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GitHub student developer pack?

What is GitHub student developer pack?

If you are a computer science student, you must know about GitHub. If you don't know what GitHub is, here's a brief explanation:

At a high level, GitHub is a website and cloud-based service that helps developers store and manage their code, as well as track and control changes to their code.

I definitely read it before copying and pasting it here, trust me.

So what is the GitHub Student developer pack?

Student developer pack is a service that is provided by GitHub to students all over the world. It gives you free access to many paid online courses, applications and services like domains, web hosting etc. and a Bonus!, you get GitHub Pro for free too!

And these are not just any random cheap things that you get. They are actually useful.

How to get GitHub Student developer pack?

First of all you are going to need something to prove that you are a student.
This can be:

  • Email address provided to you by your school/college.

  • Proof of admission for example your school/college ID.

Now, create a GitHub account if you don't already have one

Now follow the steps:

1. Go to

2. Click on the 'Sign up for Student Developer pack' button
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3. Click on 'Get Student benefits' button
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4. Sign in if it asks to do so

5. Scroll down a bit and enter the email address provided to you by your school/college
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6. Enter the name of your school

7. In the 'How do you plan to use GitHub?' field, write something that is true and don't exaggerate or tell lies
In my case, I just wanted the free stuff, so I wrote that.

8. Click continue, it will ask for your permission to check your location, grant it.

9. In the next page select your school/college from the map and fill in the details that follow.
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10. In the next page upload your your school ID or any document that proves that you are a student of that college

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11. Now click on 'Process my application' button and your application will be submitted.

Now all you have to do is wait, it won't take long though. Usually it takes from a few hours to a few days.
You will receive an email confirming that you have been approved for the GitHub Student Developer pack.

Voila! That's how you get the GitHub Student developer pack!
Happy coding!

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