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Ramez Medhat
Ramez Medhat

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The steps of making a successful mobile app

In the process of making my own apps I made this research on how to make a successful app.

There is 7 steps to make a successful, and here it is.

1- The idea

the idea is so important, and to make sure that your idea is good you have to make sure that one of these things is your idea.

  • Make something people need, if your app is solving a problem that many people face, it will appear in front of them once they search about it, besides that you can market your game to people who suffer from this problem easily.

  • Make something unique, a new and good idea is a lot easier to market, so don’t copy a successful app because you don’t want to compete with this app and lose.

  • Make something that people really want, just like Facebook.. no one need it but every one wants it.
    Make an app people would like to share with friends, some free marketing? :)

2- Market search.

look for similar apps that have the same idea as yours, make sure that your idea doesn’t already exist, and if it is, look at what they have and what they don’t, and ask yourself what things will your app have that is better than theirs, Facebook wasn’t the first social media app, google wasn’t the first search engine.

3- Design

people will love your app if they loved your design, these steps will help you to have a pretty design:

  • Look at mobile pattern designs from (Pinterest, Behance, Dribble..).
  • Choose a color palette from(Color hunt, Flat UI colors, Material pallet..).
  • Choose the font you will use from (google fonts…).
  • Make a user flow diagram (a mind map for how the user will interact with your app), it helps with realizing how big your app is and the futures you need.
  • make a mocap of your app with (adobe XD, Figma..), it helps with imagining the app pages and give an early vision of it, try to ask people about how they feel about it and take some feedbacks.

4- monetization

it means to find out how much your app will cost and how to make money from it.

these are the possible ways to make money from an apps:

  • subscriptions: it’s to make a part of your app for free or some services and the other parts for money, it’s a very good way if your app is daily usage and have a high perceived value for the user.
  • in-app purchase: means that there are things the user can buy from the app.
  • Ads: a very good and easy way, not good for the design but good for your wallet ;) , you can use tools like Google AdMob.

5- App Development

this process is different from person to another but I will tell you two important things about it.

  • Determine how you are gonna make the app, what platform I will lunch the app on? what framework I will use? which futures I’m gonna add? or am I a programmer? am I gonna hire a free lancer? etc..…
  • Test and test and test, if the use had a bad first experience, you might lose a user forever.

7- Marketing

Let people know that your app exists, Start sharing your app before lunch and ask people about what they think, you will get some good reviews, and you will find people who’s interested.
Use social media, build an audience over time, and this audience will get bigger and bigger, you won’t find a lot of impact at the first, but by the time it will be great. don’t do all the social platforms, just pick one or two and focus on them.
Make the best store page ever, Awesome logo, thumbnail, and photos of your app with a great name and understandable description of course will encourage people to download your app, besides give a huge interest to the tags and keywords of your app, 70% of the downloads is for the top 5 apps on the search page.
Make a Press kit, a couple of screenshots, videos, logo, background information, are a very important thing for your app, it will help you to show the people your app, besides if anyone or any newspaper wanna write about your app, it will be a great resource to them.
Landing page, having a large list of people who you know are interested in your app and want to download it once it’s available will help. this can be achieved by making a landing page then share it with people and once you publish the app send them the app link, if you find maybe 5k downloads on the first day and google noticed it, your app maybe will start ranking on the app stores.
Updates, the launch day is just a start, you will start doing updates and trying to give people a reason to visit your app, if you ignore the app and not upgrading it you will lose interest by the time.

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