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Rajiv Chaulagain
Rajiv Chaulagain

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Essential React Libraries for Web Development in 2024

In 2024, the React ecosystem is thriving with numerous libraries that significantly simplify web application development. As a React developer, I've found several libraries indispensable for creating efficient and visually appealing applications. Here's a rundown of the libraries I frequently use and recommend:

UI Library:

Mantine UI: In 2024, Mantine UI has become my go-to choice for a comprehensive UI library. It stands out due to its unique and highly practical components that are ready to use out of the box. This library eliminates the need to design components from scratch, allowing developers to focus more on functionality. Mantine also offers its own hooks for form state management, which is incredibly convenient. For handling complex tables, I rely on mantine-react-table. I highly recommend trying Mantine UI in your projects and sharing your experience.

State Management (Global and Server-Side):

For global state management, I use a combination of react-hooks with react-context and react-reducer hooks. For smaller state management tasks, I sometimes incorporate react-stateful hooks.
For server-side data fetching, react-query is my preferred choice. It efficiently handles data fetching and mutations, making server-side state management straightforward. I also use axios for making HTTP requests, which pairs well with react-query.


While Mantine provides some minimal charting capabilities, for more complex charting needs, I turn to nivo charts. Nivo offers a rich set of features for creating beautiful and interactive charts.
PDF Generation:

For generating PDFs

react-to-pdf is my tool of choice. It simplifies the process of converting React components into PDF documents, making it a valuable addition to my development toolkit.

These libraries have proven to be incredibly valuable in my development workflow, enhancing productivity and the overall quality of the applications I build. I encourage you to explore these tools and see how they can benefit your projects.

Top comments (4)

litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

Thanks for sharing!

Is important to track even how the website / web app goes after you release. At the end of the day everybody do websites and web apps for customers.

I would love to see a list like this for tools after the development.

So in release mode what kind of tool you will use to track your users behaviour??

I hope this make a good point for a future article!

Antonio, CEO & Founder at

rajivchaulagain profile image
Rajiv Chaulagain

Thank you, @litlyx . I appreciate your review and suggestions. I will definitely incorporate them. Thanks again!

nmiller15 profile image
Nolan Miller

Thanks for sharing!

rajivchaulagain profile image
Rajiv Chaulagain • Edited

Thank you, @nmiller15. I appreciate your engagement with my post; it means a lot to me.

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