I have previously shared my path to building Laminar, a library for building reactive user interfaces with Scala.js:

My Four Year Quest For Perfect Scala.js UI Development
Nikita Gazarov ・ Mar 19 '20 ・ 8 min read
I've now recorded a comprehensive video introduction to Laminar. I tried my best to make the core ideas accessible to a broad audience including both Scala and Javascript developers while keeping the video at a reasonable...ish length.
The video covers:
- Basic structure and examples of Laminar components
- Core ideas and principles behind Laminar
- Benefits and challenges of FRP / observables
- Comparison with React and virtual DOM
- Integration with React and Web Components
Check it out if you're interested in typesafe UI development, are looking for something better or simpler (for a certain definition of the word) than React, or if you're just curious about non-traditional UI architectures.
Top comments (2)
Nikita, many thanks for your effort! Much appreciated. As a former JS/TS developer, I am starting a new educational LMS project. However, I am really tired of JS frameworks like React. Thought, maybe Scala.js + something could be a choice this time, because I like Scala as a language with its richness and expressivity.
Could you comment about Laminar? What are your plans regarding this framework/library, are you working on it, is there any active community?
i’m glad this its pure FRP and native Scala.js