To talk smartly and don’t open all your 52 cards in front of everyone.
Life is like an ice cream enjoy it before it melts.
Don’t express your opinion in front of a person who is arrogant stupid and never listens other.
Stick firmly to one thing at a time, don’t mix things as to create a mess.
Ignore toxic people and try to make friends who have similar goals like you.
Everyone suffers in life, so when it’s your turn don’t panic.
Work Hard don’t waste time. Time is precious.
Help the needy not the greedy.
Never let the inner child die inside you.
Be social but don’t waste time.
Forget the past and believe in present and future.
Believe in yourself and be a tough person.
Eat healthy food. Later you will suffer from different problems if the eating habit is not good.
Travel at least to a new place every year.
Study whatever you like to study.
Be happy, work and believe, Your moon will shine bright.

Footnotes: Quora, Image Sources: Google Images.
The post What did you learn too early in life? appeared first on Rajesh Royal.
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