Recently, Nader Dabit performed a livestream of using AWS AppSync with an Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL Serverless database.
I replicated the same setup using Prisma as the developer experience that you get while writing queries is quite amazing and also fits in perfectly with TypeScript. The entire stack is composed of the following components:
Here is a high level overview of the architecture that we will be deploying:
Before we move forward...
Here's the entire repository for those who directly want to dive in! To follow along with this blog post, open the link to the repo below and implement points 1-4.
A basic example of AppSync + Lambda resolvers with AWS Aurora Serverless and Prisma
This repo also contains a frontend that uses Next.js and AWS Amplify, but this article is just about deploying the backend.
This tutorial is an explanation for all the resources created. You do not need to create any of these snippets as I have provided a working repo above that you can directly deploy. You can clone the repo, follow along, and also make changes as you see fit.
The following stack that we will be deploying is NOT FREE. This stack will incur costs so please do not leave this running and delete it after you're done. If you do not want to incur any charges then feel free just to follow along by cloning the repo and understanding how this works rather than deploying the entire stack.
To delete the stack, run the following command at the end of the tutorial.
yarn cdk destroy
This post assumes a little bit of familiarity with Prisma and the AWS CDK.
Also it's required to install the aws-cli and creating a default
profile by running aws configure
Once the repo has been cloned, create a cdk.context.json
file in the root of this project and specify region
and accountID
which will contain the region and AWS account respectively where the stack will be follows:
"region": "us-east-1",
"accountID": "123456789012"
The accountID
is a placeholder value so it needs to be replaced with your AWS Account ID.
Getting started
Let's start by creating the basic resources we require for deploying our application. All the snippets for creating resources are located in lib/appsync-cdk-rds-stack.ts.
Here we create an AppSync GraphQL API from a schema.graphql
file. This contains our Query
, Mutation
and Subscription
types, basically CRUD for posts.
// lib/appsync-cdk-rds-stack.ts
const api = new appsync.GraphqlApi(this, 'Api', {
name: 'cdk-blog-appsync-api',
schema: appsync.Schema.fromAsset('graphql/schema.graphql'),
authorizationConfig: {
defaultAuthorization: {
authorizationType: appsync.AuthorizationType.API_KEY,
apiKeyConfig: {
expires: cdk.Expiration.after(cdk.Duration.days(365)),
And this is the referenced GraphQL file:
# graphql/schema.graphql
type Post {
id: String!
title: String!
content: String!
input CreatePostInput {
id: String
title: String!
content: String!
input UpdatePostInput {
id: String!
title: String
content: String
type Query {
listPosts: [Post]
getPostById(postId: String!): Post
type Mutation {
createPost(post: CreatePostInput!): Post
deletePost(postId: String!): Post
updatePost(post: UpdatePostInput!): Post
type Subscription {
onCreatePost: Post @aws_subscribe(mutations: ["createPost"])
onUpdatePost: Post @aws_subscribe(mutations: ["updatePost"])
onDeletePost: Post @aws_subscribe(mutations: ["deletePost"])
The following snippet creates a VPC
, and a SecurityGroup
and a SubnetGroup
for our Aurora database cluster. This database will not be publicly accessible so only resources created inside the VPC (like Lambda functions) will be able to access the database.
// lib/appsync-cdk-rds-stack.ts
const vpc = new ec2.Vpc(this, 'BlogAppVPC', {
cidr: '',
natGateways: 0,
maxAzs: 2,
enableDnsHostnames: true,
enableDnsSupport: true,
subnetConfiguration: [
cidrMask: 22,
name: 'public',
subnetType: ec2.SubnetType.PUBLIC,
cidrMask: 22,
name: 'private',
subnetType: ec2.SubnetType.ISOLATED,
const privateSg = new ec2.SecurityGroup(this, 'private-sg', {
securityGroupName: 'private-sg',
'allow internal SG access'
const subnetGroup = new rds.SubnetGroup(this, 'rds-subnet-group', {
subnetGroupName: 'aurora-subnet-group',
vpcSubnets: { subnetType: ec2.SubnetType.ISOLATED },
removalPolicy: cdk.RemovalPolicy.DESTROY,
description: 'An all private subnets group for the DB',
Next, lets create the database.
This following is an Aurora Serverless PostgreSQL database cluster with Postgres 10. Here, we pass the database name as BlogDB
, and we have specified the vpc
, subnetGroup
and securityGroup
that we created above.
// lib/appsync-cdk-rds-stack.ts
const cluster = new rds.ServerlessCluster(this, 'AuroraBlogCluster', {
engine: rds.DatabaseClusterEngine.AURORA_POSTGRESQL,
// Set the engine to Postgres
parameterGroup: rds.ParameterGroup.fromParameterGroupName(
defaultDatabaseName: 'BlogDB',
enableDataApi: true,
securityGroups: [privateSg],
removalPolicy: cdk.RemovalPolicy.DESTROY,
This database also comes with the credentials created in an AWS service named SecretsManger. We will be needing to fetch the database credentials from this service when we interact with the database from the AWS Console as well as from the Lambda function that we will be creating next.
Finally, let's create the Lambda function that will interact with this database that we created.
// lib/appsync-cdk-rds-stack.ts
const postFn = new lambda.Function(this, 'MyFunction', {
vpcSubnets: { subnetType: ec2.SubnetType.ISOLATED },
securityGroups: [privateSg],
runtime: lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_12_X,
code: new lambda.AssetCode('lambda-fns'),
handler: 'index.handler',
memorySize: 1024,
timeout: cdk.Duration.seconds(10),
environment: {
SECRET_ID: cluster.secret?.secretArn || '',
// Grant access to Secrets manager to fetch the secret
new iam.PolicyStatement({
effect: iam.Effect.ALLOW,
actions: ['secretsmanager:GetSecretValue'],
resources: [cluster.secret?.secretArn || ''],
// An endpoint to fetch the secret from Secrets Manager
new ec2.InterfaceVpcEndpoint(this, 'secrets-manager', {
service: ec2.InterfaceVpcEndpointAwsService.SECRETS_MANAGER,
privateDnsEnabled: true,
subnets: { subnetType: ec2.SubnetType.ISOLATED },
securityGroups: [privateSg],
Let's look at the three snippets of code that we created above.
The first snippet is a basic Node.js 12 Lambda function that takes a directory for code named lambda-fns
which we will discuss further in this post.
The second snippet provides permissions via IAM for Secrets Manager to allow Lambda to read the credentials i.e. host, port, username, password from the secret.
The final snippet is an Interface Endpoint. By default, our Lambda function doesn't have access to the internet as it's deployed in the VPC we created, which is why we need this endpoint to fetch database credentials from Secrets Manager.
Lambda function setup with Prisma
The last thing left before deploying our app is setting up our Lambda function code with Prisma.
The setup that we have in the folder lambda-fns
is a basic Prisma setup, but we need to add a couple of things to make it work.
Firstly, we need is to setup our schema.prisma
in the following manner.
// prisma/schema.prisma
generator client {
provider = "prisma-client-js"
binaryTargets = ["native", "rhel-openssl-1.0.x"]
datasource db {
provider = "postgresql"
url = env("DB_URL")
model Post {
id String @id
title String?
content String?
We created the schema for the table here manually and added the rhel-openssl-1.0.x
target which is required to make Prisma run on Lambda.
The second thing is fetching the database credentials from Secrets Manager and providing it to Prisma.
// lambda-fns/db.ts
const sm = new SecretsManager()
let db: PrismaClient
export const getDB = async () => {
if (db) return db
const dbURL = await sm
SecretId: process.env.SECRET_ID || '',
const secretString = JSON.parse(dbURL.SecretString || '{}')
const url = `postgresql://${secretString.username}:${secretString.password}@${}:${secretString.port}/${secretString.dbname}?connection_limit=1`
db = new PrismaClient({ datasources: { db: { url } } })
return db
Here, we've created a function named getDB
that fetches the DB credentials, constructs the URL and passes that to Prisma.
Another thing to note here is that the PrismaClient
instance is declared outside the function to reuse the execution environment. There are two reasons for this.
The first being that we do not create multiple connections to the DB on each call to the API. Secondly, we limit the API calls made to Secrets Manager to fetch secrets.
Here Lambda will reuse the same variable db
created outside the function for multiple invocations of our GraphQL API.
Finally lets deploy the application using the following command:
yarn cdk deploy
This will deploy all the resources to the specified account and region specified in cdk.context.json
and we will be able to see the stack in Cloudformation.
One step that's remaining is to create the table in our database.
On opening RDS from the Services menu and navigating to the Query Editor, we should be greeted with a popup like this:
We can get fetch secret ARN from the Secrets Manager service here:
On entering the ARN, we will get a query window where we can run the SQL to create the table. This SQL can be obtained from the commands.sql
file in the repo.
The posts table will be created when we click on the Run button and see the success message that pops up below.
Testing our app
Finally, we are all set to test our application! We can select AppSync from the Services menu and select our created API from the list. On selecting the API and navigating to Queries, we will see a Query Editor.
Let's create a post by firing a mutation.
mutation MyMutation {
post: { title: "Title", content: "Some content" }
) {
And voila! It works!
To test if this is actually persisted in the DB, let's fire a query to fetch all the posts.
query MyQuery {
listPosts {
And it does return the created post!
In this entire stack, we deployed a GraphQL API with AppSync and created Lambda resolvers for our Queries/Mutations in which we queried our Aurora Serverless Postgres database using Prisma.
Here's the link to the repo again for those who want to dive in.
A basic example of AppSync + Lambda resolvers with AWS Aurora Serverless and Prisma
Currently we need to create our tables and edit our schema.prisma
manually which is not ideal. We will be adding another post on this soon where we will see how we can use a Bastion Host with SSH port forwarding to interact with our serverless database locally and create our tables using the Prisma CLI!
The reason we cannot use Prisma CLI to generate tables currently is because Aurora Serverless is not publicly accessible, which is why we needed to create a bridge (Bastion Host) with SSH port forwarding to access our database locally.
Thanks a lot for reading this post, and if you have implemented this stack, please DO NOT FORGET TO DELETE THIS STACK via
yarn cdk destroy
Top comments (7)
Thank you for the wonderful article.
I deployed according to the procedure, but the Lambda function reaches the 250 MB limit and rolls back.
Do you know what to do?
In that case, I would suggest using the
construct as I have shown here so that it only bundles the necessary packages and you don't go over the limit.Thank you! It was very helpful!
I love the post! One question that came to my mind after watching your deploy nextjs with serverless containers is that since Nextjs is so great at creating api functions, why not just create an api graphQL function with Nextjs and have that talk to the aurora using the prisma client?
Then you'd only deploy the Nextjs instance and you'd have a fullstack web app. Is there a benefit to using appsync in between the lambda and the frontend? performance or security perhaps?
Great post. Eagerly waiting on the next post on how to use Bastion Host with prisma.
Also eager!
thank you very much !