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Richard Guay
Richard Guay

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Using the Svelte GitHub Website Template

Originally posted on 2019-12-06 at Custom Computer Tools.

Many want to run a simple blog or a small website without spending a whole lot of money. They often believe they have to sacrifice speed and flexibility to get it going cheap enough for them. But, the truth is, you can create a website for free!

This tutorial will show you how you can create your own website with simple markdown files and a GitHub Pages account. You are going to build a site using the Svelte framework and the Svelte GitHub Website Template.

This template creates everything you need to get a working website going on your computer, and then putting it on the web using GitHub. Since it is basically a flat file system website, you will not need to install a full web server stack. The Svelte installation supplies a Node.js based development server with live
reload to view your site as you are building it.

This template has partials for taking pieces of code and placing it in your site where ever you need it in the markdown pages. It also has a macro expansion ability based on Handlebars with some added helpers that I've designed. Since your pages are created using markdown, it would be good to become familiar with how it works.

Tools you will need

You will need to have Node.js, git, Mask task runner, a web browser, and a text editor. You don't have to have Mask, but I do highly recommend using it. I'm personally using the Oni 2 editor for writing and programming, but you can use any editor that you are used to using.

I'm working on a macOS system, but any computer system that can run the above tools should work fine. If you are on windows, you might need to use the Maid task runner instead. Mask is a Rust program and hasn't been tested on Windows much, but Maid is a Node.js program and should run anywhere that Node.js runs. I will show you all the steps for making your own scripts if you don't want to use a script runner.

Downloading the Template and Running the Development Server

In a terminal program, like Kitty, go to the directory you would like your website directory. In that directory, run the following command line:

npx degit raguay/SvelteGithubSiteTemplate <project name>
cd <project name>

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The <project name> is the name you give your website. Therefore, if you want the directory for your website to be called MyBlog, then use MyBlog instead of <project name>. The above command lines become:

npx degit raguay/SvelteGithubSiteTemplate MyBlog
cd MyBlog
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Now you are in the website directory. The website directory should have a directory/file structure as shown (tree is a unix command for showing the current directory down in a graphical tree structure):

 $ tree
├── launch
│  ├──
│  ├── css
│  │  └── bundle.css
│  ├── index.html
│  └── js
│      └── bundle.js
├── package.json
├── public
│  ├── CNAME
│  ├── bundle.css
│  ├──
│  ├── bundle.js
│  ├──
│  ├── index.html
│  └── site
│      ├──
│      ├── blog
│      │  ├──
│      │  └──
│      └── parts
│          └── test.html
├── rollup.config.js
└── src
    ├── WebSite.svelte
    ├── components
    │  ├── About.svexy
    │  ├── BlogPosts.svelte
    │  ├── Footer.svelte
    │  ├── Index.svexy
    │  ├── Logo.svelte
    │  ├── NavBar.svelte
    │  ├── Page.svelte
    │  ├── Sidebar.svelte
    │  └── Twitter.svelte
    ├── main.js
    └── store
        └── infoStore.js

10 directories, 31 files
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Next, run the npm command to install the node.js libraries needed to work on this website:

npm install
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This takes a while if you've never installed some of the node.js packages. On my system, it took 44 seconds. Once done, you can now run the development server and see what your website looks like:

npm run dev
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When you see the waiting for changes... in the terminal, your site has been compiled and is running on a local server. You can open a browser and view your site at http://localhost:5000. The local server puts code into your site to auto refresh your browser whenever you change any file in the src directory. When you do, it will recompile the code and force a refresh on your browser.

The Two Types of Pages

There are two types of pages in this template: a Svelte component and markdown files. In the current site, the About.svexy and Index.svexy components are for the main site index page (ie: the front page of your website), and the about page. These can be any valid Svelte component. In this template, they are markdown files that use Mdsvex. Mdsvex is a markdown type file that is compiled into a normal Svelte component and added to the bundle.js file. Therefore, these pages are always loaded into the browser of the person looking at your site. You should keep these types of pages as minimal as possible to keep your load time as fast as possible.

To see the minimal code for one of these pages, look at the About.svexy file in the src/components directory:

\`\`\`js exec
  import { fade } from 'svelte/transition';
  import { onMount } from 'svelte';
  import { info } from '../store/infoStore.js';

  onMount(() => {
    // Subscribe to the information store to get the site information.
    const unsubscribeInfo = info.subscribe((value) => {

    return () => { unsubscribeInfo(); };


\`\`\`css style
  .box {
    width: 100%;
    margin: auto;
    padding: 10px;
    margin-top: 10px;
    margin-bottom: 10px;

<div class="box" style="border: {$info.styles.borderSize} solid {$info.styles.borderColor}; 
                        border-radius: {$info.styles.borderRadius}; 
                        background-color: {$info.styles.divColor};
                        background-image: {$info.styles.divBackgroundPicture};
                        color: {$info.styles.textColor};" in:fade="{{duration: 500}}">

## About Us

This is a markdown file with information about you. Change as you see fit.

The `div` setup the proper styling for the markdown and controls the animation of it on the site. Therefore, leave the div information as it is and just change the markdown in between.

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There are two code blocks that the Mdsevx package will include in the module as JavaScript and CSS. The js exec code block is added as JavaScript to the created Svelte code and the css style is added to the Svelte CSS block. Note: The extra back slashes are for allowing this website editor to show the back ticks. They are not in the actual file. Anyone know a better way to do this?

The style block sets the styling for the div element to show it properly on the site. The JavaScript section loads the Svelte code needed to get the styling information from the info store and the fade directive for the div block. Just add the markdown you want in the area between the <div> and </div> elements.

If you want to include other components, just load them in the JavaScript section just like any other Svelte component and put the markup in the place you want it to be in the markdown. Just like standard markdown, you can mix in HTML code as needed. This makes for a very versatile page creation. Anything you want to do can be done in these pages!

The other type of page is the markdown pages. They are any page under the site directory in the public and launch folders. Any page request that doesn't match a Svelte component in the router is expected to have a corresponding markdown file. For example, the page localhost:5000/blog/index will send the file public/site/blog/ to the user to see.

If a file request is sent that doesn't match a component or a markdown file in the system, then the public/site/ file will be processed and sent to the viewer. This file is actually preloaded when the partials are preloaded. You will see how to load partials in the next section.

These markdown files are limited to plain markdown, any registered Handlebars helpers, and everything that is in the YAML header is available as a Handlebar helper. Here are a list of helpers I've added to the template:

Helper Description
{{save <name> <text>}} This command creates a helper named <name> with the expanding text of <text>. It also places the given <text> at the point of definition. This allows you to create text snippets on the fly inside the template. Very handy.
{{date <format>}} This will format the current date and time as per the format string given.
{{cdate <date/time> <format>}} This takes the date/time string and formats it according to the format given.
{{last <weeks> <dow> <fmat>}} This will go back in time to <weeks> ago and give the date for the particular <dow> (Day Of Week) in the <fmat> format.
{{next <weeks> <dow> <fmat>}} This will go forward in time to <weeks> ahead and give the date for the particular <dow> (Day Of Week) in the <fmat> format.
{{cDateMDY}} gives the current date in Month Day, 4-digit year format
{{cDateDMY}} gives the current date in Day Month 4-digit Year format
{{cDateDOWDMY}} gives the current date in Day of Week, Day Month 4-digit year format
{{cDateDOWMDY}} gives the current date in Day of Week Month Day, 4-digit year format
{{cDay}} gives the current date in Day format
{{cMonth}} gives the current date in Month format
{{cYear}} gives the current date in 4-digit year format
{{cMonthShort}} gives the current date in Short Month name format
{{cYearShort}} gives the current date in 2-digit year format
{{cDOW}} gives the current date in Day of Week format
{{cMDthYShort}} gives the current date in Month day 2-digit year format
{{cMDthY}} gives the current date in Month Day 4-digit year format
{{cHMSampm}} gives the current date in h:mm:ss a format
{{cHMampm}} gives the current date in h:mm a format
{{cHMS24}} gives the current date in H:mm:ss 24 hour format
{{cHM24}} gives the current date in H:mm 24 hour format

The time formatting is done using the Moment.js library. Please refer to that website for the details on how to create the format string.

These are the same helpers available in my Alfred Workflow Quiver and Template. Those workflows are using the same base code I'm using with the Svelte GitHub Website Template project. Yes, I reuse stuff that I like! Please refer to the Handlebars documentation for any built in helpers.

If you want to add your own helpers, then add them to the src/components/Pages.svelte file. All helpers that are not time sensitive should be placed in the onMount() function with the ones I have there. The helpers that are time sensitive should be placed in the processData() function. For example, the {{save <name> <text>}} helper is in the onMount() function since it is saving data on the page for use further in the page and isn't a time based function.

Changing Site Information

All basic site information is kept in a Svelte store. Any component can access this information. The following is the basics found in the store:

import { writable } from 'svelte/store';

export const info = writable({
  siteName: 'Svelte Website Template',
  byLine: 'For creating a great website from GitHub Pages.',
  address: 'http://localhost:5000',
  GitHub: '',
  parts: ['test.html'],
  local: true,
  styles: {
    backgroundColor: '#D1BD79',
    backgroundPicture: '',
    borderColor: '#AA7942',
    divColor: '#ECDAAC',
    divBackgroundPicture: '',
    borderSize: '5px',
    borderRadius: '10px',
    textColor: 'black',
    font: '20px Times New Romand, Arial',
    headerFont: '20px Verdana, Arial',
    navFontSize: '24px',
    navHoverColor: 'blue',
    showSideBar: true,
    sideBarLeft: false,
    widthLogo: 920,
    widthNavbar: 700,
    widthSidebar: 900

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The first thing you will need to change is the siteName and byLine fields. These will have the name for your website and it's by-line. If you don't want a by-line, just leave it blank.

The address is the HTTP address for your local server. You will only need to change this if you change the port for your local server.

The GitHub address is the full path to your site folder when you upload to your GitHub pages repository. Once it is uploaded, go to the repository in GitHub, click on the site directory, then click on the file, and select the raw button on the right. You should now have the raw address to the file and see the contents in the browser. Copying the address should give you:
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Put everything up to the site in the variable GitHub. It should look similar to:

    GitHub: '',
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Of course, it will have the name of your account instead of my raguay account. This will be where the Page.svelte component will look for markdown pages for your site.

The parts variable is an array of names of files in the site/parts directory. Each file named here will be loaded into Handlebars as a partial. You can then include it on any markdown page using {{> 'test.html'}} macro. Each partial that is used causes some delay on loading the first markdown page. You might want to keep the ones you load to a minimum.

The local variable controls which address to use to get the pages: address or GitHub. If set to true, the the address address is used. Otherwise, the GitHub address is used. Make sure this is set to false and compiled before uploading to your GitHub site!

The styles object contains all the styling information for the site. Most of them are very self explanatory as they are named similar to the CSS properties. If the showSideBar variable is set to true, the side bar will be visible on the left side if sideBarLeft is true. It'll be on the right if sideBarLeft is false. If showSideBar is false, then no side bars will be shown and the content area will take the full with under the header.

There are three variables in the styles object that control responsive design feature. They are widthLogo, widthNavbar, and widthSidebar. The widthLogo variable is the pixel size that the logo will stop being displayed. The widthNavbar variable is the width that the navigation menu will go from horizontal to vertical. The widthSidebar variable is the width that the sidebar will no longer be displayed at. You can set these to values that makes sense for your site. A very short menu will not need as large of a value as a short menu will.

These variables can be set programmatically as well. That way, you can setup pages with the side bar or without. You could also set all the styling information from a menu entry to have different styles for each user. I'll most likely be adding more features for this in future versions of the template.

Each component that need information from the info store will have the following in it's script block:

  import { onMount } from 'svelte';
  import { info } from '../store/infoStore.js';

  let styles = {};

  onMount(() => {
    // Subscribe to the information store to get the site information.
    const unsubscribeInfo = info.subscribe((value) => {
      styles = value.styles;

    return () => { unsubscribeInfo(); };

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The onMount function is imported from svelte and used to register a function that will run whenever the component is mounted to the DOM. The info store is loaded from the file that defines it. In the function ran by the onMount life cycle function will then register a function to run each time the library info is updated. That function set a component variable (I call it a shadow variable since it shadows the original store) to the new value of the store. When updated, it will trigger a refresh on the component. Now, you can use the information in the library in the template and in other functions. Just be careful that a function doesn't get called before the store's shadow variable isn't initialized.

When you subscribe to a store, the return value is the function to use to unsubscribe from the store. When you return from a onMount() function call, you return a function that calls the unsubscribe function to help free up memory and processing time for updates to the store. That function is called whenever the component is unmounted (or removed from the DOM).

If you need to make sure you have the latest information from a store before going forward with a function, you have to use the get function to get it from the store. The store variable that you load in isn't the actual store, but accessor function to it. You get the get function this way:

  import { get } from 'svelte/store';
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You then use that function to get the most current value of the store. For example:

  var localvalue = get(info);
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Now, you can use localvalue just like you did info in the template. This is a read only variable. You can't set values in the store by using the locally saved variable. To change a store's value, you use the set() method of the store. This only works if the new value is different (ie: 1 instead of 0). But for structures, this might not always be the case. Be careful.

Changing the Menus

The main menu on the website is in the NavBar.svelte component. It looks like this:

<div id='navbar' style="background-color: {styles.divColor};
                        background-image: {styles.divbackgroundPicture};
                        border: {styles.borderSize} solid {styles.borderColor};
                        border-radius: {styles.borderRadius};
                        color: {styles.textColor};" >
  <a class='navItem' href='/' use:link use:active>Home</a>
  <a class='navItem' href='/blog/index' use:link use:active>Blog</a>
  <a class='navItem' href='/about' use:link use:active>About</a>

  .navItem a {
    color: black;
    text-decoration-color: black;

  #navbar {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: row;
    width: 85%;
    margin: auto;
    border-radius: 10px;
    padding: 10px;
    margin-top: 10px;
    margin-bottom: 10px;

  #navbar a {
    text-decoration: none;
    font-size: 24px;

  .navItem {
    margin-right: 26px;
    text-decoration: none;

  import { link } from 'svelte-spa-router';
  import active from 'svelte-spa-router/active';
  import { onMount } from 'svelte';
  import { info } from '../store/infoStore.js';

  let styles = {};

  onMount(() => {
    // Subscribe to the information store to get the site information.
    const unsubscribeInfo = info.subscribe((value) => {
      styles = value.styles;

    return () => { unsubscribeInfo(); };


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The items of interest in the script block is the importing of the link and active commands. These are used in the template to define the anchor tags. The use:link action in the anchors will fix the references to the local SPA router style. A normal anchor reference would be /blog/index, the link action changes it to /#/blog/index. You don't have to use the link action, but it does make it a little easier to read.

The active action will show the link that is currently being displayed with the active class. You have to define your active class globally so that the name doesn't get specialize for the component. It is currently defined in the WebSite.svelte component in order to be only defined once. It looks like:

  :global( {
    color: #155393 !important;
    text-decoration-color: #155393;

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The :global() command tells Svelte that this is a globally defined CSS value and it should not be name mangled.

So, if you want to add a page call Favorites with the markdown file name of, you would add the following to the list of anchor tags in the template:

  <a class='navItem' href='/favorites' use:link use:active>Favorites</a>
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And make sure the file is in the site directory.

Changing the Main, Sidebar, and Footer Components

The main page (or more often referred to as the index page) is in the file Index.svexy file. It has the same layout as the About.svexy that we have already examined. Just add the markdown text you want in the main page. You can also include other components if needed.

The Sidebar is in the src/component/Sidebar.svelte component and the Footer is in the src/component/Footer.svelte component. They are nornal Svelte components that can be edited and changed as you need. Components like these that need to be edited are the reason I've made this a template and not a library. There is a src/components/Twitter.svelte and src/components/BlogPosts.svelte components that can be placed in the Sidebar as you want. I'll be creating more such components down the road.

Adding General and Blog Pages

The format of the site directory is as follow:

├── blog
│   ├──
│   └──
└── parts
    └── test.html
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Everything under the site directory is available to be sent as a page. The items in the parts directory can be seen as a page if they are markdown (ie: if the name of the file ends in .md). But, most partials will be HTML since they are not processed through the markdown and Handlebars processors. But, I think I will be doing that in the future.

Every page needs to be a markdown file with the ending .md. The files in a sub-directory are accessed as the path is normally seen. For example, the index for the blog page is /blog/index. For this reason, all directories should be a single word without and spaces or anything that isn't a letter or a number (ie: all punctuation and special symbols).

There isn't currently a process for building the index page for a blog. You will have to do that yourself. I'm working at adding a function to the Mask task runner for building the index pages from the post pages.

Every markdown page has to start with YAML head matter at the top. The minimum information is:

  title: The title of the blog
  date: 2019-11-26
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The format is basically a name, :, and a value. The name has to be a single word. The date is given in the YYYY-MM-DD format. Each post can display it in any format given in the heading section as seen here:

## {{title}}
#### {{cdate date 'MMMM D, YYYY'}}
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The date is taken from the YAML head matter and formatted using the cdate helper function. The format is the Moment.js formatting. You can change these to anything you want. This is just the formatting that I'm using on my site.

Each variable in the YAML head matter is also accessible using the Handlebar helpers just as the title was used in the above example.

The rest of the file is whatever markdown and text you want in your post or page.

Build and Deploying the Site

I'm assuming that you already have a GitHub Pages repository setup. If not, go ahead and do that. Once setup, clone the repository to the directory launch. That is best done by doing the git clone command in the templates directory, copy the files/directories in the launch directory to that cloned directory, delete the current launch directory, and rename the cloned git directory to launch. The build script will place all your site's information into the launch directory and upload it to GitHub.

Once the launch directory is setup, you can run:

mask build 'initial launching'
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This will fully build the site, commit the changes to the git repository with the message given in single quotes, and push the changes to the GitHub repository for your GitHub pages site. Once GitHub Pages syncs, your new site will be live for everyone to see.

If you don't want to use Mask, then create a script with the following lines:

npm run build
rm -Rf launch/js launch/css launch/imgs launch/site
mkdir launch/css launch/js
cp public/*.js launch/js
cp public/*.css launch/css
cp -Rf public/imgs launch/
cp -Rf public/site launch
cp public/CNAME launch
cd launch
git commit -am "$1"
git push
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Then make the script executable using chmod a+x on the file. You should then be able to use that script instead of the Mask script.

The file CNAME is the name of your site if your using your own domain name server for the site. GitHub Pages will then use the name in that file as the name of the web-server for your site.

You only have to compile the full site each time you change a Svelte component. If you are simply adding markdown files to the public directory area, then you can just copy them to the launch area and commit them to GitHub.


Now that you know how to use this website template, go and make your own websites using it. Please let me know what sites you create with it so I can add it to the list on the template's GitHub page. That way, everyone can see who is using this template.

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