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Qaiser Abbas
Qaiser Abbas

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Final Year Project Ideas for Software Engineering

First thing first

When it comes to software development activities, it is necessary for those who wish to become software engineers to work on their projects. Developing real-world projects is the best way to hone your skills and use your theoretical knowledge into practical knowledge.

You will need to familiarize yourself with new tools and technologies while working on a computer science project. The more you learn about edge development tools, environments, libraries, the more will be your test rating for your projects. The more you experiment with ideas for different computer science projects, the more you will find out.

The ideas for the Technical Science project include the design and construction of various products and solutions designed for the application. So, if you would like to know about a few ideas for the Computer Science project, this article is what you need!

What is the purpose of the final year project?

The final year of engineering consists of two semesters in which students are asked to prepare a module that reflects their learning across all their academics. This year is very important as skills are tested with judges based on performance. Students are starting to apply to various companies this year and it is important that they showcase their talent through the project being implemented. Companies test students based on this project so, in the last year collecting projects becomes an important task.

How do I choose a final year project title?

Students are often confused when choosing a final year project, so they may end up choosing the most common or the most boring. Last-year students are encouraged to choose their projects carefully, as this will be reflected in their job search profile. Let's see how students can find ideas in choosing projects.

Understand which programming language helps you, this will make your project easier.
Look for ideas, something you feel can be easily done using technology.
Focus on the project at hand rather than looking at someone else. At this stage, students are distracted from the ultimate block of their mind, make sure you do your project with full focus.
See the internet for ideas. You can take and work on recent projects, a few of which are listed below.
Write down your ideas, and check out a few. This will help you to understand your ability.

This list of computer science and software final year project ideas for students and is suitable for beginners, and those just starting out with Python or Data Science in general. These computer science project ideas will do everything you need to be successful in your career as a software engineer.

so let's start

1- Online-Assessment proctoring 


This project will focus on the need to develop a web based application that can monitor the activities of students during an online assessment. Various modalities of data would be explored to find out the best one that helps to achieve the most accurate results. Video data from webcam as well as the screenshots after a fixed interval of time in milliseconds would be analysed to track the Eye Gaze of the user for an efficient suspicion detection. Also the lips would be monitored for talking detection. The application would keep record of all the suspicious activities during the course of online assessment for each student in a database.

Application Area:
Computer Vision/Video analysis
Skill Required:
Good Programming skills

2- Scalable Automated Assessment System for Programming Assignments 


There is a need for final year students to incorporate cheaper scalable solution that can support the automated assessment of hundreds of students. For this purpose we require smart algorithms and concurrent programming.

Application Area:
Computer Vision/Video analysis
Skill Required:
Good Programming skills

3- Game based learning 


Unified Modelling Language (UML) has become the standard language for the design and analysis of object-oriented software concepts. Number of tools are available that support design with UML, But they only provide the facility to draw UML diagrams and generate code from the UML model. So far no tool provides the environment to learn different concepts of UML. Exploration games are also introduced to guide the software developers to choose the best design for given requirements. But they are not provided the step by step learning of different UML diagrams. The aim of this project is to develop the concepts of UML by providing the learning environment. We are going to develop an educational application called “UML guide for beginners”. The application will make the developer learn the basics and cores of Unified Modelling Language. To maintain the interest of user/developer we will be using gamification approach (use of game elements for educational purpose). This gamified experience will have perpetual impact on the user/developer. In this way we believe that the modelling deficiencies will be raised above and there shall be no need of reworking.

Application Area:
Game Development
Skill Required:
Good Programming skills

4- Shopping Site 


The app could be similar to OLX or Daraz but the extra feature could be video calling. To create a mobile application which will aid in the selling and buying of items online. The main aim of the application is to build is to try and reduce the number of items being returned to help increase business revenue. By integrating videocall into buying and purchasing allows the customer to see the product before coming into physical contact with the product. This will remove any doubt when buying as the customer is 100% sure that the product is what they intend it to be and of satisfactory quality.

Application Area:
Web Development
Skill Required:
Good programming skills and Database

5- e-Learning platform 


In this project, you will build a sharable e-learning platform for online learning. This e-learning platform powered by cloud computing would allow the independent Learning Management Systems (LMS) embedded in various e-Learning standards to share their learning objects, modules, and content. Basically, cloud computing will encourage the sharing of a wide range of learning objects, allowing learners to access them online easily. The project has a three-layer architecture to facilitate sharing learning modules, reusing them, and interoperability among different learning content efficiently. The middle layer of the infrastructure contains an indexing module and a metadata transformation module to encourage the exchange of metadata among acknowledged e-Learning standards.

Application Area:
Web Development
Skill Required:
Good programming skills and Database

6- Android task monitoring 


This project is exclusively designed to simplify the tracking and monitoring of day-to-day activities of the busy modern life. We are so busy in our daily lives right now that it becomes impossible to keep track of our daily events, meetings, and appointments. To address this issue, this project focuses on developing a Weekly Task Alerting System for Android devices that can alert users of the tasks/appointments that are scheduled for each day in a week. The project is primarily a reminder app powered by an AI chatbot that reminds users of all the tasks that are due daily. Users can use this application to set goals and achieve them, thereby increasing productivity and simplifying their lives.

Application Area:
Android Development
Skill Required:
Good programming skills

7- A premium quality freelance marketplace


A premium quality freelance marketplace made specifically for any country like Pakistani freelancers, that hires only a certain set of experts based on a recruitment process (involves live interview, some assessments, etc). The platform services favours freelancers since they the platform service percentage cut would be anywhere between 5-10% (half of what it is currently), better financial rewards since only a quality set is being recruited. On the other hand, buyers would also benefit since they get the top-notch talent in a marketplace that's not very flooded and saturated like the currently available ones.

Application Area:
Web Development
Skill Required:
Good Programming skills

8- Smart health in IOT using BAN 


the concept of m-health has been the concept of m-health has been introduced which give understanding of matching the m- health and Internet of things with respect to their functionalities in the advance applications of fourth generation. The diabetes is a well- known disease because of its chronic long term effects in both economic and social aspects. In this paper we address the IoT by opto-physiological accessing techniques for measuring the glucose level and discuss the diabetes management. We are aiming towards the connectivity and management of heterogeneous devices from perspective of healthcare in mobile network. This technology makes able the route of communication between diabetic patient and the hospital or clinicia introduced which give understanding of matching the m-health and Internet of things with respect to their functionalities in the advance applications of fourth generation. We are aiming towards the connectivity and management of heterogeneous devices from the perspective of healthcare in mobile network. This technology makes able the route of communication between patient and hospital

Application Area:
Computer Vision/Video analysis
Skill Required:
SE, networking, wireless network connectivity

9- Learn Together 


This idea focuses on developing an application in which short animated videos will be made for teaching children the basic moral of life. e.g. to start eating with BISMILLAH. There will also be an assessment module.

Application Area:
Android Development, Computer Graphics
Skill Required:
Good Programming Skills, Graphic Design

10- Lets Grow Smartly 


This idea focuses on developing an application in which child specialists and nutritionists are added on a single platform. Parents from all around the world contact them and get guidance from them. Further, there will be a community garage where all parents can share their innovative ideas that they have practiced with their children or can ask general questions. Parents can also share videos of their children doing some innovative work.

Application Area:
Web Development
Skill Required:
Good Programming Skills, Database

11- Visual Analysis of Author Impacts and Bibliometric Data 


This study is about the visual analysis of author impact and other bibliometric data such as an author’s publication history. It utilizes Publish or Perish as a data source, which is a search tool to find this bibliometric data. Bibliometric data is a concept within Bibliometrics with which to find and define notable publications, to draw a number of different conclusions, such as how much impact an author has had in a given field. To do this we use information visualization techniques. Information Visualization is a field of science about increasing insight and understanding of raw data. It does this by researching on details of human cognition and perception and how data itself is modelled, and by categorizing and developing new ways to encode and interact with data visually.

Application Area:
Artificial Intelligence
Skill Required:
Knowledge of Artificial Intelligence, SE & Database

12- A Roadmap for Usability and User Experience Measurement During Early Phases of Web Applications Development 


Web usability and User Experience (UX) play a vital role in the success and failure of web applications. However, the usability and UX measurement during the software development life cycle provide many challenges. The current usability and user experience evaluation and measurement methods and the defined measures as well as their applicability during the software development life cycle.

Application Area:
Web Development
Skill Required:
SE, Project Management

13- Gamification for Job training Challenges 


The recruitment, engagement, and training of the employees are among the core and critical roles for running an organization successfully. Gamification has been proven to be a promising tool that offers many innovative solutions for various domains. The traditional recruitment process includes job advertisement, resume submission, test conduction, and interview conduction. These conventional methods of recruitment have helped to predict job performance to some extent but have proven to be outdated, tedious, and time-consuming. Therefore, A gamified job training or employee engagement application should be developed to help the organizations.

Application Area:
Game Development
Skill Required:
Good Programming skills

14- Android Women Safety App 


Women’s safety is a big concern which has been the most important topic till date. Women safety matters a lot whether at home, outside the home or working place. Although the government is taking necessary measures for their safety, still, there are free safety apps for women that can help them to stay safe. Most of the females these days carry their smartphone with them, so it is necessary to have at least one the personal safety apps installed. Such a security app for ladies will definitely facilitate in a way or the opposite. This is user-friendly application that can be accessed by anyone who has installed it in their smart phones. Our intention is to provide you with fastest and simplest way to contact your nearest help. In this system user needs to feed three contact numbers, in case of emergency on moving the phone up and down thrice, the system sends SMS and calls on one of the numbers feeded into the system with the location. The phone starts vibrating, and siren starts ringing. This features for both everyday safety and real emergencies, making it an ultimate tool for all.

Application Area:
Web/Android Development
Skill Required:
Good programming skills and Database

15- Daily Route Planner 


Many people own small business, where they drive car from one point to many. For drivers of any kind where they are about to deliver any parcels or to use a direction, they can use this daily route planner where they can base their decision on what they should follow. This makes road trip easier and faster. This route optimization application will navigate your entire route in stop by stop sequence, from start to end. With this route optimizer application, travelling time can be saved and many places can be visited on the planned day. This android application can plan route for a road trip including all stops and make the trip easier and smoother. It can help with roundtrips which will last more than a day. Also, it will help any person to analyses in decision making with how many places he/she can visit in total with multiple stops within a time frame.

Application Area:
Web/Android Development
Skill Required:
Good Programming skills

16- e-Parking Challan 


The main idea behind this project is to develop an app that can be used by the traffic police in case of wrong parking. Most of the times the car owners park their cars at wrong places and disappear for quite a long time. Whenever, a car is wrongly parked, the police instead of waiting for the owner, can take an image of the car and its license plate from their mobile phones. They will post the pictures into a central database from where the car owner will be fined and get an auto generated SMS for the details of its fine. This app would also provide to make available the violation history of the violator with one click. The challan can then be paid through e-payment or can be added into the annual tax of the car.

Application Area:
Android Development
Skill Required:
Good programming skills, Database, Computer Graphics

17- Celebrity Profiling Corpus and techniques  


Celebrities are among the most prolific users of social media, promoting their personas and rallying followers. This activity is closely tied to genuine writing samples, rendering them worthy research subjects in many respects, not least author profiling. The Celebrity Profiling task is to predict different traits of a celebrity from their social media communication. The traits are the degree of fame, occupation, age, and gender. The social media communication is given as the teaser messages from past tweets. The goal is to develop a piece of software which predicts celebrity traits from the twitter profiles. And for this purpose corpus will be generated by collecting tweets from individual profiles.

Application Area:
Web/Android Development
Skill Required:
Natural Language processing, Machine learning, Data science

18- Online Election System 


Online Election System would have Candidate registration, document verification, auto-generated User ID and pass for candidate and Voters. Admin Login which will be handled by Election Commission .Candidate Login which will be handled By Candidate, Voters will get Unique ID and Password, Using which they can vote for a Candidate only once per Election

Application Area:
Web Development.
Skill Required:
Good Programming skills, Data Base.

19- Doctors on Hand 


Main idea of this project is to make a hand held application through which patient do not further need to go doctor to doctor to find who is expert and can treat your disease. This application will find itself a most suitable/expert and nearest doctor according to your disease.

Application Area:
Web Development.
Skill Required:
Natural Language Processing

20- A Liar Robot  


Robots always tell us for what they are programmed/ they always tell us the truth. But the idea of this project is to make an intelligent robot which can tells a lie as human do, so mimicking pure human behaviour.

Application Area:
Intelligent Machines and Robotics
Skill Required:
Strong Programming skills with hardware level knowledge/ interested in learning, good in assembly language.

21- Batch Advisory 


This will be an online portal to help batch advisors. With this portal batch advisor will be able to decide if a student is capable of selecting the course he wants to opt for. This portal will minimize the time and workload spent in looking students schedule, class, clashes, prerequisite, ability to pick a course.

Application Area:
Web development.
Skill Required:
Good Programming skills, Database.

22- Sentiment Analysis of Facebook Users: A Software System 


Social media applications extremely reflect upon people sentiments. An understanding of this trend will potentially assist to identify the harmful factors that need to be eliminated as well as suggestion system can be proposed. Our emphasis will be to build an application for fetching data of Facebook by using Graph API, analyse the trend of data, and later offer a complete system that will be built based on the theory of Statistics, AI and Human-Computer Interaction.

Application Area:
Android Application Development
Skill Required:
Skilled in Java/Android and Databases.
Willing to learn new API (e.g. Graph API).
Willing to explore research literature.
Excellent English writing skills.

23- Speech Therapy for Speech Challenged Children of Pakistan 


Children who are born with serious hearing disorders don’t develop speech abilities, even though their speech related physiological aspects are healthy. As a result they face a big challenge in the long run as far as their communication skills are concerned. Many opportunities available for ordinary members of society become out of reach for them. When such children are given hearing aids they face a very interesting problem. Since they had not heard and processed speech so they don’t know how to speak. They need specialized training to learn to speak. It is a very frustrating process; each word has be repeated thousands of time. This training is imparted by trained speech therapists. The job of a speech therapist is very challenging and as such there is a high rate of turnover in this field. Moreover in Pakistan the number of properly trained speech therapists is far less than what is needed. As a result a large number of children are unable to receive the professional training that they need to be able to speak properly. With the decline in cost of computing hardware it is now possible for the less fortunate ones to afford basic hardware, the problem is software. Almost all of speech therapy related software is proprietary and quite expensive, especially for those living in underdeveloped countries. Moreover language is also a problem. Majority of the proprietary speech therapy software is meant to teach English, which is not our mother tongue. This project is intended to fill this gap.

Application Area:
Software Engineering
Skill Required:
Good Programming skills

24- Detection of Malicious Applications on OSN 


Online social networks (OSN) have grown a largest platform for interaction and entertainment such as games. A lot of applications are developed for the OSN; however, the real intentions of the application may vary from developer to developer. Some application may have malicious intentions for which user may not be aware. Machine learning can algorithms can be used to detect malicious applications offered to OSN users.

Application Area:
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning
Skill Required:
Strong programming concepts
Excellent command of Java / Python
Good concepts of statistics and linear algebra (Optional)
Eager to learn new material by self-study

25- Facts finding and monitoring of persons on social networks 


Social networks on net are very useful and becoming more & more popular among young generation. However these are now the main cause of Cibber crimes. We are going to develop an application which can guess actual info. of newly added unknown person based on keywords used during messaging. All conversation will silently transfer to guardian through email and will immediate alert in case of any threat.

Application Area:
Web Development
Skill Required:
Good Programming skills

26- Software Quality Assurance 


This final year project explores the dimensions of software testing, and the development of such automated tool. The students will be dealing with the generation and execution of test data to evaluate the correctness of a program. There are some quite famous techniques present in the literature and the students will be developing some of them. Mainly the project explores black box and white box testing and highlights the errors that can go unnoticed by the programmers. Some common errors/warnings include: “memory leaks”, “dangling references”, “infinite loops”, “fall through cases in switches”, “out of bound”, “unreachable code”, “ignored return values”, and “unused variables and functions”.

Application Area:
Software Engineering
Skill Required:
software engineering, algorithms, good programming and analytical skills

27- Virtual Class Room 


Virtual reality is and will be at its boom in coming years. The proposal is to build a proof of concept that could virtualize a class room environment. Utilizing capabilities of Kinect and HTC VIVE or any other VR platform. Student from any location could connect to the class and feel like in a class room environment and view teacher delivering a lecture in front of them.

Application Area:
Web / Mobile Application
Skill Required:
Good Programming skills


We hope that these software development project ideas inspired you to start working on software projects to hone your skills! And also now you have sound knowledge about FYP ideas to be implemented. So if you like these findings please don't forget to comment on your favourite project and also share it with your friends. This article is from Codeindark

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Top comments (3)

arunprakash142 profile image

Wow, I like the way you describe the unique content. The points you raise are valid and reasonable. If any of the final year students are looking for the software engineering projects

bill_gate_c608a2d67ed8bba profile image
Bill Gate

Here are several Final Year Project (FYP) ideas for software engineering students. These projects can vary in complexity and can be adjusted based on your interests, skills, and available resources:

AI-Based Chatbot or Virtual Assistant:

Develop a chatbot or virtual assistant using natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning techniques.
Implement features like speech recognition, sentiment analysis, and context-aware responses.
E-commerce Platform:

Build a scalable e-commerce platform with features such as product listings, shopping cart functionality, secure payments, and order management.
Integrate recommendation systems based on user preferences and purchase history.
Healthcare Management System:

Create a web-based application for managing patient records, appointments, and prescriptions.
Implement features for doctors to access patient information securely and for patients to book appointments online.
Social Media Analytics Dashboard:

Develop a dashboard for analyzing social media data from platforms like Twitter or Facebook.
Include features for sentiment analysis, trend detection, and visualization of social media metrics.

Tips for Choosing an FYP:
Interest and Passion: Choose a project that aligns with your interests and career goals to stay motivated throughout the development process.
Feasibility: Consider the scope, time, and resources available for completing the project within the academic timeline.
Innovation: Look for opportunities to innovate or address current industry challenges with your project.
Collaboration: Consider projects that allow collaboration with peers, industry partners, or academic mentors for additional support and learning opportunities.
Before finalizing your FYP idea, discuss with your academic advisor or mentor to ensure it meets academic requirements and aligns with your program’s objectives. Good luck with your final year project! Deep Learning projects for final year

niaz_raza5 profile image

:) great

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