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Rachit Chawla
Rachit Chawla

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My Hacktoberfest Journey: My Last Contribution

I wanted to finish Hacktoberfest strong, so I set out to complete my fourth pull request. This time, I chose a task that seemed straightforward: adding Prettier, a tool that makes code look neat, to a project. But, as I soon found out, even simple tasks can come with challenges.

The Start: Choosing a Big Project

I aimed high and picked a big project called Agenta AI. My task was to create a workflow to build and push different parts of the project to a special place on GitHub. It sounded complex, but I was excited to learn. I managed to create the workflow, but when it came to changing a file called Docker Compose, I got stuck. I tried my best, but my pull request wasn't accepted because the task was too big for me at that time.

The Search for Opportunities

Time was running out for Hacktoberfest, and most projects already had enough contributors. I tried reaching out to different projects, hoping to help, but it was tough finding a place to contribute. Eventually, I found a project working on a Skyscraper game. They needed help setting up Prettier, which I knew how to do.

The Breakthrough: Skyscraper Game Project

Finally, an opportunity arose in the form of a Skyscraper game project. Although it might not have been my initial choice, I embraced the chance to contribute. The task involved setting up Prettier, a tool that would enhance the project's code formatting. With my experience in working with Prettier, I eagerly accepted the challenge.

Navigating the Journey

Submitting the pull request was just the beginning. As is often the case in the world of open source, unexpected issues surfaced during the deployment checks. The problem stemmed from package inconsistencies in the yarn.lock file. To resolve this, I meticulously adjusted the packages, ensuring compatibility and smooth deployment.

Additionally, the project owner requested the addition of End-of-File (EOF) lines at the end of files. Although seemingly minor, this detail required attention. I made the necessary changes, committing and pushing the updated files to my forked branch.

PR Link -

Lessons Learned and Achievements Gained

My journey in Hacktoberfest taught me that open-source contributions are not just about the lines of code you write. It's about resilience, collaboration, and the willingness to learn from challenges. Despite the setbacks and hurdles, I completed my fourth pull request, marking the end of my Hacktoberfest journey for this year.

In the end, I realized that every contribution, regardless of its size or complexity, adds value to the open-source community. Each line of code, every issue reported, and every problem solved is a step towards creating a more vibrant and collaborative digital world.

As I reflect on my experiences, I look forward to future Hacktoberfest challenges, armed with the knowledge gained and the friendships formed. Hacktoberfest may have ended, but the spirit of open source lives on, driving us to continue learning, contributing, and making a difference, one pull request at a time.

Top comments (1)

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.¸☆

It is not easy to find projects to work on also it is not easy to find any which they will find valid always. It sounds like you made an awesome contribution tho, well done! ✨