I'm working on my private laptop. Each day I must run IDE, iTerm, docker, slack, password manager, browser, maybe spotify. It's not a hard or long task but it takes a couple of seconds. Also is repetitive so it sounds like a good candidate to automate.
I chose alfred for this task. Unfortunately is necessary to buy Alfred Powerpack however it's great tool and I can recommend it event without this workflow.
Alfred -> preferences -> workflows -> + -> blank workflow.
On the new workflow create an input trigger and drag some applications from applications
Then just connect the input trigger with every selected application.

Clean up
Of course closing each application should take a little bit less time, however we can automate it as well.
This workflow will look almost the same as the previous one. But instead of Launch application
will be Bash script
and paste e.g. pkill webstorm
or pkill slack

Probably you will spend more time configuring this workflow than calling it manually for next couple of years. However you can little bit reduce amount of stuff to think about.
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