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Rakshith holla
Rakshith holla

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Swapping two numbers using arithmetic operators

We can perform swapping of two numbers without using temp variable and just by using arithmetic operators.

Operators used are +, - or *, /

First, let us perform the swap using +, - operators,

let a = 5;
let b = 10;

//swap operations
a = a + b; //a = 15
b = a - b; //b = 5
a = a - b; //a = 10

//swap complete

console.log(a); //a is now 10
console.log(b); //b is now 5
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Now, let us perform the swap using *, / operators,

let a = 7;
let b = 5;

//swap operations
a = a * b; //a = 35
b = a / b; //b = 7
a = a / b; //a = 5

//swap complete

console.log(a); //a is now 5
console.log(b); //b is now 7
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Hope this was helpful😊

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