Let’s say you want to create and deploy a very basic serverless architecture - an API backend that consists of an Amazon API Gateway endpoint and an AWS Lambda function.
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Samira Yusifova
Samira Yusifova
Posted on Jan 21, 2021
Serverless - Create, debug and deploy Lambda and API Gateway via AWS SAM and AWS
Let’s say you want to create and deploy a very basic serverless architecture - an API backend that consists of an Amazon API Gateway endpoint and an AWS Lambda function.
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For that you need to provision the following resources:
👉 API Gateway
👉 Lambda function
👉 IAM role
What is the fastest and the most convenient way to provision and deploy these serverless resources using AWS native framework?
AWS Serverless Application Model
And the answer is AWS SAM.
AWS SAM (Serverless Application Model) is meant to build serverless applications. Built on AWS CloudFormation, AWS SAM provides shorthand syntax to declare serverless resources.
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