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Built my First Side Project

Hello, I'm Rayid, a frontend web developer with a passion for creating tools that solve real-world problems. Today, I'm very excited to introduce my first side project – an Image Color Picker web app.

The Problem: Ever stumbled upon an eye-catching website and wished you could capture and use those captivating colors in your own projects? I certainly have, and that's what led me to develop this tool. I wanted a tool that could efficiently extract colors from images and save them for later use.

The Solution: To overcome the above problem I built Color Picker – a web app built with React and Tailwind, powered by Firebase on the backend. This tool allows users to extract colors from images using an eyedropper, offering multiple formats for easy use. Users can effortlessly save, share, and export their colors. Moreover, this tool automatically names color codes so you can easily implement them into your code.

You can checkout my webapp here:

I'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences with the tool. Happy coloring!

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