaning, run the following command:

lerna clean --nohoist
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Hoisting is a technique used by package managers like npm and Yarn to optimize the installation process by reducing the number of duplicated packages. It involves moving packages that are used by multiple dependencies to a higher level in the dependency tree, so they can be shared by all packages that need them, rather than being duplicated in each package's node_modules folder. This helps to reduce the overall size of the node_modules folder and improve installation times.

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