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Ramanand Thakur
Ramanand Thakur

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Useful Android Studio Plugins

If you want to learn how to create Android apps, Android Studio is where your search will end. It is a platform where you can create Android apps for Android phones, tablets, Android Wear(Smartwatch/Fitness), and Android TV. Kotlin or Java may be used to create the backend of Android applications, while XML can be used to create the user interface (UI) on the front end.

1. CodeGlance

CodeGlance is a type of minimap of the full code that enables you to quickly inspect an entire code block. When the CodeGlance feature is enabled, the entire code is displayed to the side of the screen in minimap style, allowing you to rapidly go to the required area of the code by choosing it from the CodeGlance box.

2. Butterknife Zelezny

ButterKnife Zelezny is an android studio plug-in that lets you generate ButterKnife injections from specific layout XML. It is a very simple plug-in, hence generates Butterknife view injections with just one-click.
The major goal is to increase coding efficiency and make it simple for developers to instantly produce the code of the control binding view.

3. Vector Drawable Thumbnails

We often need to rebuild the project in order to see a vector drawable XML file. We can quickly preview all of the vector drawables using Vector Drawable Thumbnails.

4. Rainbow Brackets

ButterKnife Zelezny is an android studio plug-in that lets you generate ButterKnife injections from specific layout XML. It is a very simple plug-in, hence generates Butterknife view injections with just one-click.
The major goal is to increase coding efficiency and make it simple for developers to instantly produce the code of the control binding view.

5. Android Drawable Preview

When creating an Android app, you'll need a variety of drawable components. When working on a large project, it might be difficult to recall which drawable you used. Figuring this out takes a lot of time and effort.
This plugin solves this issue by replacing the project view's default file icons with previews of the drawable you've used. You can also browse through the folder to know which all drawables has been used.

6. The Name That Color

The Name That Color plugin in Android Studio will name the colour you currently have copied to your clipboard and provide the name of the colour that is the closest match.

7. String Manipulation

You can do everything with String Manipulation, including toggle cases, switch between camel, snake, and kebab cases, increment duplicates, sort, escape/unescape HTML, Java, SQL, PHP, and XML strings, and run filter operations like grep.

8. ADB Idea

It enables shortcuts for a number of emulator features that are often quite time-consuming, such as clearing the app's data, removing it from the system, or starting the debugger.

9. Power Mode II

Sometimes, coding can get tedious. but not while this plugin is activated. Your fingers are spitting fire and trembling as you read this. Every time anything gets dull to continue, I personally like to use this addon. Start coding while your favourite music is playing. It gets even better when your music syncs with the shaking effect.

10. Tabnine

This article would have been incomplete without mentioning a powerful tool like Tabnine. It is trained on over two million GitHub files and supports 20 programming languages. It looks for patterns in the training data set that may be used to predict the next "token". The use of tabnine speeds up development and helps get eliminate those annoying errors that keep popping up in your code.

Always keep in mind that adding too many plugins to your IDE won't actually speed up your process. Instead, it can substantially reduce the speed of your Android Studio. As a last recommendation, I'd advise choosing a handful of these plugins and experimenting with it and integrating them during your regular work. And continue with it only after noticeable improvement.

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Top comments (4)

sridhar_maskeri profile image
Sridhar Maskeri

Thank you!!😄 This is really helpful!🙌

ramanand profile image
Ramanand Thakur

Glad you found it useful 😊

varshithvhegde profile image
Varshith V Hegde

I needed that Tabnine plugin

varshithvhegde profile image
Varshith V Hegde

wow These plugins are really great