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Rakesh KR
Rakesh KR

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In One Minute : TypeScript

TypeScript is a typed superset of javascript that transpiles to plain JavaScript. It adds optional types, classes, interfaces, and modules to JavaScript. It was developed by Microsoft and is open source.

  • TypeScript offers classes, modules, and interfaces to help developers build robust components.
  • TypeScript types let developers define interfaces between software components and gain insight into the behaviour of existing JavaScript libraries.
  • TypeScript starts from the syntax and semantics millions of JavaScript developers know today.
  • With TypeScript, developers can use existing JavaScript code, incorporate popular JavaScript libraries, and be called from other JavaScript code.
  • TypeScript transpiles to JavaScript code which runs on any browser, in node.js, or in any other ES3-compatible environment.
  • TypeScript as a language extension adds (amongst others) the following features:
  • Type annotations and compile-time type checking
  • Namespaces
  • Interfaces
  • Enums (to define a set of named constants)
  • Generics (classes, types, and functions that can work over a variety of types)
  • Await (suspends the execution until an asynchronous function return promise is fulfilled)
  • Abbreviated "arrow" syntax for anonymous functions
  • Optional parameters and default parameters

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