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Rahul Parajuli
Rahul Parajuli

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Python basics!

Getting started with python?

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As I was going through the toughest time where my logical skills were at the most vulnerable state I came to know that I need to practice my logical buildings as soon as possible.
As a developer I was running out of time to compete with the best in the game. However, I had that tendency to move out of the box and struggle hard enough to get industry ready.
If you are the one, lets get you a list of python 100 question solution to make you a easy go industry ready.

Lets get you some of the example of it-

Program to find the greatest number asking users for number.

`a = int(input("enter the first age: "))
b = int(input("enter second age: "))
c = int(input("enter 3rd age: "))

if a>b and a>c:
print("a is greatest")
elif b>a and b>c:
print("b is greatest")
print("c is greatest")`

Program to convert cencius to farhenheit
`celcius = int(input("enter the celcius"))

farhenheit = (celcius * 9/5) + 32
print("farenheit of the celcuis is : ",farhenheit)`

logic to swap number
`a = int(input("enter first number: "))
b = int(input("enter second number: "))

print("the initial number is: ",a,b)

temp = a
a = b
b = temp

print("the final number after swap is: ", a,b)`

These are some of the basic example of python code.
For making you more sound in this career go through W3 school and try reading out all the python basic tools and libraries. Don't forget to learn concept on Object Oriented Programming (OOP) and also building an API from it.

Follow along my github - github

Good luck, Folks! Happy coding.

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