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Ruben Arushanyan for Redux Cool

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Redux-Cool Philosophy

In this article, I am talking about the main problems which we usually face when we use Redux in complex projects. I will also talk about the new Redux-Cool library, with the help of which we can solve those problems. I'm convinced that many developers using Redux need a similar article.


As we know Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript apps. Below you can find the architecture of Redux.
redux architecture diagram
As can be seen from the diagram above, we have a store where our state data is stored, and if we want to change something in the state, we must create an action object which will contain all the information on how we need to change the state. Afterward, we need to dispatch the action object to the reducer. The reducer must receive the action object and based on that it will figure out what to change and how to make that change. This is how the state management works in Redux. Redux as a state management concept is really good because it is predictable - we are not changing the state directly.

As we have already mentioned, Redux is very good as a state management concept, however, when we try to realize it in real and complex projects, we encounter numerous problems and headaches which is why many developers refuse to use Redux.

ReduxToolkit tried to solve these problems but with no result.

I created the Redux Cool to solve all of these problems.


Below are the main problems which we usually face when we use Redux in complex projects.

Problem 1: Confusion and Boredom

In many projects that have various features, there are many cases when it is required to change the state during some actions. We have to create a new action type every single time, to add an action handler for that in reducer, every time we have to import the appropriate action creator, create action and dispatch it. This is quite a boring process. Besides, we have many action creators and action handlers, which are just written one under another and not grouped in logical and visual form.


In Redux Cool, the reducers are created with the help of a reducer tree - the reducer tree is a nested javascript object in which action-handler functions are defined. Each action-handler has its logical place in the reducer tree. The hierarchical order of action-handlers enables us to define reducer-logic in a grouped and visual form.

Besides, in Redux Cool, we don't have a separate action creator function for each action, instead, we have one actionsCreator action producer with which we can create any action object in dynamic and inline ways.

See details:

Problem 2: Define a Single Action In Multiple Reducers

In complex projects, we are usually splitting our reducer functions into separate reducer functions, each managing independent parts of the state. Then, using the combineReducers function of Redux, we are combining it creating one general reducer function. Very often, there is a need to have specific types of actions, which we would like to apply simultaneously to all reducers or to specific reducers. For example, when we have LOGOUT action and during that action, we want to erase all the account-specific data that exists in our Redux state.


The actions have Global and Local contexts in Redux Cool. The actions with Global context can be applied to various Reducers.

See details:

Problem 3: Actions With Callback capability

Usually, when we are using Redux Middlewares for side effects(e.g. redux-saga), there is a need to have actions with Callback capability.


In Redux Cool, all the actions have Callback capability - by default, it is an identity function(x => x) but we can pass any callback function during the creation of action.

See details:

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