DEV Community

Rachit Chawla
Rachit Chawla

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My first PR to Hacktoberfest


As a part of being my first time contributing to a real-world open source software project, I was a bit under confident if I would be able to contribute to a big project.

As it was my first PR to Hacktoberfest, I thought to make it an easy one and gradually increasing difficulty of the PRs I'll making to hacktoberfest. I aim to make my last PR in a
big software project which is known to many or I have personally used the software I am working on.

The Hard Part - Finding a issue to work on.

I believe for this PR, as I worked on a readme file - finding the issue was more tough as compared to working on it. The repository was regarding some hands on labs on several technologies and I found an issue created by the owner. He wanted the assignee to create table of contents for the lesson that covered Ruby on Rails. I tried searching issues to work on through several methods as guided by my professor i.e

  1. Searching with hacktoberfest label
  2. Searching with good first issue label
  3. Searching in Awesome for beginners

Eventually, I found a repo to work on which had an issue as described above.
Link to the repo - Learn-Git

This is was an easy project regarding learning features of Git and more. Contributing to this gave me chance even to help the learners who would be using the repo for their knowledge.

Steps for the PR

Firstly, I had to fork the repo to my own account using Github user interface. Once the repo was forked, I used command line to work on it.

The first commmand I used was git clone to clone the project locally. I made the changes and then executed git add . and git commit. Finally after being done with all of the changes required. I just pushed the repo to main branch of forked repo.

I was able to create a pull request through the graphical interface itself. As this PR didn't have much changes, It easily got accepted without being me required to make any changes.


Overall, It was nice experience as It was my first time working towards some challenge 'Hacktoberfest' and it was my first commit to a public repo who's owner is unknown to me. I got a chance to revise all my previously learned git concepts and hoping to gradually increase the difficulty. I'll be creating the next PR a bit more technical for sure.

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