I had an Interview with Travclan and for the technical round, I had to submit a solution for this frontend challenge.
# Front-end Test Task
## Task
Develop a Single page application with following mentioned features
but not necessarily limited to it.
1. Display a list of customers (with pagination).
2. Each customer bas several bids, by default only the maximum bid
should be displayed. Also add a toggle button so that on switching
toggle only the minimum bid is displayed.
3. Enable sorting of customer list by bid amount.
4. Front-end part should be developed as SPA with ES6, React(Hooks).
#Good to have:
1. Using Context Api or Custom Hooks will be a big plus.
2. Clicking on any row should redirect to a separate url where all the
selected customer's bids should be displayed. (use your creativity on
how to display the data).
3. Styling is not a priority but using Material Ui(https://material-
ui.com) entirely will be a plus.
Use following API to retrieve the data - `https://intense-tor-
## Data structure example
Customer {
id: string,
firstname: string,
lastname: string,
avatarUrl: string,
email: string,
phone: string,
hasPremium: boolean,
bids: Array<Bid>
Bid {
id: string,
carTitle: string,
amount: number,
created: string
## Table expected
| Customer name (with avtar) | Email | Phone | Premium | Max/Min bid |
My solution: -
- live - Car Bidders Dashboard [Netlify]
- GitHub - Car Bidders List
Rajesh-Royal / car-bidding-system-react
Car bidding system ReactJS. TravClan
This project Is bootstrapped with Create React App and using tailwindcss for UI library.
Available Scripts π
This project usages Yarn as package manager and in the project directory, you can run:
Starts the development server
Production build
Runs unit tests
React Eject
Shows all the linting errors in codebase
Fix all the liting errors
Husky hooks will lint code before commiting it.
π§ What's inside?
A quick look at the top-level files and directories you'll see in this project.
βββ .vscode
βββ node_modules
βββ public
βββ src
βββ assets
βββ components
βββ container
βββ context
βββ pages
βββ routes
βββ utils
βββ _redirects
βββ netlify.toml
βββ .eslintrc.json
βββ .gitignore
βββ .prettierrc
βββ craco.config.js
βββ package.json
βββ README.md
βββ tailwind.config.js
βββ yarn.lock
: This directory contains all of the workspace setting for vscode.
π« Deploy
Result: I was not selected for next round.
Top comments (2)
Hey! thanks for sharing. May I know why you did not make through the round? I mean the app works well.
don't know they didn't gave feedbacks on this round.