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Prathamesh Jadhav
Prathamesh Jadhav

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๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Mastering Git: 12 Essential Commands Every Developer Should Know


As a developer, mastering version control is crucial for efficient and collaborative software development. Git, a distributed version control system, has become the industry standard, empowering developers to track changes, collaborate seamlessly, and maintain a clean and organized codebase. In this blog post, we'll explore 15 essential Git commands that every developer should have in their toolkit.

1. git init: Initializing a Repository

The first step is version control. Use git init to initialize a new Git repository in your project directory.


2. git add: Staging Changes

Add changes to the staging area before committing with git add. This command prepares files for the next commit.


git add . will add all the files to the staging area. But make sure to add node_modules in the .gitignore file.

The .gitignore file specifies that which files or folder going to stage area.

3. git commit: Committing Changes

After staging changes, use git commit to permanently save them to the repository with a meaningful commit message.

To save the commit with meaningful message add -m after git commit like this git commit -m "Your_Message_Here"


4. git status: Checking Repository Status

Stay informed about the state of your repository using git status. It shows which files have been modified, added, or are ready for commit.


5. git log: Viewing Commit History

Explore the commit history of your repository with git log. It displays commit messages, authors, and timestamps.


6. git branch: Managing Branches

Create, list, or delete branches using git branch. This command is crucial for parallel development and feature isolation.

Create New Branch:
Check if the branch is successfully created or not:

7. git checkout: Switching Branches

Move between branches effortlessly with git checkout "your_branch_name". Useful for testing features or fixing bugs in different branches.


8. git merge: Merging Changes

Combine changes from one branch into another using git merge "your_branch_name". This is essential for integrating new features into the main branch.

After creating new branch make sure to commit those changes before merging with the root branch.


9. git remote: Managing Remote Repositories

Handle connections to remote repositories with git remote. Add, rename, or remove remotes as needed.

Create a new repository on GitHub and connect that repo using URL.


Add the URL to your command git remote add "your_origin_name" "your_repo_url".


10. git push: Uploading Changes to Remote

Share your local changes with the remote repository using git push "name_of_remote_origin" "branch_name". This is crucial for collaborative development.


11. git pull: Fetching and Merging Changes

Update your local repository with changes from the remote using git pull "remote_repo_url". It fetches and merges changes in one command.

If the remote repo has some changes that your local repo doesn't have then you need to execute this command git pull "remote_repo_url".

This only happens when 2 or more people are working on the same repo if you need to fetch other people's change then you need to execute this command.


12. git clone: Cloning Repositories

Start a new project by cloning an existing repository with git clone "repo_url". It downloads the repository to your local machine.



By mastering these 12 essential Git commands, you'll have a solid foundation for effective version control. Whether you're a junior developer or a seasoned pro, integrating these commands into your workflow will enhance collaboration, streamline development, and keep your codebase organized. Happy coding!


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