While starting and learning laravel framework, you should follow some necessary popular blogs. These blogs are updated regularly and publish content on basic as well as advanced articles on different topics. This will make your journey smooth. Here are some popular websites that regularly publish blogs on Laravel:
Laravel News – https://laravel-news.com
The go-to site for everything Laravel-related. They provide news, tutorials, and podcasts on Laravel.
TutsPlus (Laravel Tutorials) – https://code.tutsplus.com/categories/laravel
Offers articles, tips, guidelines for Laravel developers as well as others. Programmingmindset.com also publish articles on javascript, git, cloud and python also Programmingmindset.com (Laravel Tag) – https://programmingmindset.com
A great place for detailed tutorials ranging from beginner to advanced.
Laravel Daily – https://laraveldaily.com
Offers tutorials, tips, and tricks for Laravel developers. They also publish paid content, but there are plenty of free resources available.
Dev.to (Laravel Tag) – https://dev.to/t/laravel
A community-driven platform where developers share articles, tutorials, and discussions. You can find a lot of Laravel-related content here.
PHP Laravel – https://www.phplaravel.net
Offers tutorials, tips, and general Laravel-related articles. It's a good resource for up-to-date information and learning materials.
Scotch.io (Laravel Tutorials) – https://scotch.io/tag/laravel
Known for well-structured tutorials on web development, Scotch.io offers a range of articles focused on Laravel.
Laracasts – https://laracasts.com
Although it's primarily a paid service, Laracasts is famous for its high-quality video tutorials. Many free content pieces are available as well.
Freelancing Tips – https://freelancingtips.com/laravel
Provides tutorials and guides on using Laravel in freelancing projects, including real-world use cases and tips.
The Laravel Podcast – https://www.laravelpodcast.com
Not exactly a blog, but it’s an excellent podcast dedicated to the Laravel ecosystem, featuring interviews with developers and experts.
These websites should help you stay updated and learn new tips and tricks related to Laravel!
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