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Rahul Kumar Barnwal
Rahul Kumar Barnwal

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LeetCode Challenge: 11. πŸ“¦ Container With Most Water - JavaScript Solution πŸš€

Top Interview 150

When it comes to solving LeetCode Problem 11: Container With Most Water, we aim to optimize for both time and space complexity. This problem is a classic example of leveraging the two-pointer technique to solve a greedy algorithm challenge efficiently.

Let’s dive in! πŸŠβ€β™‚οΈ

Problem Breakdown πŸ“

You're given an array height where each element represents the height of vertical lines on a coordinate plane. The goal is to:

  • Find two lines that, along with the x-axis, form a container holding the most water.
  • Return the maximum amount of water the container can store. The water area between two lines is determined by:


πŸ”‘ Key Constraints:

Key Constraints

Examples ✨

Example 1:


Input: height = [1,8,6,2,5,4,8,3,7]
Output: 49
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The two lines at indices 1 and 8 (heights 8 and 7, respectively) create a container of width 8 - 1 = 7 and height 7. Thus, the area is:


Example 2:

Input: height = [1,1]
Output: 1
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The two lines are both of height 1. The width is 1, so the area is:


πŸš€ Efficient Solution: Two-Pointer Technique

The brute-force approach of checking all pairs of lines would require
O(n2) time, which is not feasible for large inputs. Instead, we use two pointers:

  • Start with one pointer at the leftmost index (left) and another at the rightmost index (right).
  • Calculate the area between these two lines.
  • Move the pointer pointing to the shorter line inward, as the area is constrained by the shorter height.
  • Repeat until the two pointers meet.

JavaScript Code Implementation πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»

var maxArea = function(height) {
    let left = 0;
    let right = height.length - 1;
    let maxArea = 0;

    while (left < right) {
        const width = right - left;
        const currentArea = Math.min(height[left], height[right]) * width;

        maxArea = Math.max(maxArea, currentArea);

        if (height[left] < height[right]) {
        } else {

    return maxArea;
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πŸ“Š Complexity Analysis:

  • Time Complexity: O(n)
    • The two pointers traverse the array at most once.
  • Space Complexity: O(1)
    • No extra space is used.

Dry Run 🧐

Let’s break down the code step-by-step with the input height = [1,8,6,2,5,4,8,3,7]:

Dry Run
Final output: 49

Why It Works πŸ”

  • Greedy Approach: Moving the pointer with the smaller height eliminates a line that would have limited the container’s capacity. This ensures we maximize the potential for a larger area.
  • Two-Pointer Efficiency: Only one pass is made through the array, minimizing time complexity.

🚩 Constraints Check

  • The algorithm handles the edge cases, such as:
    • Height array with only two elements: Returns the correct result.
    • All heights are zero: Returns 0.
    • Varying heights: Maximizes the area.

πŸ† Results

The above solution:

  • Time Complexity: O(n)
  • Space Complexity: O(1)

This implementation is efficient and scalable, capable of handling the upper constraint of 10^5 elements.

Final Thoughts πŸ’‘

Understanding the two-pointer technique is a game-changer for many array-based problems. This approach minimizes redundant calculations and optimizes performance.

If you enjoyed this post or have questions, let me know in the comments! πŸ™Œ

πŸ‘‰ Try it out and share your results below. Happy coding! 😊

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Rahul Kumar Barnwal

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