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refaat Al Ktifan
refaat Al Ktifan

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0–5 NestJS Hunter: Slaying Complexity in Node.js with TypeScript.

Modules and decorators are fundamental concepts in NestJS that contribute to its modular architecture, helping you create well-structured and maintainable applications.

  • Modules: In NestJS, a module is a class annotated with the @Module() decorator, responsible for organizing application components such as controllers, providers, and other modules. By grouping related components together, modules make it easier to manage large applications and promote code reusability.

A typical NestJS module looks like this:

    import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
    import { CatsController } from './cats.controller';
    import { CatsService } from './cats.service';

      controllers: [CatsController],
      providers: [CatsService],
    export class CatsModule {}
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  • Decorators: Decorators are a TypeScript feature that allows you to add metadata to classes, properties, and methods. In NestJS, decorators are used extensively to enhance classes and provide additional information to the framework. Some common decorators in NestJS include @Controller(), @Get(), @post(), and @Inject().

For instance, a basic NestJS controller using decorators could look like this:

    import { Controller, Get } from '@nestjs/common';

    export class CatsController {
      findAll() {
        return 'This action returns all cats.';
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The @Controller('cats') decorator marks the CatsController class as a controller and associates it with the 'cats' route. The @Get() decorator is applied to the findAll method, indicating that it should handle HTTP GET requests.

By leveraging modules and decorators, NestJS enforces a clean, modular structure for your application, making it easier to manage, extend, and maintain.

Now, let’s explore a crucial aspect of NestJS: dependency injection. Can you explain how dependency injection works in NestJS and how it helps with decoupling and testing?

to be continued

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