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Jiří Rejman
Jiří Rejman

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JavaScript learning resources

Javascript learning resources

This article is a compilation of resources I would use again while learning a node.js or react. It contains everything from free articles, paid courses to books. There are not sorted in any particular order.

33 JS concepts

What is great about this collection is that it sums up all the things that you should be at least familiar with while using JavaScript. I would focus mostly on the understanding call stack, function scope, block scope, lexical scope, Message Queue, and Event loop, closures, map, reduce filter.

Node best practices

Another git collection. This time of best NodeJS practices. I cannot say that I agree with everything on 100% but it is a great starting point when you try to do your next project the right way.

Frontend masters

This is an awesome company producing awesome content. The price is a little higher than usual but it is worth every penny. The courses are recorded lections from practitioners and the quality of content is high. I would recommend courses from Kyle Simpson, Scott Moss, and Brian Londsdorf, but in the end, I did not encountered a bad course so pick what you are interested in.

You don't know JavaScript

If you want to go deep in JavaScript this is a go-to source for me. What I like about this series is that id does not leave out the quirky parts of JavaScript (looking at you JavaScript the good parts!) but forces you to understand them. Kyle Simpson has the unusual talent to describe difficult topics approachable.

Functional light JS

Another book by Kyle Simpson. This time introduction to functional programming focusing on the important topics that you can apply immediately. I recommend pairing this book with his course on the same topic from frontend masters.

The road to React

I learned to react to this eBook. I remember it was a really good introduction. I build some basic react app alongside this book as a reference source.


Epic react dev

If I would like to go deeper in React or need to refresh it I would grab the epic react dev from Kent C. Dodds. I received a pretty good impression from everyone who bought the course, even senior react devs so this would be the choice for me.

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Top comments (7)

sanjaya007 profile image
Sanjaya Paudel

On the start of JavaScript, begin with w3schools.

rejmank1 profile image
Jiří Rejman

Thank you for your contribution. I did not have total newcomers in mind. More of someone trying to switch languages or deepening their knowledge in JS. So if you have more resources for even less experienced programmers feel free to share them.

sanjaya007 profile image
Sanjaya Paudel

Ok !!
Now, i need some resources to learn MERN stack. I am new on React and MongoDB. Share me some stuffs if you have . . . .
Thank You !!

Thread Thread
rejmank1 profile image
Jiří Rejman

I personally learned the MERN stack from get programming with nodeJS from manning.

michelledev3 profile image

thanks for the post jiri

frontendengineer profile image
Let's Code

Hi Jiri, I just launched a youtube channel targetting beginners too. I can prolly do a shameless plug if you don't mind :)

alguercode profile image
alguerocode • Edited

this website is useful for this topic:
is great resource collection for javascript