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Rafi Ferdos
Rafi Ferdos

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Optimizing Performance in React Applications

Performance is a crucial aspect of web development, especially in React applications where the UI is highly dynamic. In this blog post, I’ll share some strategies and best practices that can help optimize your React apps to ensure they run smoothly, load quickly, and provide a better user experience.

1. Memoization with React.memo()

React re-renders components by default, even if their props haven’t changed. This can cause unnecessary re-renders and impact performance. To prevent this, we can use React.memo() to memoize functional components. It tells React to skip rendering a component if its props haven’t changed.

const MyComponent = React.memo((props) => {
  // Your component logic
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2. Use useCallback and useMemo Hooks

For functions and computed values that should only be recalculated when specific dependencies change, useCallback and useMemo hooks are great tools.

  • useMemo is used to memoize expensive computations

  • useCallback is used to memoize callback functions

const memoizedCallback = useCallback(() => {
}, [dependency]);
const memoizedValue = useMemo(() => computeExpensiveValue(), [dependency]);
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3. Lazy Loading Components

For larger apps, loading everything at once can slow down performance. React provides built-in support for lazy loading components using React.lazy() and Suspense. This approach allows you to load components only when they are needed, reducing the initial load time.

const LazyComponent = React.lazy(() => import('./LazyComponent'));
function MyApp() {
  return (
    <Suspense fallback={<div>Loading...</div>}>
      <LazyComponent />
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4. Optimize Re-renders with shouldComponentUpdate and PureComponent

In class-based components, using shouldComponentUpdate can prevent unnecessary re-renders by providing control over when the component should update.

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
  shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
    // Return true if the component should update
    return nextProps.someValue !== this.props.someValue;
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Alternatively, you can use React.PureComponent to automatically perform a shallow comparison of props and state, preventing re-renders if there’s no change.

class MyPureComponent extends React.PureComponent {
  // This automatically prevents re-renders on shallow prop/state equality
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5. Windowing/Lazy Rendering

If your app needs to render large lists or tables, rendering them all at once can impact performance. Libraries like react-window and react-virtualized can help by rendering only the visible portions of the list, improving performance significantly.

import { FixedSizeList as List } from 'react-window';
const MyList = ({ items }) => (
    {({ index, style }) => (
      <div style={style}>
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6. Code Splitting

Code splitting allows you to break your code into smaller bundles, which are loaded on demand. This can dramatically reduce the initial loading time. With tools like webpack and React’s built-in support for dynamic imports, you can easily implement code splitting.

import('./MyComponent').then((module) => {
  const MyComponent = module.default;
  // Do something with MyComponent
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7. Use a CDN for Static Assets

Serving static assets such as images, fonts, and stylesheets from a Content Delivery Network (CDN) reduces the load on your server and speeds up the delivery of those assets to users.

8. Avoid Anonymous Functions in JSX

Every time a component re-renders, new instances of anonymous functions are created, causing potential performance issues. Instead, define the function outside the JSX or use useCallback to memoize it.

// Avoid this
<button onClick={() => handleClick()}>Click Me</button>

// Do this instead
const handleClick = useCallback(() => {
  // Handle click
}, []);
<button onClick={handleClick}>Click Me</button>
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9. Avoid Over-fetching Data

Fetching unnecessary data can slow down the app, especially on slow networks. Use pagination, infinite scrolling, or conditional data fetching to limit the amount of data retrieved from the server.

10. Minimize Reconciliation with Key Props

When rendering lists in React, providing unique key props helps React identify which items have changed, added, or removed, minimizing reconciliation work and improving performance.

{ => (
  <div key={}>{}</div>
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Optimizing performance in React applications is about understanding how React renders components and managing unnecessary re-renders. By leveraging tools like React.memo(), useCallback, useMemo, lazy loading, and code splitting, you can significantly improve the performance of your React apps.

Remember, the goal isn’t to prematurely optimize everything, but rather to be mindful of performance as your app grows in complexity. If you have other performance optimization tips for React, feel free to share them in the comments!

Rafi Ferdos - portfolio

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