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Why I started to learn coding as a teacher

Finished my first text adventure in Python today! Not a huge project, but I got it done after quite some practice at Codecadamy. I started to work on the course Computer Science a few weeks ago, in my free time. In my first life, I am a teacher for History and English for grades 5-13. In this post I would like to write about the decision to pursue this new path - and what I hope to accomplish.

The digital world never was part of the curriculum at university or later at school. At the same time, it has become an integral part of the children's (and also mine) life. To know how to navigate and even to manipulate it is now more important than ever - especially if one want to be successful in the workplace.

So right now, coding is a way for me to be a better, a modern teacher - and to help my students to navigate this world better. Can't wait to see what it has in store for me, too!

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