DEV Community

Jason Purdy
Jason Purdy

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Amazon Elastic Beanstalk Woes

Lots of head-banging today, trying to get a PHP app up & running.

First, my app has its webroot in a sub-directory. I could not get .ebextensions/nginx/nginx.conf or .ebextensions/nginx/conf.d/mysettings.conf to specify the root. I ended up finding a configuration in Elastic Beanstalk itself that specified the webroot, so I was able to set it to /var/app/current/[MYSUBDIR]. But it took lots of attempts before I got that right.

Now I'm trying to get npm installed so I can install some files I have in my package.json, but npm depends on nodejs, which when I try to install this, it complains that it requires libuv >= 1:1.43.0. So now I gotta figure out how to either fast-forward the Amazon AMI to this version that has that version of libuv, or compile/install libuv directly, or install a downgraded version of nodejs. But I mean ... com'on ... I'm just trying to get npm installed. Why is this so difficult?

Not a good day ... I'm thinking if I ever do get this all figured out, I'll publish some straight-forward docs.

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