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Rafael Levi Costa
Rafael Levi Costa

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Building Efficient Architectures for Gift Card Systems and APIs (PART I)

Introduction: “The real problem is not whether machines think, but whether men do.” — B.F. Skinner

The market for gift cards has evolved significantly over the years, transitioning from traditional physical cards to digital formats. Initially, gift cards were associated with a unique identification number and a corresponding value that could be redeemed at the brand’s physical stores. However, generating and managing gift cards required distinct business rules that differed from the core operations of the brands themselves. As a result, specialized companies emerged to handle the generation, identification, and redemption processes. In this article, we will delve into the world of gift cards from a systems and APIs perspective, exploring the challenges and solutions in this dynamic market.


Gift Cards Gift cards are prepaid cards issued by companies that can be used as an alternative form of payment for goods and services within a specific brand or retail network. They carry a monetary value that can be redeemed by the cardholder at the associated stores.

Example Code:

class GiftCard {
  constructor(id, value) { = id; // Unique identifier for the gift card
    this.value = value; // Monetary value of the gift card
    this.isActive = false; // Flag indicating if the gift card is activated

  activate() {
    this.isActive = true;
    // Additional logic to notify the gift card issuer's servers of activation

  redeem() {
    if (this.isActive) {
      // Logic to deduct the card's value from the customer's purchase
      // Additional validation and anti-fraud measures can be implemented here
      return true;
    return false;

const giftCard = new GiftCard("1234567890", 50);
if (giftCard.redeem()) {
  console.log("Gift card successfully redeemed.");
} else {
  console.log("Gift card is inactive or invalid.");
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Quote: “Technology is best when it brings people together.” — Matt Mullenweg

The Evolution of Gift Cards🎁:

Over time, the gift card market faced challenges related to fraud and security. A mere identification number was insufficient to ensure compliance with the purchase process prior to redemption. Consequently, an additional step was introduced: gift card activation. This step occurs at the point of sale, where the gift card is purchased, and is typically performed by the retailer. Consider a scenario where a user purchases a gift card for Brand X at Supermarket Y. At the supermarket’s checkout, the system activates the card and sends the information to the gift card issuer’s servers, indicating that it can now be used by the end customer. Subsequently, the customer can utilize the prepaid amount by presenting the gift card at Brand X’s stores.

Quote: “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” — Steve Jobs

Expanding Gift Card Systems and APIs 🚀🔖:

To combat fraudulent activities, gift card generation systems were compelled to enhance their security measures. This led to the introduction of various stages in the process, ensuring the confidentiality of the gift card identification number and incorporating anti-fraud verification, end-user identification, and sophisticated management of gift card generation and distribution. Customers also demanded additional functionalities, such as partial balance redemption and the ability to reload gift cards.

Quote: “Good architecture makes the system easy to understand, easy to develop, easy to maintain, and easy to deploy.” — Bob Nystrom

Efficient Architectures for Gift Card Systems and APIs:

Given that multiple entities are involved in the gift card market, designing a microservices architecture proves beneficial. Drawing from my experience, we utilized the Google Cloud Platform (GCP), leveraging Cloud Run to deploy our services built with Node.js. Cloud Tasks facilitated queue management, Firestore served as our database, and Cloud Storage stored static files, including documents such as purchase receipts and invoices. We employed API Gateway to direct traffic to the appropriate services and utilized Cloud Functions for independent routines. Looker served as our business intelligence tool for analyzing data generated throughout the process. On the front-end, we developed an API portal and gift card distribution stores using Flutter Web. To ensure quality, we incorporated automated testing in our pipelines, including unit tests, load tests, and integration tests between services. We relied on GitHub for code storage and GitHub Actions for pipeline construction and continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD).

Cloud Infra🚀🌐:
“In the cloud, there is no hardware. The focus is on software, virtualization, and virtual machines.” — Bob Muglia

Gift cards have experienced a significant shift from physical to digital formats, necessitating robust infrastructure to support their generation, management, and redemption processes. In this part of article, we will explore the role of cloud infrastructure in building efficient gift card systems and APIs. Specifically, we will discuss how cloud platforms, such as the Google Cloud Platform (GCP), provide scalable, secure, and cost-effective solutions for handling the complexities of the gift card market.

Benefits of Cloud Infrastructure for Gift Card Systems: “Cloud computing is empowering, as anyone with a credit card can spin up and manage an entire data center.” — Eric Ries
Cloud infrastructure offers several advantages that make it an ideal choice for developing and operating gift card systems and APIs:

Scalability: Cloud platforms enable businesses to dynamically scale their infrastructure based on demand. With gift card systems experiencing varying levels of activity, the ability to scale resources up or down ensures optimal performance and cost efficiency. For example, during peak holiday seasons or promotional events, the cloud infrastructure can automatically provision additional resources to handle increased user traffic.
Reliability and Availability: Cloud providers offer robust infrastructure that is designed for high availability and fault tolerance. By distributing gift card services across multiple regions and data centers, cloud platforms can provide reliable access to gift card systems and APIs, minimizing downtime and ensuring a seamless customer experience.
Security: Cloud infrastructure incorporates advanced security measures to protect sensitive data, including gift card identifiers, user information, and transaction details. Cloud providers employ encryption, access controls, and regular security updates to safeguard against unauthorized access and data breaches. Additionally, cloud platforms often comply with industry security standards and regulations, providing an added layer of confidence for businesses and customers.🔍🔒
Cost Efficiency: Cloud services operate on a pay-as-you-go model, allowing businesses to optimize costs by only paying for the resources they consume. This eliminates the need for upfront infrastructure investments and provides flexibility in scaling resources based on demand. Additionally, cloud platforms offer pricing models that align with specific business needs, such as reserved instances or spot instances, further optimizing cost efficiency.
Implementing Cloud Infrastructure for Gift Card Systems: “Cloud computing is not only the future of computing, but the present and the entire past of computing.” — Larry Ellison ⚙️🧪
When building gift card systems and APIs, leveraging cloud infrastructure, such as GCP, can streamline development and deployment processes. Here are some key components of cloud infrastructure commonly used in gift card systems:

Compute Services: Cloud platforms provide compute services, such as Cloud Run or Functions, for deploying and managing gift card system components. These services offer serverless capabilities, auto-scaling, and easy integration with other cloud services, enabling efficient execution of backend processes.

Database Solutions: Cloud databases, like Firestore, offer scalable and flexible storage for gift card data, ensuring high availability and real-time synchronization. By leveraging cloud databases, businesses can securely store and manage gift card information, including identification numbers, associated values, and activation status.
File Storage and Content Delivery: Cloud storage services, such as Cloud Storage, facilitate the storage and retrieval of static files, such as gift card purchase receipts or promotional assets. Additionally, content delivery networks (CDNs) can be utilized to deliver gift card-related content quickly and efficiently to end-users worldwide.

API Management: API Gateway services simplify the management, versioning, and security of gift card APIs. They allow businesses to control access, monitor usage, and enforce policies, ensuring a secure and streamlined integration experience for developers and partners.

Continuous Deployment with GitHub Actions💻🚀:
In the realm of gift card systems and APIs, seamless and automated deployment processes are crucial to ensure efficient updates and releases. GitHub Actions, a powerful workflow automation tool, can play a significant role in achieving continuous deployment (CD) and continuous integration (CI) for gift card systems. Let’s explore how GitHub Actions can streamline the deployment pipeline and enhance the development workflow.✨

Automating Build and Test Pipelines: GitHub Actions enables🛠️🔬 developers to define custom workflows that automatically trigger build and test processes whenever changes are made to the gift card system’s source code. By integrating unit tests, load tests, and integration tests into the pipeline, potential issues can be identified early, ensuring the overall stability and reliability of the system.
Example Workflow Code:

name: Build and Test

      - main

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - name: Checkout code
        uses: actions/checkout@v2

      - name: Set up Node.js
        uses: actions/setup-node@v2
          node-version: 14

      - name: Install dependencies
        run: npm install

      - name: Run tests
        run: npm test
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  1. Ensuring Code Quality with Static Analysis: GitHub Actions integrates seamlessly with code analysis tools, allowing developers to enforce code quality standards and best practices. By running static code analysis, linting, and security checks as part of the deployment pipeline, potential vulnerabilities and code smells can be detected early on, ensuring a robust and maintainable codebase.

Example Workflow Code:

name: Static Code Analysis

      - main

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - name: Checkout code
        uses: actions/checkout@v2

      - name: Set up Node.js
        uses: actions/setup-node@v2
          node-version: 14

      - name: Install dependencies
        run: npm install

      - name: Run linter
        run: npm run lint

      - name: Run security check
        run: npm run security-check
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  1. Automating Deployment to Staging and Production Environments: GitHub Actions can be configured to automatically deploy the gift card system to staging and production environments after passing all tests and code quality checks. This ensures that the latest changes are quickly and reliably deployed, minimizing manual intervention and reducing the risk of human errors.

Example Workflow Code:

name: Deploy to Staging and Production

      - main

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - name: Checkout code
        uses: actions/checkout@v2

      - name: Set up Node.js
        uses: actions/setup-node@v2
          node-version: 14

      - name: Install dependencies
        run: npm install

      - name: Build and package application
        run: npm run build

      - name: Deploy to staging
        run: npm run deploy-staging
          API_URL: ${{ secrets.STAGING_API_URL }}

      - name: Deploy to production
        run: npm run deploy-production
          API_URL: ${{ secrets.PRODUCTION_API_URL }}
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By leveraging GitHub Actions, gift card system developers can achieve a streamlined and automated deployment pipeline, enabling continuous integration and continuous deployment. From automating build and test processes to ensuring code quality and facilitating deployment to staging and production environments, GitHub Actions empowers teams to deliver updates to gift card systems efficiently and reliably, ensuring a smooth and secure experience for both businesses and end-users.

Architecture design:

Image description

Conclusion: “The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook.” — William James

The market of gift cards has undergone a remarkable transformation, moving from traditional physical cards to sophisticated digital systems. Implementing efficient architectures and robust APIs has become imperative for addressing the specific demands and challenges presented in the gift card industry. By embracing microservices, leveraging cloud platforms, and adopting comprehensive security measures, businesses can enhance the gift card experience for both issuers and customers, ensuring secure transactions and fostering trust in the ever-evolving world of gift cards.

We invite you to join a discussion on the challenges of architecture and software engineering related to gift card systems. Gift card systems have become increasingly complex and demanding, requiring robust and efficient architectural solutions. In this debate, we can explore issues such as system scalability, integration with different platforms, and transaction security. It will be an opportunity to exchange knowledge and share experiences about the challenges faced in this fascinating field of software engineering.

Top comments (4)

france00mf profile image

nice article.

rafaellevissa profile image
Rafael Levi Costa


silvesterwali profile image

thanks for great article

rafaellevissa profile image
Rafael Levi Costa
