DEV Community

Qasem Nik
Qasem Nik

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Exploring Next.js 15: A Developer's Delight

Next.js 15 has arrived with a plethora of exciting features and updates, designed to make our development process smoother and more efficient. Let's dive into what this new version brings to the table.

Embracing React 19 RC

Next.js 15 now supports React 19 RC, which means you get the latest and greatest from React. This integration brings performance enhancements and new features that will make your applications run faster and more efficiently.

Experimental React Compiler

One of the most intriguing additions is the experimental React Compiler. This new tool optimizes your React code in ways we haven't seen before. Although it's still in the experimental phase, it promises significant improvements in performance.

Better Hydration Error Handling

If you've ever faced issues with hydration errors, you'll appreciate the new and improved error views in Next.js 15. These enhancements make it much easier to identify and fix hydration problems, which can be a real lifesaver during development.

New Caching Defaults

Next.js 15 introduces changes to caching defaults. Now, fetch requests, GET Route Handlers, and client navigations are uncached by default. This change offers more predictable behavior and can help avoid some of the common pitfalls associated with caching.

Example: Default Uncached Fetch

  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(data => console.log(data));
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In this example, the fetch request is uncached by default, ensuring that you always get fresh data from the server.

Partial Prerendering (PPR)

Partial Prerendering (PPR) is another exciting feature introduced in this release. It allows you to incrementally adopt prerendering in your application. This means you can prerender parts of your application while still using client-side rendering for others, giving you the best of both worlds.

Example: Partial Prerendering

export function getStaticProps() {
  return {
    props: {
      data: fetchData(),
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Here, getStaticProps is used to fetch data at build time, allowing for partial prerendering.

next/after API

The new next/after API is a game-changer. It lets you execute code after a response is finished, providing more control over your request handling.

Revamped create-next-app

The create-next-app tool has also received a facelift. The new design is sleek and user-friendly, with options for Turbopack and minimal setups. This makes starting a new project easier and more efficient than ever before.


Next.js 15 is packed with features that enhance performance, improve error handling, and provide more control over caching and prerendering. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just getting started, these updates are sure to make your development experience more enjoyable and productive.

For more detailed information, be sure to check out the Next.js 15 RC blog. Happy coding!

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