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What is DevOps

What is a Devops?

  • DevOps integrates developers and operations teams in order to improve collaboration and productivity by automating infrastructure, automating workflows and continuously measuring application performance.

What it's focus on?

  1. Especially Automation(automate code testing workflows, infrastructure and everything)

  2. To split Big software into small chunks; which are integrated, tested monitored and deployed usually in hours.

  3. It is more efficient compare to traditional way of writing large chunks of software over weeks or months to do testing.
    Moreover they will have an identical development and production environments based on the same configurations.

  4. Writing small chunks of code will allow to increase frequency of deployments and improve the time to deploy new codes.

  5. It also enables them to adopt an iterative process to monitor, measure and improve the code and operations everyday.

  6. It improve the ability to respond to market needs, or other things that impact software

  7. This would implement to adopt a discipline of application performance monitoring and optimization in almost real-time.

Traditional Way

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